Evil Bikes Partner With Defcon Cycles


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<div id="newsimgdiv"></div><p>Online sales and bike shops often appear to be fighting each other to death, but could there be a peaceful middle ground? <a class="read-more" href="http://flowmountainbike.com/post-all/evil-bikes-partner-with-defcon-cycles/">Read more</a></p>
There is one bloke on facebook saying he ordered a 2018 Rune just last week and was asked to pay in full for secure the bike, which he did
There is one bloke on facebook saying he ordered a 2018 Rune just last week and was asked to pay in full for secure the bike, which he did

Hope he has already got the bike.

The sad reality is that some (only some) of these places will knowing sell you stuff they dont have, knowing well that the place is only days (day in my case) from closing the doors.

10yrs ago I bought a bedroom suite from a well known furniture place here in SA and paid 50% up front, the next day I drove past and it had closed all over it... completely uncontactable. I thought my cash was a goner but got a phone call the next day saying it was luckily bought out by another well known SA furniture/electrical chain and they were filling all orders as placed.
Jesus. I dodged a bullet here.... Only got my rune frame a few weeks ago after a longer than anticipated wait and asking for the second half of the payment well before the frame had arrived in aus. (As was our arrangement) To be fair i wanted to throw more money at defcon for an elevensix shock and stu said that unfortunately they no longer deal with push. He could have easily taken my cash.

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Let's not start the same feeding frenzy going on on Facebook at present.
This is an ugly business and it really sucks that some people have potentially lost money and been stuffed around.
In this situation I need to separate the man from the business. I guess trying to save the business he built from nothing so many years ago, Stu dug himself deeper and deeper into the crap. These problems didn't arise from Stu living an extravagant life of riches and overseas holidays. There's no overseas bank account with a stash of hidden millions. Small fibs to hide other fibs...and so on and so on.
There are legal and business decisions he'll have to address in the future...none of it will be pretty.

As far as the man is concerned...I've known Stu for well over 10 years. I love him like a brother and I know he is hurting beyond anything we can comprehend. He is potentially losing his business, his home and so much more.
He has f*&ked up but it doesn't erase the awesome times we've shared, the laughs we've had and at times, the amazing service many of us have received. What he's done is stupid and foolish... not Evil (sorry couldn't resist).

Hope he has already got the bike.

The sad reality is that some (only some) of these places will knowing sell you stuff they dont have, knowing well that the place is only days (day in my case) from closing the doors.

No bike. Got told there was a 3 week wait and that he had to pay in full to secure the order. So he's out of pocket whatever a 2018 rune costs
Let's not start the same feeding frenzy going on on Facebook at present.
This is an ugly business and it really sucks that some people have potentially lost money and been stuffed around.
In this situation I need to separate the man from the business. I guess trying to save the business he built from nothing so many years ago, Stu dug himself deeper and deeper into the crap. These problems didn't arise from Stu living an extravagant life of riches and overseas holidays. There's no overseas bank account with a stash of hidden millions. Small fibs to hide other fibs...and so on and so on.
There are legal and business decisions he'll have to address in the future...none of it will be pretty.

As far as the man is concerned...I've known Stu for well over 10 years. I love him like a brother and I know he is hurting beyond anything we can comprehend. He is potentially losing his business, his home and so much more.
He has f*&ked up but it doesn't erase the awesome times we've shared, the laughs we've had and at times, the amazing service many of us have received. What he's done is stupid and foolish... not Evil (sorry couldn't resist).

It can all happen very quickly but I'm not sure anything excuses insisting on full payment to secure an order you're not sure you can fulfill?
Wow, this is a surprise. Would explain why I didn't get a reply to an email last week. Never bought a bike from him but he has helped me out a couple of times.

Shithouse state of affairs and all too common nowadays.
Sad. Hopefully he's ok and makes it out of this message better than ever.

It's not hard to make bad business decisions that end up resulting in this, hopefully it wasn't anything too silly and he learns an easy lesson rather than a hard one.

I've bought a fair bit of stuff off him over the years and his service was always top notch and prices were always excellent.
It can all happen very quickly but I'm not sure anything excuses insisting on full payment to secure an order you're not sure you can fulfill?

You can go from "just keeping afloat" to suddenly under if your account is badly enough overdue, or if your line of credit suddenly gets stopped...
So for Evil owners, who do they deal with now in tertms of parts, warranty etc? The notorious Americans?
You can go from "just keeping afloat" to suddenly under if your account is badly enough overdue, or if your line of credit suddenly gets stopped...
It only takes one creditor that's owed enough to pull the pin. My point though, was that Defcon would have known how close to the wind they were sailing. Stu should have gone into voluntary administration as a starting point to sort things out.

It's only natural to try and push through bad times with the belief that you can turn things around but when you have to change a long time practice, such as asking for full payment to secure an order instead of a deposit, you should have the presence of mind to make the hard call on your business.

Hindsight is 20/20 as they say....