Plastic bags, climate change, renewable energy,

I hope that you green left commie SJWs do realise the massive down turn all your bleeding heart lies are causing to my share portfolio?

Woo! It’s working :) The whole climate change thing was indeed just a scam designed primarily to piss you off.

However, deniers have not given up their opposition to plans to curtail fossil fuel use and among their new tactics they have also tried to encourage “doomism”, as Mann put it. “This is the idea that we are now so late in the game [in tackling global warming] that there is nothing that we can do about the problem,” he added. “By promoting this doom and gloom attitude this leads people down a path of despair and hopelessness and finally inaction, which actually leads us to the same place as outright climate-change denialism.”

This is the new climate war, said Mann, and it is just as dangerous as the old one which focused on outright denial of the science. This new approach has a veneer of credibility, he added. It seems reasonable to many people. And that makes it, to some extent, even more dangerous, Mann concluded.

How the fuck we are going to solve this, I have no fucking idea.

We have the tools, we don’t have the will...
That man is not wearing a charcoal or black suit and blue tie, so yes. Damn right it's a scam. I should be on my mega yacht living the millionaire play boy life I deserve! And fuck the consequences...of which hthere isn't any.

life is so unfair... no one will believe me that Prince Haakon of Norway and I were swapped at birth and I am the true heir to the throne and that playboy lifestyle he had was really mine. Sigh :(
life is so unfair... no one will believe me that Prince Haakon of Norway and I were swapped at birth and I am the true heir to the throne and that playboy lifestyle he had was really mine. Sigh :(

If he had the life, then it has been lived...and you can relish in it as though you did. I have a prescription here that will help you feel like you did...
Deforestation has to be a significant contributing factor to drought, climate change, and desertification our country.
Deforestation has to be a significant contributing factor to drought, climate change, and desertification our country.
I always get confused by farmers approach to trees & forests. Many seemingly want to clear more land "because times are tough". It would be nice if someone could explain the cooling effect and water evaporation benefits (rain creation) from forests and actually convince them to start planting rather than clearing. I know farmers do it tough, but surely reforestation, and diversification into some plant-based crops as well as traditional grazing land for livestock is not only going to be financially and economically benficial in the come years, but outright necessary to help combat CC.

Of course this would require a vast rethink on government policy, such as stopping selling of water to private corporations, ensuring a reasonable percentage of product sale price at supermarkets actually makes it back to the farmer, and incentive schemes for revegetating previously cleared lands. So good luck with that... :(
Want to read a sponsored article load of complete fucking shit?

And more of its carbon emissions will be mitigated with "offsetting schemes" that either pull carbon out of the atmosphere or prevent it from being released.

In other words:

...and then magic happens - we're flying anyway motherfuckers!...

Big business is winning, the planet loses.

The Qantas pledge is firmly follows the baseline model.


Makes me ill.
Want to read a sponsored article load of complete fucking shit?

In other words:

Big business is winning, the planet loses.

The Qantas pledge is firmly follows the baseline model.


Makes me ill.

Yeah, the Packer influence on the SMH and The Age has kicked in hard. What is it, something like 90% of media now hard right conservative run? And more like 100% in regional areas.

And labour think they might win the next election... Ha.

I’m not a fan of biofuels, I still rate synthetic kerosene (ie turn renewable electricity into jet fuel) as the best bet. Will be wildly expensive at the start and for a while, but....
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I wonder what the social impacts of increased bush fires will be, we'll huddle in the big cities? Or will we live more in bush-fire proof houses resembling some kind of Tatooine-esque landscape?
I wonder what the social impacts of increased bush fires will be, we'll huddle in the big cities? Or will we live more in bush-fire proof houses resembling some kind of Tatooine-esque landscape?

Wont be all bad if we get those nifty hover car things...
I wonder what the social impacts of increased bush fires will be, we'll huddle in the big cities? Or will we live more in bush-fire proof houses resembling some kind of Tatooine-esque landscape?
We'll build a wall to keep the bushfires out and we'll make the poor pay for it.