fullys at skatepark, Australia says no!


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Whatever floats your boat. What ever happened to "run what ya brung"? I've ridden my dual suspension 4x bike at a skate park, I've also ridden my DH bike on a 4X track. It's all about having a good time and not giving a shit about what's the latest fad. This sounds like another version of "no MTBs at the DJs" or "no BMXs at the skate park" etc kind of crap. Who gives a shit what other crew are riding, as long as they ride respectfully good on them. At least they're riding and not sitting around bitching and thinking they're a face.
I can get air over the coping in the halfpipe on my stinky, and ill wear my fullface if you like. Yes i prefer my hardtail, but saying duelies in a skate park arnt welcome or is stupid is just "ignent" (ignorent). As for fullfaces, id rather a fullface than nothing which is what most of the kiddies wear where i come from
Guys chill out, I just posted it cause I thought it was funny pic. Im not dissin anyone that does do this or saying this is wrong. And about the title, When I made it the thread, I seen one of those adds how it is like, " Violence against females, Australia says NO!", so yeah. But you have to admit (SP?) it isnt the best idea riding your fully rig at a skate park all geared up. but im not saying dont do it, feel free to do some " Urban Hucking" :p

sorry if you took this the wrong way


Likes Bikes and Dirt
I used to, its fun to fakee haha. Who drops in when you can drop the whole 1/4 pipe anyway? The little kids bloody love it haha. Before I had my stp I had some little squids commenting that I didn’t deserve my bike (dh rig) because I couldn’t dj it properly and couldn’t get much air. Hahahahahahaha.

if you don’t use your full amount of travel there’s something wrong! Try a lighter spring or let some air out of the shock. I get so freaking annoyed when little squids say "i could even bottom that out". Shocks and forks are made to bottom out, that’s why they do. Infact your meant to bottom out around 3 or more times in a dh run, if not your bike isn’t set up correctly. When i say bottom out i don’t mean a harsh, uncomfortable one like the pictures posted!