So, the pig awakes this morning to hear the talking heads on Vomitvision (Dear Sunrises Mel - you looked older than Kochy today!) to hear that Kim Kardashian is getting divorved after only 72 days after a "magical" wedding (f*cking so magical it only lasted 72 days!.... apparently this is NEWS. HOW THE FARK IS THIS NEWS
So, how are we all going to help even the keel of society today... today, we will explain why you need to de celelbrity-ize your life.
A few months ago, the pigs optics nerves carried some f*cking scary information into his massive cranial space.... he saw a "snooky", yes, that orange skinned tub-o-lard vacuous slut is concidered a celebrity (Oh, and f*ck off with the a,b and C grading celelbrities - they are all F grade... F for f*cked up the arse!)... so, using the intermaweb, the pig went to see just what that vacuous snooky kvnt had achieved for the planet...
solve cancer? fix world peace? get rid of f*cking Beiber ? Did the "snooky" do anything....
Fuck no.. that's why she is concidered a "celebrity".... because celebrity is a label that is attached to vacuous worthless pieces of rotting goat placenta... George Clooney is the exception, he's more sheep uterus than goat placenta.
So, its sorted, if your being referred to a "celebrity" (oh, that includes you bradulina) then, your time on this planet is rapidly coming to a close. Once the pig ascends (oh, he will ascend) to a position of power (probably not missionary position) then anyone who was labelled a celebrity by Mell and Cocky (oops, Kochy) will be immediately converted into coal gas (what ever the f*ck that shit is, sounds like a fitting end to a 'celebrity' - maybe we can inhale the coal gas and die)
Does you better half (or you?) buy those "womans mags" that extoll the "virtues" of kvntish celebrities? Well, sorry, they have to learn that those mags are extremely poisonous.. so, from now on, carry a small cannister of nerve gas to administer to anyone reading a celebrity wank fest magazine.. Oh, and not a magazine soaked in celebrity, that would be awesome to see the inner workings of Paris Hilton smeared over a page...that thought makes the pig smile that does.
Seeing as Kim Kardashian is filing for divorce, after only 72 days, can you not f*cking well see that these kvnts are just fake as the Dior glasses on the fat skank you call a girl friend (she's only f*cking you because you've got foxtel)... and that getting anal warts from being raped by an angry alpha male of a completely different species to the one you think you belong too, would be f*cking awesome compared to accidently hearing "kim kardashian's" name sqwarked over the TV by some "celebrity" reporter....
Oh, and just for shits and giggles... lets focus on those f*ckng kvnts "celebrity reporters" or "paparrazzi". Both of these groups live off the collective f*cking stupidity of humanity. If there wasn't a full bucket of stupid sheople calling out for more "information" about why Brad Pit wouldn't let loose a load of steamy creamy brad pit baby batter inside of Jennifer Aniston's hot twat and how Jennifer Anniston has made a wax brad from old tampons and half melted candles. Then, there would no magazines offering this shit up... so, the next person you see 'reading' one of these magazines, your staring at the demise of f*cking society. deploy nerve gas, on the reader of the magazine, and give yourself a quick snifter too while your there.
or if there's no one else around you at the moment - beat yourself a little.... just a little mind you
Idiocracy wasn't supposed to be a prequal to reality.