Little Things You Hate

without all the back and forth between gina and netball, $15m probably stacks up pretty well as a business case for tourism given it includes major tournaments being sent to Vic. Maybe annoying as no-one seems to have learnt any lessons on what value they bring as sportsfolk. As for the AFL, why do they need a stadium costing the best part of a billion? Tas will likely become many peoples 2nd team but doesnt mean we're going to spend a fortunre to get down there to watch a game in a slightly nicer stadium

Todays annoyance - a customer who calls every now and then. Last time I told them their vpn credentials dont work anymore, chase a couple of times and get no response. Today its an urgent issue. Well guess what, the vpn hasnt fixed itself has it.
Yeah, I don't care about the Gina thing, I just think it should be private sponsored or cut back the sportsperson pay, male or female.
LTIH - Out having a really good ride, first one in weeks due to a fibromyalgia and costochondritis flare up that knocked me rotten (another LTIH) so was just going along nothing extraordinary but it was first time in months I’ve ridden at Gisborne, so was taking it easy due to a few changes. Anyway I noticed a little boardwalk looked different in the bottom of a creek bed, as I went to take the B line my foot caught a log right on the side of the trail just as I was rolling into the creek bed, so nearly ended up over the bars with my junk an inch away from the stem.
To make it worse the leg that hit the log is the one with my hip replacement, so it jarred it freaking hard, to add insult to injury I was only 800 meters from my car so the ride was just about done, now chest etc feels fine but my hip is absolutely killing me.
LTIH - forgetting my headphones for the train ride to work, to make it worse there’s a couple women who want everyone to hear their stories, fuck i need earplugs and I’m not moving because I like being near my bike.
FFS ones even in faux fur and sunglasses at 6:30 in the morning and another one is claiming she would be the biggest ho if she was young again to the young girl who must work with them. I will not be forgetting my earphones again :rolleyes:
LTIL - I’m back on the bike and not stuck in traffic, maybe stuck listening to them but beats being parked on the freeway.
LTIH - forgetting my headphones for the train ride to work, to make it worse there’s a couple women who want everyone to hear their stories, fuck i need earplugs and I’m not moving because I like being near my bike.
FFS ones even in faux fur and sunglasses at 6:30 in the morning and another one is claiming she would be the biggest ho if she was young again to the young girl who must work with them. I will not be forgetting my earphones again :rolleyes:
LTIL - I’m back on the bike and not stuck in traffic, maybe stuck listening to them but beats being parked on the freeway.
I feel your pain. I don't miss commuting on that train. Did they happen to embark at Melton? The interesting* ones always seemed to come from there.

*Interesting= loud, obnoxious, mouth breathing, etc
LTIH - forgetting my headphones for the train ride to work, to make it worse there’s a couple women who want everyone to hear their stories, fuck i need earplugs and I’m not moving because I like being near my bike.
FFS ones even in faux fur and sunglasses at 6:30 in the morning and another one is claiming she would be the biggest ho if she was young again to the young girl who must work with them. I will not be forgetting my earphones again :rolleyes:
LTIL - I’m back on the bike and not stuck in traffic, maybe stuck listening to them but beats being parked on the freeway.

LTIH - getting to work and finding my earphones in the bottom of my bag :rolleyes:
Okay what’s the point of having a Myki card if the conductor ask for you say no and they just walk off, seriously my daughter has been fined for having the wrong card as it was concession one she’s too old now.
But I’ve seen multiple times now they walk up and ask a bloke who says nah and they walk off and I know if I pulled that shit I would cop a fine.
Okay what’s the point of having a Myki card if the conductor ask for you say no and they just walk off, seriously my daughter has been fined for having the wrong card as it was concession one she’s too old now.
But I’ve seen multiple times now they walk up and ask a bloke who says nah and they walk off and I know if I pulled that shit I would cop a fine.
PT ticket enforcement in Melbourne has been pretty bad for years. Very aggressive and dim witted seems to be the main requirement for being hired.

As for the guns being displayed on platforms - very nasty Americanisation of things:(
PT ticket enforcement in Melbourne has been pretty bad for years. Very aggressive and dim witted seems to be the main requirement for being hired.

As for the guns being displayed on platforms - very nasty Americanisation of things:(
You're more of a concealed-carry type of guy? Smart.
I felt the police presence was a little excessive when I was last down there.

Its been bad for years... I once got hauled off and fined because coming up behind a tram stopped at Flinder St coming down Swanson I went right of the tram to the corner en route to crossing to the station on foot, dismounting as I did rather than weave through all the peeps getting off the left side of the tram. Quite sensible I thought... No, passing a tram is not allowed and they decided going to its right was the same thing....

Last time I was there I saw someone body slammed to the concrete floor for a ticket violation. Agro rent a cops nowadays taking out their frustration at being refused by the Police on spotty teenagers....
You're more of a concealed-carry type of guy? Smart.

He's a Taswegian now.

Friggen eBay drop-shippers.

Seller's location is listed as Mortlake, VIC.

Shipment details show obvious tell tales of international drop-shipping (ie: "Shipment details lodged" for an entire week), and all this week the parcel has been slow-boating across the state.

Seller sends me a "Dear friend, are you happy with your item?" at midnight last night, all written in German. :rolleyes:

I'd long ago given up selling stuff on there due to the hugely excessive fee-gouging (and bonus fees the more expensive the item is despite the fact it costs them no extra to list and they don't tell you there'll be extra costs due to it being a high-value item up front). Now it's barely worth buying stuff on there... It's both expensive and misleading.
LTIH - Pushys sending a tracking number linked to my order, I check it, not active yet, no worries, forget it and get on with things.
5 days later... I wonder what's happening with my order?.... fkg tracking # STILL not valid/active. WTF Auspost?!?!

Then I click on the hotlink to the tracking info, which gives a different tracking #, and the parcel is "pending"
I put in an online enquiry with Auspost, and get an immediate auto-reply saying "sorry, the parcel is lost, GTFO dickhead LOL" or words to that effect.
LTIH - Pushys sending a tracking number linked to my order, I check it, not active yet, no worries, forget it and get on with things.
5 days later... I wonder what's happening with my order?.... fkg tracking # STILL not valid/active. WTF Auspost?!?!

Then I click on the hotlink to the tracking info, which gives a different tracking #, and the parcel is "pending"
I put in an online enquiry with Auspost, and get an immediate auto-reply saying "sorry, the parcel is lost, GTFO dickhead LOL" or words to that effect.
Standard response these days, I hope you get your stuff.

LTIH - Pushys sending a tracking number linked to my order, I check it, not active yet, no worries, forget it and get on with things.
5 days later... I wonder what's happening with my order?.... fkg tracking # STILL not valid/active. WTF Auspost?!?!

Same, tracking is dead as a door nail. Pushys from 8 days ago.

LTIH - Pushys sending a tracking number linked to my order, I check it, not active yet, no worries, forget it and get on with things.
5 days later... I wonder what's happening with my order?.... fkg tracking # STILL not valid/active. WTF Auspost?!?!

Then I click on the hotlink to the tracking info, which gives a different tracking #, and the parcel is "pending"
I put in an online enquiry with Auspost, and get an immediate auto-reply saying "sorry, the parcel is lost, GTFO dickhead LOL" or words to that effect.
Cyber bullshit.