School Holidays, Argh So Boring

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Likes Bikes and Dirt
Download fruityloops or Renoise or something and learn to make electronic music. Most time consuming, incredibly frustrating and yet immensely satisfying thing ever.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Well then lets look at it this way - in the time you have spent posting shit about how you're 'soooooo bored,' you could have picked the thing up, learnt some basic technique and got some shit sorted. Christ, all this stuff is just an issue of having the motivation to get off your arse and actually do it.


Likes Dirt
Oh man if you are bored with school holidays then you're bored with life. End it now...

But if you honestly have nothing to do then just do weights. No harm can come of it (excluding roids addiction, etc. but that's an extreme case), you may as well be buff if you're not doing anything else.


I have a 2000 Free Agent Ambush, would you like to purchase it?

I'll take the bottle of Wiskey for it.


Likes Dirt
hahaha lol free agent, who would purchase one of them as a first bike :rolleyes:

yea alright, a bottle o whiskey for a bmx, why not


ex offender
Clearly the solution you're looking for is suicide.

Dude, you have TWO WEEKS to do whatever the hell you like, and you know that all your mates are free at the same time. How on earth can you NOT fill that up? I'm on holidays at the moment and pretty well every single day is chockers. Go and get a job if you're that bored, it'll pass the time AND earn you some money.

I friggin hate school holidays on Farkin... clogs the place up with kids.


Likes Dirt
i do have a job, my mates work as well and its hard to organise like i said b4, im ages away from anyone who rides, and it takes ages just to travel to a mates place to ride..

oh and thanks for suggesting suicide..dickhead


under-the-radar comedian
i do have a job, my mates work as well and its hard to organise like i said b4, im ages away from anyone who rides, and it takes ages just to travel to a mates place to ride..

oh and thanks for suggesting suicide..dickhead
Beach? Movies? Exercise? Find a new hobby, photography, running, swimming? Get some mates and go to the snow? Try riding a new style, do a bit of long distance XC or something? Build something? A billy cart, or some kind of bike? A motorised bike or billy cart even, just dismantle your dads lawnmower!

S. is a mod, I wouldn't call him bad things :p


Likes Dirt
S. is a mod, I wouldn't call him bad things :p
you think i care? he's aloud to say shit like that to me, but when i say something back i'll probly get a ban..

Oh and its Cairns man, it doesnt snow..

I could go built something, could finish my trails XD


ex offender
you think i care? he's aloud to say shit like that to me, but when i say something back i'll probly get a ban..

Oh and its Cairns man, it doesnt snow..

I could go built something, could finish my trails XD
I'm not gonna ban you for that, though I am probably gonna think you're a bit of a dipshit for not quite grasping the sarcasm there.
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