New Helmet time - Mips or no Mpis

everywhere but my head...
Can relate....but it's my ears, nose and eyebrows cop daily criticism at my place.

I busted my c7 about 20 years ago after a head first on the MTB over a small, slow speed drop. No way of knowing if MIPs would have helped or not. Probably not in this case given the direct pile driver impact, but definitely better than NO helmet...cough @safreek cough.
I've no comfort or noise issues with my MIPS Bontrager... it fits my head great, and is all good... but I'm probably, ok definitely, not as rad to the power of max as youse. But I'm pretty confident the attached photo would never have happened, if I'd been MIPS equipped at the time.

Here's a pic that might give you a laugh... this was a long time ago now, back when my two youngest were precocious teens, and clearly very worried about my fractured skull, broken/dislocated finger, hyper extended torn neck muscles, ruptured supraspinatus, torn rotator cuff and contusion city... not to mention my buggered Mariner.

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It's really all about the instagram... the younger one is clearly perfecting her 'duckface" look. ;)
Also, what the heck is a Mariner? a motorbike?
Can relate....but it's my ears, nose and eyebrows cop daily criticism at my place.

I busted my c7 about 20 years ago after a head first on the MTB over a small, slow speed drop. No way of knowing if MIPs would have helped or not. Probably not in this case given the direct pile driver impact, but definitely better than NO helmet...cough @safreek cough.
Hey, stop picking on me. I own a helmet, they stop the real injuries in magpie season
You should not be too concerned if the helmet meets MIPS unless you love riding in a circular motion. Since I heard of several road crashes, it is best to avoid buying MIPS helmets.
How so? Where's the Pauline gif??
You should not be too concerned if the helmet meets MIPS unless you love riding in a circular motion. Since I heard of several road crashes, it is best to avoid buying MIPS helmets.
I saw several road crashes on the TV news, is that why I need to avoid MIPS bike helmets?

Also, the cranks on a bike do move in a circular motion, so, I think I do need to be concerned about MIPS.

I would prefer the helmet HAS MIPS rather than having some plan to 'meet' MIPS.
Ate shit on one of the big jumps at Bare Creek Saturday Arvo. Boosted a steep step up/down just as a cross gust hit me. Was way high and took 1 foot off and over, to gain some balance to take the initial hit on 2 wheels, then i was up to the mercy of the ragdoll gods.
Had a Bell 4forty mips. Head slammed so hard i had whiplash, four corners of my neck were locked over the next days, and just a grade 1 separated shoulder, and a shredded back.
I was the only one hitting the line whilst i was there, so always a bunch watching each time. Remember one kid yelling “save it” Haha.
Point being i got up straight away.. gravel falling out of my helmet and shirt, asked if it was clear to walk across the other landers to the path, checked myself over and slowly got myself back in the game... wasnt going home losing out to the wind gust. Was pretty rattled and did the smaller lines and went back to the bigger one. Also didnt want to stop as i knew once i cooled down i was fucked.
As the pics show, that helmet took a big direct hit then some other tumbling hits. Buying another 4forty Bell


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I completely disagree. My Giro Montaro is probably the most comfortable open face helmet I've ever had. I do agree that not all the Giro MIPS helmets are comfy, but when I've compared MIPS vs non-MIPS versions of the same helmet, the MIPS version has always felt better. I guess the thing to remember is every helmet brand/model fits differently, so having MIPS isn't going to magically make it perfect for your head. Try on some options and see what works best.

It wierd, I had a Giro Xar..Xen...soemthing, loved it, but it was time to replace so got a Montero and hated it, it just seemed to perch on my head an wobble around, nothing i did made it comfy, thought it ws the MIPS. Got Bell on sale with MIPS and it is fantastic, the Montero is now my emergency backup helmet after the Bell and Kask. Surprised me as i figurex the Xar adn Motero would fit the similar and then the Bell would too being the same company, but apparently not.