Little Things You Hate

I had two successive leaks in the water main to my property. Fortunately, it was only for around a week before it was noticed each time, but digging up the yard was a pain in the arse. Then of course was a big water bill a few months later.
Pretty shit that no one let you know.
Or they could even have just turned it off at the meter... Its obviously a vacant block and has had zero usages charges for years. Am wondering why the fuck i didnt turn it off at the meter myself...

Mum is going into town today, so hopefully I can get her to turn it off at the meter and I'll find a fix the leak myself later this year when I'm next up there.
Possibly posted this before, but a few years ago my brother was busily cutting through a fallen tree branch across a road in front of banked up cars in Canberra when the police approached and asked him what he was doing.

To which he replied "cutting this branch in half so I can go home".

Officer "where did you get an axe from?"

Brother "The boot of my car"

Officer "Why do you have an axe in your car?"

Brother "Isn't it obvious...?"
When I worked as a mechanic I used to find all types of weird shit in people's cars, most builders used to carry some type of wooden batten or machete in their cars.

There was this young bloke who was a bit odd, another customer brought him to us after he got stitched by another mechanic. His father was a scientist who was killed in a helicopter accident and this was his only child who inherited life insurance. The life insurance was drip fed to this bloke until he reached 25. Opened his car boot to change a spare tyre one day and he had a sawn off shotgun in there.
If you use weather apps on your phone, have you noticed there's more weather warnings in the last year? I was told by some staff of insurance companies that attempts were made to sue weather prediction outlets after people in flood effected areas over the last few years claimed these weather alerts didn't give them enough of a warning to prepare......................... That's why you're now getting 100 more notifications for even a slight change in the wind.
Yesterday in sunny Coffs Harbour we were forecast for 40% chance of rain in the evening and maaaaaaaaaybe a severe storm; 20% chance. I walk or ride to & from work so I look at the weather a bit. Yesty looked fine to walk home at 5.30pm (40 minute walk). At 4pm the place went dark, it absolutely bucketed down and we had big hail. An electrical storm followed for the next hour. Earlier that day I got a weather alert saying the wind was picking up on the water but not a single thing about an actual belter of a storm. Once the heavy stuff have subsided, a bunch of workers got together and sent emails to their insurer's saying their cars were damaged and need to be written off. One of them was even throwing handfuls of 20mm blue metal at his car that was undercover the whole time without a drop of rain on it trying to take advantage of (in his words) "the new payout you can get because of all the hail lately". The smug fuck thought he was so clever...................................
He comes in today missing that perky pep he had in his step yesty. He's told another guy that his insurer notified him last night that there is no cover for hail damage in his policy. He's mangled the paint on his pretty decent car and put dents all over it trying to impress people with his big talk. A newer employee that worked as a panel beater told him the dents have points in the panels now, he's exposed the bare metal and the dents can't be popped out. He needs a new bonnet and front quarter panel more than likely won't pass rego that's due in 3 weeks..

Karma is a powerful thing my friends. Tackle it head on at your peril. I laughed at him, said sucked in for being a dishonest prick. What a jerk.
If you use weather apps on your phone, have you noticed there's more weather warnings in the last year? I was told by some staff of insurance companies that attempts were made to sue weather prediction outlets after people in flood effected areas over the last few years claimed these weather alerts didn't give them enough of a warning to prepare......................... That's why you're now getting 100 more notifications for even a slight change in the wind.
Yesterday in sunny Coffs Harbour we were forecast for 40% chance of rain in the evening and maaaaaaaaaybe a severe storm; 20% chance. I walk or ride to & from work so I look at the weather a bit. Yesty looked fine to walk home at 5.30pm (40 minute walk). At 4pm the place went dark, it absolutely bucketed down and we had big hail. An electrical storm followed for the next hour. Earlier that day I got a weather alert saying the wind was picking up on the water but not a single thing about an actual belter of a storm. Once the heavy stuff have subsided, a bunch of workers got together and sent emails to their insurer's saying their cars were damaged and need to be written off. One of them was even throwing handfuls of 20mm blue metal at his car that was undercover the whole time without a drop of rain on it trying to take advantage of (in his words) "the new payout you can get because of all the hail lately". The smug fuck thought he was so clever...................................
He comes in today missing that perky pep he had in his step yesty. He's told another guy that his insurer notified him last night that there is no cover for hail damage in his policy. He's mangled the paint on his pretty decent car and put dents all over it trying to impress people with his big talk. A newer employee that worked as a panel beater told him the dents have points in the panels now, he's exposed the bare metal and the dents can't be popped out. He needs a new bonnet and front quarter panel more than likely won't pass rego that's due in 3 weeks..

Karma is a powerful thing my friends. Tackle it head on at your peril. I laughed at him, said sucked in for being a dishonest prick. What a jerk.
That kind of both a LTIH and a LTIL.

:mad: Hate people faking insurance claims as it only makes it more expensive for everyone.
:pLove the karma in this situation.
If you use weather apps on your phone, have you noticed there's more weather warnings in the last year? I was told by some staff of insurance companies that attempts were made to sue weather prediction outlets after people in flood effected areas over the last few years claimed these weather alerts didn't give them enough of a warning to prepare......................... That's why you're now getting 100 more notifications for even a slight change in the wind.
Yesterday in sunny Coffs Harbour we were forecast for 40% chance of rain in the evening and maaaaaaaaaybe a severe storm; 20% chance. I walk or ride to & from work so I look at the weather a bit. Yesty looked fine to walk home at 5.30pm (40 minute walk). At 4pm the place went dark, it absolutely bucketed down and we had big hail. An electrical storm followed for the next hour. Earlier that day I got a weather alert saying the wind was picking up on the water but not a single thing about an actual belter of a storm. Once the heavy stuff have subsided, a bunch of workers got together and sent emails to their insurer's saying their cars were damaged and need to be written off. One of them was even throwing handfuls of 20mm blue metal at his car that was undercover the whole time without a drop of rain on it trying to take advantage of (in his words) "the new payout you can get because of all the hail lately". The smug fuck thought he was so clever...................................
He comes in today missing that perky pep he had in his step yesty. He's told another guy that his insurer notified him last night that there is no cover for hail damage in his policy. He's mangled the paint on his pretty decent car and put dents all over it trying to impress people with his big talk. A newer employee that worked as a panel beater told him the dents have points in the panels now, he's exposed the bare metal and the dents can't be popped out. He needs a new bonnet and front quarter panel more than likely won't pass rego that's due in 3 weeks..

Karma is a powerful thing my friends. Tackle it head on at your peril. I laughed at him, said sucked in for being a dishonest prick. What a jerk.

Yeah flood warning up here for 9mm of rain. Wtf?

Update: King tide.
That kind of both a LTIH and a LTIL.

:mad: Hate people faking insurance claims as it only makes it more expensive for everyone.
:pLove the karma in this situation.
Many, many years ago there was a major hailstorm in Kyneton which wrote off many cars, now this is back when you had to meet face to face to make a claim etc.

Story goes a local bloke had parked his car in the shed that day and missed out on having his car written off, so he decided to a golf ball in a sock and take out his anger on the car. He put in his claim and had it approved by the insurance agent, he then left the office to go to the local credit union.
Now this guy couldn’t keep his mouth shut and was bragging to a friend in the queue at the credit union feeling quite chuffed about what he had achieved, until he got a tap on the shoulder, when he turned around it was the guy from the insurance company who had come in to do he’s own banking. From memory it even made the local paper but back then it didn’t take much to make the paper.
I have to be careful what I say but let the law be carried out diligently and without prejudice.
Losing my edge driving in the city.

Admittedly the Hilux isn't the sharpest from a standing start, but if I hit the gaps I used to take turning across traffic, I would have been back 10 minutes earlier!
Losing my edge driving in the city.

Admittedly the Hilux isn't the sharpest from a standing start, but if I hit the gaps I used to take turning across traffic, I would have been back 10 minutes earlier!
I think it's your hair. An off camber bun screws with your spatial awareness.
Minor first world problems grumble. Was thinking of Blue Mountaisn visit tomorrow but they are doing a hazard reduction burn at Glenbrook now.
A big smoky plume is west now and the forecast is for smoky air mostly west and around the mountains tomorrow, Could be no-go for most local blats if the forecast becomes true.

I can live with that but on top of it, the NPWS in all of their wisdom have decided to close the park for a few months and bitumen-ify the remaining firetrails. They were planning on closing Glenbrook on Monday, but wait a minute, they planned the burn just before the closure effectively bumping the closure time ahead for another weekend.

I guess I'm old fashioned in that fire trails DO NOT need bitumen.

Fuck the NPWS! Every member of that cretin club.
Minor first world problems grumble. Was thinking of Blue Mountaisn visit tomorrow but they are doing a hazard reduction burn at Glenbrook now.
A big smoky plume is west now and the forecast is for smoky air mostly west and around the mountains tomorrow, Could be no-go for most local blats if the forecast becomes true.

I can live with that but on top of it, the NPWS in all of their wisdom have decided to close the park for a few months and bitumen-ify the remaining firetrails. They were planning on closing Glenbrook on Monday, but wait a minute, they planned the burn just before the closure effectively bumping the closure time ahead for another weekend.

I guess I'm old fashioned in that fire trails DO NOT need bitumen.

Fuck the NPWS! Every member of that cretin club.
Either NPWS or RFS has the funding to undertake all-weather access upgrades to the fire trail.