How much have you spent?


Likes Dirt
How much have you spent?!? Generally the question that gets repeated back at me when I tell them how much I have spent on my bike. Now I personally don't think it's that much at all. Not considering the fact I'm not finished buying bits and pieces, and I generally use it minimum 2-3 times a week.

I have spent maybe close to $5500.

How much have you spent on your much loved hobby?
What are the parameters of this game? On the one bike, or total fleet? Time frame?

Current MTB, about $800.
How long is a piece of string? Seriously, some of us have been riding bikes back into the dim past.

Easy answer though: less than the race car.
Started 3 years ago - 2 bikes, clothing, training aids, parts, race entries, accesories, bike services, upgrades

I'd say somewhere close to 6k - means im averaging about 2k per annum. Pretty cheap really for an obsession.

Its starting to get more expensive however....
Not too much, maybe $6-8k over the last 4 or 5 years.
I also fly (not often these days) RC Helicopters and that cost me close to $15k over about 4 years. I need a cheap hobby...

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Not going to count race entries and associated travel/accommodation.

Just bike and upgrade compontnents…

About $3,500.

Add in clothes for riding including helmet, shoes, specific shorts/t-shirt etc and maybe closer to $4,000 :noidea:
I'd like to think after spending that initial 5.5ish, spending will taper off and I will be happy with the bike and gear that I have. Don't get me wrong I love my bike the way it sits now. Maybe I just went about it differently to others and spent up big initially.

Otherwise at this rate it's about $6k a year hobby. :behindsofa:
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Like a couple of others here - A small fortune (to me anyway).. Around $30K in the last ten years :faint2:.. Tried all three wheel sizes, all in hardtail and dual suss. Current stable consists of 1 x 650b D/Suss 1 x 26" x 27.5"(frontend) Steel H/Tail 1 x 29er single speed Ally H/Tail + multiple other bikes (4) that I call 'the kids bikes' (but are all in my size) and I use to zap around the block for a quick arvo ride.. It's my hobby, my passion and an obsession.. Cheers :thumb:
I think it's only fair to count current assets calculated at 'new' value.

Me: $2000+ $2800 + $1200 (add another $300 to complete build) and probably add another $1500 for various bits and pieces, spares and jerseys etc.

It seems like a lot, but the way I see it here are the offsets:
- $1000 per year: 80% gym reduced - moved from full membership to casual
- $1000 per year: reduced alcohol consumption the night before
- $500 per year: Partially offsets public transport trips
- $500 per year: partially offsets some short trips - they are the really thirsty ones where your car does not even warm up
- $5000 per year: pretty much my main hobby which has replaced (or slowed) my other hobbies such as project car and photography

-$1,000,000. That's probably what youii thinks I save because I ride to work. :whistle:
Just over $20,000 in the last 10 years for bikes. Not too bad considering some of that has been recovered from re-selling them......right? :whistle:
Motorsport taught me NEVER add up what you have spent in the past unless you want to feel bad. The ONLY spend you need to focus on is the NEXT one.