Red Hill; Legal trails


Likes Dirt
Hi all,

I've been doing a bit of hunting around to get details on the Red Hill trails that are the legal ones.

I know they recently had some success making them official and what now, but struggling to find my information in the way of the type etc.

Any one ride them here?
I was in a similar position to yourself where I had searched and read as much as I could and couldnt find much detail, or so I thought.
One day I just made time and went down there, parked near the water tank (which sticks out like dogs balls) and just went for an explore. This was before the signage and I found the trails really easy to find once out there, now they have signage it would be even easier.
So my advice is to either give the guys at red hill riders a buzz and try jump in a ride with them, or just go explore yourself, once you do you will actually realise the other thread is quite deep with information.

Anyways sometimes exploring off your own back and discovring things for the first time is quite fun and more exciting than having everything spoon fed.

P.s. I cant view youtube at work so I cant comment on that track, Ill have a look tonight, chances are someone else will beat me to it anyway
I managed to get some riding in at Red Hill on Good Friday.
Damn, the team down there are doing some amazing work.
If you want to ride some XC and also enjoy some pretty technical stuff, this place has it all.

There's plenty more to come from what I'm told..
Thanks for that mate.

I saw that material and it's lacking details. The maps I've found so far and even that doesn't paint a good picture of where the trails are, etc.

For example:

Where is that trail?

Is that one of the legal ones?

That clip is a mashup of a couple of trails, but yes, it's on the legal ones. :smile: The first 40sec or so is a slight outlier from the main section, just management double track, but from there on it's pretty much what are now signposted as Tracks 2 ("Rock Salt") & 4 ("Wombat"). Despite the vid's heading as "downhill", it's definitely very fun XC.

As mentioned in the other thread linked above, it's pretty well all signposted now. There might be one or two track junctions to go, but there aren't many. Parks are supplying & installing three or four more detailed signs at major entry & junction points, the first of which went in last week at the "Five Ways" trail junction a little way in from the entrance.

One small criticism that a few of us in the club have of the signs Parks are putting in is that the trail numbers on the map are not big enough. But it's a small gripe considering how long it's taken to get this far.
Here's the bulk of the trail network (right click on the map & select "view image", it'll blow up a bit bigger so you can see the numbers):


The trailhead is off the map to the lower left, along Tracks 2 & 1.


Off the map & this list are:
Track 1, Pink Line, a green-rated trail that is a nice warm up before dropping into the more technical Rock Salt.
Track 12, Loop Trail, also green rated. Forms an easy loop, longer than Pink Line that can be ridden on its own, or used as a link to....
Tracks 10 & 11, Deadwoods & Crit. One-way, black-rated descents, accessed via a short management road from the western end of 12. Both exit further down the management track, which is used to climb back out.
Track 13, Charlotte's Pass, black, one way descent. Separated from the rest of the network & accessed through Seawinds garden, this winds its way almost to the bottom of Arthurs Seat. It's not well linked to the rest of the trails unless you're familiar with the area.
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News just in - the official opening of the network is on this Sunday, with a group heading off from 8:20am from the Redhill Consolidated Primary School on Arthurs Seat Rd. All are welcome to join in!

Are any of those tracks dedicated downhill trails with push up tracks or shuttle access?

Or are Eatons cutting the only downhill tracks around the area at the moment?
There are some DH trails at Eatons Cutting but they are not part of the legal network.
^^ This is correct. The black-rated trails in the legal network are at the technical end of XC. All the DH stuff is accessed from Eatons cutting and doesn't officially exist....
Are any of those tracks dedicated downhill trails with push up tracks or shuttle access?

Or are Eatons cutting the only downhill tracks around the area at the moment?
Eatons Cutting is on the eastern side of the quarry in the map Duckmeister linked.
Eatons Cutting is on the eastern side of the quarry in the map Duckmeister linked.

Cheers, Have ridden Eatons cutting alot. Had herd that the RHR trail crew were thinking about planing some legal DH tracks just wasn't sure if they had be started or completed apart of the new trail network. Anyway thanks for clarifying it all guys.
The Eatons area is all quarry land, so there is little chance of officially opening that area unless it somehow gets transferred to Crown/Council administration. Plans have commenced for DH stuff around & below the summit of Arthurs Seat, but they largely hinge on the progress of the chairlift proposal, which to my understanding is somewhat on the council/Parks backburner at present, and additionally its proponent doesn't presently seem too keen on making it bike-friendly. So any proper developments on that front are some way off yet.