Norco Maniac
Is back!
Yeah, who's calling Violet OLD??? .... *runs awaaaayyyyy!!* nthego:
you're only as old as the *ahem* bike you're riding....
Yeah, who's calling Violet OLD??? .... *runs awaaaayyyyy!!* nthego:
a low intelligence level.
realizing that you're not as angry bitter old man compared to other people on this forum
Bogan Rant...
I wonder if he's mates with Bianca7?
you're only as old as the *ahem* bike you're riding....
If I don't get our of here soon I fear I may start watching Friday night football and getting a Southern Cross tatt.
So many first world problems..
THIS rant. It just makes you look like a *cough*.
who says i'm an old man?
Yeah, who's calling Violet OLD??? .... *runs awaaaayyyyy!!* nthego:
Anyhoo. Yeah, pointing out that everybody else's little whinges on the internet are nothing more then 'little whinges' doesn't make you fucking Ghandi. It just makes you look like a cunt.
That's a bit harsh mate.
Did you forget it's the 'little things' you hate thread?
You know? Like when you drop your toast and it lands buttered side down? Most first world problems are little things.
It's not meant to be a place for people to come and create a mound of moral high ground to stand on top of and be 'fucking Ghandi'.
Prius drivers.