Little Things You Love

pink poodle

How did that guy ever become a celebrity? He should've been stuck in a suburban ITP franchise chugging out loosers' tax returns.

pink poodle

I didn't realise you were so passionate about Fly fishing, man after my own heart!
fucking E-fishermen, ruining the sport!
I'm not really. I've got a fly set up somewhere but as awesome as it looks, it isn't for me.

Lots of rain yesterday and today. Went to the nsw art gallery yesterday to escape the wet oppression. It was a good day out.

The struggle is real.


pink poodle

No invite?!
Or was it a bring your own car deal?
Car? I rode in the quiet car ot the train, does that count? I guess not as it was full of fuckwits that don't understand what a quiet carriage is. Why would you think your infant wants to sit in such a space? Just take the extra 11 steps to all those empty seats in the not quiet carriage...Was a busy morning for the ticket inspectors with lots of fines being handled out. I decided to play some mind games with them when they asked to see you ticket. I gave the dude my bank card, knowing that it was not what I had tapped on with. He pretended it was all good rather than tell me it wasn't. Ha!

what is it, wanna sell it?
Its an old Abu set up, wouldn't be worth anything to sell and was a gift on my 21st. A few years ago I was tempted to use it for a black fish set up. Then I decided I wasn't old enough to fish for them yet.

Also love a trip to an Asian grocery store when I'm in the big crazy city! Sure there are a few around here but they tend to be shit. This was the always unusual can of creme caramel, or pudding as it is called in Japan. It is sweet and delicious but also chunks...wierd freaking chunks.

