

Sanity is not statistical
Have you tried this link

Select: Forgot Password

Enter Hotmail Address of account you don't remember password for

Enter The Security Code Displayed

On the next page select the blue link .. "I don't use these anymore"

Then it will ask you to Enter an email address that's different from the one you're trying to recover.

The next form is for you to provide as much information about yourself and the account that you're trying to recover

Upon providing correct information Microsoft will send a password reset link for the hotmail account to your current email address


custom titis
Ok this won't ease your frustration but the response you have received so far are automated responses. No one is typing them. They have strict guidelines on giving you a password reset and you don't meet them. You can fill out a stat dec and send id but since the dob won't match that won't work either. Pretty much you are screwed.

Drifty, it's time to let this one go. For your sanity.

Out of interest, what's so important about the current account that's stopping you from just creating a new one?

Out of interest, does MS have a FaceCrap page? Jump on there and start posting hate messages about how crap their automated systems are that you cant simply get a password reset via a human!


Llama calmer
poor form is putting a fake DOB into a form and then getting upset with them securing your account due to incorrect info.

if you used it for facebook and forums, wont you have generic emails about "so and so posted on your wall" "new private message at rotorburn" etc as subjects?


custom titis
Throw me you full name your dob your drivers licence number your mothers maiden name and your place of birth and i will take care of it for you :)