NSW NPWS - Glenrock Plan of Management Updates **DRAFT ON EXHIBITION**


NSWMTB, Hunter MTB Association
The NPWS have extended the submission period until the 1st of June. Not much in the way of submissions for the DH side of things, so if you want the trails to stay (in their current form, or even some form) now is the time to speak up.


NSWMTB, Hunter MTB Association
It can be as simple as a few dot points about what you do and don't like about the POM. The link to the NPWS has a form where you can put your info to submit to them.

If your into DH, I would suggest you won't like the loss of the DH trails.
If your into XC, you'll be pretty happy with the formalisation and recognition of the northern trails, but maybe a bit unhappy about the loss of the south.

The earlier posts in this thread go through the specifics of the POM a bit more. There is also a lot more info on the Glenrock Trail Alliance Forum. there is a link in my signature to that one.