Single speed commuter build project

Love it, cant wait to see some more gorgeous parts. :eek:

My gosh, such picky comments and high expectations! The pressure is onto me to put more nice parts on the bike.


BBB fibertop bars. I must say that these are some of the lightest bars I have come in contact with. More carbon goodness!

More Token goodness to add to my little Token fetish. Nice little ano lockring. mmmmmm...
Oh! and an A2z ss kit which I pinched from my Fireeye build, which I also rawed some time ago. Along with a nifty 18t cog I pinched from a cassette. Pretty.

Basic but nice FSA wheelset. Not seriously light but strong for that rough commute to uni. Probably an ideal wheelset. Half radial, straight-gadge spokes all over, and two cross on the other side. It's a tidy wheelset. Not porn though. Sorry Dirt King.

Same job on front except a full radial lace. No elbows in the spokes so she pulls nice and strong.


Some nice little details now to go with the other stuff; red cage bolts (I need another 4 as you can see, so I guess more nights online spending up are in order). And some nice red crimps. :)


Nifty wheel clearance. Not bad for a vert. dropout! Cage bolts needed! MOOOORE!!

Fireeye spur tensioner! Nice ano orange. Wanky! But not red, so I'm undecided on whether it says or not. Thoughts people?!



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Needs a hub like this:
White Industries Eccentric ENO Single Speed Disc Hub

Well I'd like to do that a lot BUT:
- Eccentric hubs are costly and it usually involves lacing them up which is even more expensie. Lots of effort. I'd say too much effort but it would be silly since i just rawed an entire bike. So.... hmmm...

- That is a disc hub. My frame doesn't support disc. I COULD get an IS mount which I can attach to the swingarm/stays but more money, a lot more weight and clutter, and I don't need that much power. Especially on the back wheel. And it would look silly with a disc on the rear and not one on the front. And there is no way I could even it out by mounting one on the front because of the bladed fork.

- That is a screw-on freewheel. So I can't even go fixed because it doesn't have the stepped reverse thread. I'm not a fan of suicide set-ups either! :p
So I'd have to put on a screw-on freewheel also. And they don't strike my fancy much. I'd rather my splined ss kit set up.

- Even if I managed to FIND an eccentric non disc splined (or maybe fixed) hub to the right axle width etc, finding a rim, the right spoke lengths and lace patterns AND a MATCHING front wheel...

All that hassle just to get rid of a chain tensioner? I'll take my current set-up and call it a day!

...But maybe I don't have a life!
In an ideal world, it sure would be nice! I may consider switching to fixed later on and giving it a go... maybe!

Sorry if that seemed brutal. I don't mean it that way! I encourage awesome ideas like this people! Thanks! :)

that bike looks sweet, show us a pic of the whole thing!!
I'm slowly teasing you! So you have to keep on tuning in to see the finished product! Don't worry, I took photos today. She looks cherry! Still needs a few bibs and bobs. Some of which I haven't even ordered so I think photos will be up sooner than I plan.

Reallyh enjoying this, build thread, so much so!
Glad to recieve positive feedback! Thanks guys!
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So, I can't say that I'm teasing you and then not put anything new up. So I decided to treat myself on a nice little porny bit. KCNC jockey wheel. Thought I'd give you a rest from the Token parts. For the time being anyway! There are plenty more to come for my Ironhorse build ;)

I was originally undecided on the orange Fireeye Spur. I purchased an ano red jockey-wheel and chucked it on. The nice thing was that I had no choice on the KCNC branding center to it which is that orange/gold colour. This gives me some nice continuity anyway because now the wheel matches the spur. The wheel matches the bike... it all kinda ties in together.
I don't mind the flash or orange. It's a bit of silly excitement!

The drilled holes in it also tie in nicely with the holes in the 18t cog I put in the ss kit. Rather chuffed!

Still open to thoughts and opinions though!





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'Ken awesome.

Seriously, that's one of the most enjoyable and inspiring build threads I've seen since joining the 'burn. Awesome work and a good return on your labour already! My POV on the colouring around the tensioner & wheel are that the burnt orange is out of kilter with the reds on the other details (bottle mount bolts and crimps), but as far as a bit of "check out this tidy bit of bling" goes, me like.

I echo the calls for the full-bike shot! :eek:
Bottom Brackets!

So I forgot to mention,
After going through all that hassle of removing that DICK of a bottom bracket from my Ironhorse Build, I thought it would be a good idea to let everybody know that I'm building it RIGHT.
RIGHT is by cleaning the debris out of the bb shell and cups before re-installing them. Some super anal/professional builders would say tap and face the threads too. But for most cases this probably isn't necessary.
I used top quality Park greese in healthy volumes inside the frame and applied a teflon tape onto the thread of the cups. This ensures a smooth installation and easy removal later on down the track!
It screwed in like a dream! Finger tips lightly turning was ample pressure required to totally insert the cups, which only needed to then be finished with a spanner/torque wrench.
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Picture time!
I still have parts in the mail which are yet to be put on, so please be understanding that there is more to be improved upon! Because of the dang Sunday, there is no post so I thought that I shouldn't hold out on you guys anymore. So I'll put the new stuff up later after the pics of the complete(ish) build.










Pretty happy with the weight. N.B. This is without pedals. And parts are still to go on/change.


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that is one hell of a beautiful bike, i love it, makes me want to make my own singlespeed/fixie, they are just so awesome!
Would be interesting to see a breakdown of the cost for frame and parts

Yeah I have been meaning to get onto that! Probably not tonight but some time this week for sure. Thanks for the reminder!

Thanks for the great feedback everybody!
that looks top mate!
that stripper did one hell of a job!(haha stripper) but nah thats nice, what gearing are you using?, and are you getting much flex outta the token cranks?
that looks top mate!
that stripper did one hell of a job!(haha stripper) but nah thats nice, what gearing are you using?, and are you getting much flex outta the token cranks?

The paint stripper worked well, but I think that the reaction varies from job to job. The paint on this bike was ather light and fery dead and dry so it came off fairly easily. The black primer coat underneath required a fair amount of working to remove fully.
It wasn't simply a matter of painting on and wasing off. There was hours of labour involved!

I will correct myself later if I'm wrong but I think I'm running 53-18. It's a fairly comfortable ratio and I have a pretty spot-on tension. The tensioner is only picking up the smallest amount of slack.

Flex outta the Token cranks? pfft. Can't notice squat. They are solid. Even running a large ring under load. The main concern for flex would be out of the frame. It flexes for sure. But the frame is fairly dated. I wouldn't say it's cutting edge since the welds on the frame are rather raw. But for its age I'm still rather impressed!
Got some more stuff from ebay yesterday! :D That place is great! Haha.
Brand new, ano red, dual pivot goodness! I have since poped them on the bike and I will try and get some pictures of them ASAP where they're actually ON the bike. I also put my nice cartridge pads on and removed the basic (but good) stock pads.
The power on them is eye-popping good!






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Basic spec and pricelist now up (at the base of the) FIRST PAGE POST as per request!

Splashed some new parts across her again today. Four new KCNC cage bolts from ebay. Yes. More anodized red stuff! Pointless extra weight but extra points for bling/wank factor!
Almost done!




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right that has inspired me to go and strip my commuter frame.....right after top gear finishes.....that bike is awesome!