Seriously, GET OFF THE F*CKING TRAILS, you idiots.......

7 times greater than Aus per vehicle on the road according to Wikipedia

I wonder how many are due to being drunk and how many just being utterly stupid ( not to mention unroadworthy cars)
When I was living in HK years ago, as part of a mainland trip I decided to jump on a flight out of Harbin into Russia so I could ride part of the Trans-Siberian railway between Irkutsk & Vladivostok. The things I saw being done in vehicles over there was simply out of this world. Likewise the culture of alcohol, in particular homemade alcohol, had me completely caught off guard with moonshining being ridiculously commonplace throughout eastern Russia- the US has got nothing on these guys. In many regional centers it even functions as a currency, well beyond serving as a winter well-warmer, rubbing alcohol, disinfectant, fuel or sure-fire way of permanently sorting out your glaucoma.

By my 4th or 5th car trip (& after a particularly horrendous case of me embracing the local's hospitality) in what we'd conventionally call a "taxi service" the penny finally dropped that the recurring scent I'd experienced between vehicles was not actually a Russian commercial surface disinfectant, but rather Russia's institutionalised & home stilled White Lightening- problem with that scenario is that you're then genuinely unable to determine whether its application has been to the Lada's vinyl seats & interior surfaces or the driver himself. You'll generally know within the first gear shift, corner or overtaking maneuver. In the cases where there's a distinct absence of a functioning heater in said Ladas, then it's advised that one presume the driver is loaded on Mother Russia. Rest assured that in those instances, whatever happens, you'll get to wherever you're meant to be in life in a few blinks.

My appreciation for the lethal combination of weird AF driving, decrepit cars & DUI in Russia came about in Ulan Ude. After dinner one evening my traveling buddy & I hailed down one of the many "unofficial" driver services that operate. The cheery red-faced driver haphazardly u-turned across the oncoming traffic, gently scrubbing to a stalling halt in front of us. I was pleasantly surprised by the chap's enthusiasm as he held open the rear passenger door to his humble bundle, ushering us in with an almost giddy smile. The creaking lop-sided swing of the closing door should've been the giveaway long before the driver's contortions at trying to close it, or the fact that my eyes were beginning to water not from cold but from the alcohol vapors in the car. In exactly the same fashion as he wheeled in we were off & away, wheeling out across the traffic & heading in the WRONG to direction to where we needed to go. Fortunately the universe was looking out for us because the trip came to an almost immediate & abrupt halt. Upon lurching out from the curb under much revs & clutch riding, with considerable body roll the little car completed its slow & lazy arc across the 4 lane road. At the peak of the maneuver naturally the problematic door has flung wide open & it became apparent that we'd chosen a complete death trap to get back to our digs in. Unfazed or unaware that the door's flung out & nearly sheered itself from the hinges, the driver has by this stage completed a 230deg turn & we're now pointing back across our inside lane & threatening to take out more traffic. Gunned at full revs an enthusiastic flick of the wrist had the car's rolling mass brought hard back around, causing not only the door to be slammed back into the frame at mach 1, but this time sheering it off altogether & there being a distinct cracking/popping sensation through the vehicle as though the body was letting go from the chassis or worse. With deadpan casualness the drivers pulled back to the curbside & leapt out, belligerently running the 30m back up the road to retrieve his door while the car dieseled to a halt with us in the back seat, open to the elements & in disbelief at what just happened. Needless to say we go out of the car & opted for spending the extra rubles on a legit ride back. Funniest/scariest part was not watching old mate drive off with a wave of the hand & rear door stuffed across the backseat, but watching the angle in which the car disappeared into the night when he left- whatever he'd done to the car had resulted in either cracking the chassis altogether or doing something to the rear axle assembly, because the car left in a straight line but the rear axle was all stepped out to the left & the body on an odd angle to the direction it was traveling.

Only in Russia...
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Ultra Lord

Hurts. Requires Money. And is nerdy.
^^thats the scariest thing I see on our roads, people underestimating jist how much space trucks need to stop for lights, and overtaking trucks under brakes.


Likes Dirt
I have come across a lady pushing one of those prams that you run behind up Rocket Frog.
Pfft... that is nothing, I once came across a young couple wheeling what looked like a new born in a pram up the berms on Blair Witch at Lysterfield.


i find myself riding more and more at night and the wee hours of the morning. riding with lights seems to be the best way to avoid these people with the exception of the stealth joggers and dog walkers on the bike track. but at least there is only 1 or 2 of them a week.

there is nothing more heartbreaking than busting a nut up a hill for hours to have someone ruin your 8 minute downhill by trying to kill you. on a shuttle day there is no harm no foul - you can just have another go. maybe these e-bikes do have something to offer.


chez le médecin
Was riding in Romania recently, everyone distilled their own alcohol illegally from plums , grapes or whatever .
Sometimes it must have been over 50% because it really burnt going down.They drink any time of the day.
Its said to be the national sport.
They even had community stills . Also grow their own tobacco.
There cant be much tax for funding roads , cos the smaller roads have huge potholes everywhere so people have to swerve all over the road.
Its a bit scarey when they are coming towards you.


Eats Squid
It's not that noobs have gotten any worse, it's the speed of experienced riders that's increased. Technology does that.


Medically diagnosed OMS
It's not that noobs have gotten any worse, it's the speed of experienced riders that's increased. Technology does that.
It's the speed of riders full stop, not just the experienced ones. There's no way in hell I'd attempt to ride the rigid Chromo, canti braked 26er that I started out 25 years ago down some of the trails I do now. And most simple XC trails these days have been reduced to just point and shoot, with the size of your cojones being the only limiting factor.


Likes Dirt
i find myself riding more and more at night and the wee hours of the morning. riding with lights seems to be the best way to avoid these people with the exception of the stealth joggers and dog walkers on the bike track...
LOL. Wollongong bike track in the last two months has had me almost go Gdonehue on three guys who had a large battery powered amp setup in bushes to blast a tone as you rode by, almost hit by a golf cart on a blind bend on the track next to Wollongong golf club, and almost knocked of my bike by a rope that had been strung across the cycleway at 11.30pm after riding through without problem a half hour earlier.

Got me this, same on other arm:

Two days later:

If I ever snap and beat someone unconcious, it'll probably be on the bike track.


Likes Dirt
Here's a change of pace from those Russian dash cams:



LOL. Wollongong bike track in the last two months has had me almost go Gdonehue on three guys who had a large battery powered amp setup in bushes to blast a tone as you rode by, almost hit by a golf cart on a blind bend on the track next to Wollongong golf club, and almost knocked of my bike by a rope that had been strung across the cycleway at 11.30pm after riding through without problem a half hour earlier.

Got me this, same on other arm:

Two days later:

If I ever snap and beat someone unconcious, it'll probably be on the bike track.
That's really bad trying to scare people with a loud noise and then a rope! Probably the same people and they need to be shut down before they hurt someone.

People who engage in directly invasive activity like this need some 'invasive education' of the physical kind, in jail!

Where's gdonahue when you need him!!!


Pfft... that is nothing, I once came across a young couple wheeling what looked like a new born in a pram up the berms on Blair Witch at Lysterfield.
Fuckwits are everywhere, including myself some days but not full time like some people.


Likes Bikes
Just saw this thread and started shitting myself because I ride Bruce a fair bit. Luckily nothing about a fat slow guy on a white Anthem 29er! Haha.

I haven't had any problems at Bruce, or Majura thankfully. There was a guy with a dog at easter at Bruce, but he was super quick to get himself and the dog out of my way.


Haven't been keeping up with this thread, but a small vent about pedestrians on the local trails that blast music whilst walking/running.
Mostly a Hope Freehub and a bit of a backpedal is more than enough to alert anyone in a five hundred meter radius that I'm about, couple that with some serious sized rubber on a gravelly surface, and my bikes have a habit of projecting their current position.

I came across this dickhead yesterday, backpedalling didn't work; did a skid, nothing. Call out "morning!" (try and keep it positive and not just belt out "Rider" unless I've got a lick on)... Guy keeps walking dead center. Tried a few times, at volume, from a range of about 2m, before pulling out and overtaking him on a flat bit, at which point he jumps out of his skin and yells at me for being so rude and startling him like that.

I don't try and ruin the relationships we have with people on a shared trail, but holy shit, I don't think you can practice sensory deprivation and then complain about people startling you when you didn't hear them broadcast their approach.

Sent from my Agora 4G Pro using Tapatalk


Bolivia? Europe?
A typical under house wine cellar in rural Italy, everyone makes their own wine or Grappa ( the later is like 100% metho ) and cars look like they belong in a speedway with a dent in almost every panel.

Bolivia is another life threatening story.

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