Progress on Mt. Stromlo

demo man

Used to be cool.
The bridge/overpass on the DH track on Mt. Stromlo in Canberra is now nearing completion. There is still heavy machinery being used to re-align the DH track so that it goes over the bridge, but Glen and his team are back in town finishing the project. A huge props to CORC for managing to pull-together such a huge step forward for Mountain Biking in Australia.

A reminder that the DH tack is still very much CLOSED as there is still work underway and it would a big shame if one of the trail constructors were to be hit by a rider, the trail damaged, or worst of all the future of the complex put into jeopardy because of selfish riders. It will not be long until the entire facility is completely open for use.

Thanks to Darren for the pictures, and to CORC for doing all the work to create such a great facility for mountain biking.


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Yeah thanks for posting this. I'll be heading down there hopefully just after they finish work on it. Should be good :)


Likes Bikes
So it goes over the road at the bottom of the track right?
Where abouts is the 4x track in relation to the overpass?


Likes Dirt
The bridge crosses the very top fireroad. You go down the rock garden and then traverse across to the rock corner thinog. They you go around the closed drop and from there onto the bridge.


Likes Bikes
So it goes over the road at the bottom of the track right?
Where abouts is the 4x track in relation to the overpass?
The 4X track is right at the bottom of the hill just next to the parking lot. The overpass is maybe 1/3 down the track, a fair way up the hill anyway. Hope that helps.


I have only ridden there once on the old stromlo track ..

How about OPENING THAT TRACK and stop stuffing people around ! Every
post I have read on this subject has been excuse after excuse , the track has to bed in _ the track is closed _ too windy _ the track is closed _ has been
washed away _ the track is closed _ a horse cant cross the track_ the track is closed _



Likes Dirt
whats with the 'canberra' up the side. everyone knows its canberra. I think it would look better if it was coloured so it kinda matches the landscape around it. its a bit of an eyesore and i think that there will be alot of people who will winge about it. other wise looks good


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The bridge is to there to avoid high-speed collisions between downhillers and people on horseback. A pretty good idea I reckon.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
it would of been better to build it out of wood or something like someone said in the other thread on this


Likes Dirt
whats with the 'canberra' up the side. everyone knows its canberra. I think it would look better if it was coloured so it kinda matches the landscape around it. its a bit of an eyesore and i think that there will be alot of people who will winge about it. other wise looks good
Looks like its the old bridge from the GMC400 (i think that is what it was called?) car race they had in canberra in 2001/02...


Likes Dirt
I have only ridden there once on the old stromlo track ..

How about OPENING THAT TRACK and stop stuffing people around ! Every
post I have read on this subject has been excuse after excuse , the track has to bed in _ the track is closed _ too windy _ the track is closed _ has been
washed away _ the track is closed _ a horse cant cross the track_ the track is closed _

Clearly you have no experience with anything large; and yes you should interpret that the way it sounds. The old and new tracks have common areas, so how can you have one open & the other closed? Your impatience displays a small, simple mind that is used to getting it's own way by jumping up & down and crying. The track is not being made for you, it is being made for every rider in the country who wishes to use it (not to mention the worlds) so if you don't have anything productive to say, pull your head in and shut up. Or maybe just go and cry to your mother....


Likes Dirt
Looks like its the old bridge from the GMC400 (i think that is what it was called?) car race they had in canberra in 2001/02...
I think your right, thought I'd seen it before. still hope for it getting a repaint though:D


As soon as it stops raining I expect a few downhill lads will 'pretty it up'... no charge at all ;0)


"Your impatience displays a small, simple mind that is used to getting it's own way" says Wiffle.

The track was suppose to be open over 7 months ago .. as a canberra resident I am fed up with excuses ..

.. dry your own eyes wiffle _ PS: your mother just left here,crying.kisskiss


Likes Dirt
"Your impatience displays a small, simple mind that is used to getting it's own way" says Wiffle.

The track was suppose to be open over 7 months ago .. as a canberra resident I am fed up with excuses ..

.. dry your own eyes wiffle _ PS: your mother just left here,crying.kisskiss
I wonder how many hours you, as a Canberra resident, have put in to helping speed up the completion of the track? Surely as you are so keen to ride it you have been slaving away tirelessly at any opportunity to expedite the process? Everyone wants the track to be finished, but at the end of the day major construction of any sort never goes to plan; you don't see everyone else here having a whine about it, because they are mature enough to accept the reality of what goes into making a world class MTB facility. And if my mum was crying, its because she left your place unsatisfied; as Robin Williams once said, you can't make butter with a toothpick.:D


Likes Dirt
"Your impatience displays a small, simple mind that is used to getting it's own way" says Wiffle.

The track was suppose to be open over 7 months ago .. as a canberra resident I am fed up with excuses ..

.. dry your own eyes wiffle _ PS: your mother just left here,crying.kisskiss
Mate your just an idiot I'd say. My best bet is that you've never helped in anyway with the building of the track and you just sit back expecting everyone else to do it all. Maybe you should look at stromlo and see the amount of work thats been going into it and think about what your saying before you just come up with the shit thats flowing from your thoughts into everything you are writing at the moment on this thread. And clearly you have a massive input on things with your 3 posts up to date, some credability thats gonna get you around here. So before your gonna shoot your mouth off next time actually think about what your going to say.

As for your one ride there on the old track, well surly if you arnt just stupid you would be able to see the state the old track is in and that there are alot of places on the track that do cross, so you may as well forget about the old track. Stromlo has been purpose built, but that purpose is not to please ring ins like your self champ. Also just so you no, you've had plenty of chances to ride stromlo, say brindabella challenge? or National championships, or even the recent NSW state round? Mate you say your a resident of Canberra, but you're just an embarresment to all of us from Canberra. You have no idea what you're talking about so just the fark up i say:rolleyes:

On a nicer note, i reacon it looks sick and cant wait to get out and punch some more runs there :D Props to Glen and his team. It's coming along awsomly
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