Little Things You Love

pink poodle

^ I love seeing bike racks outside cafes! Even better when they are used. We got some installed at my primary work due to the never of cyclists coming in. Almost none of them use it! Still lean their bikes on the windows. The boss asked if I could put my bike out there a bit as a role model...the racks are about 2m from where my pivot was stolen! The heart ache is still too real...


call me Mia
Surprised the cops were there so quick, they must have seen it.

Hopefully they charged that dick with assault as well.
Yeah....but even though girl was in the right....she could have easily avoided that instead of holding her ground. There’s a thing called defensive driving that seemingly no one understands. Right doesn’t equal might.

It’s Sturt Street ballarat. Bogan central. The boys in blue are always there :p