Steve's Whistler Nipple Cam Thread - newest vid 14/10/09, Duff to No Duff


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It should be Jazza Kootenay Gravatron Hucker "Evil Shredder" Wilson! ANd the lazy bastard didn't even pedal down A-Line!:D
haha. steve said to take it easy so he could keep up... haha to bad we didnt get a clean run down the lower fire road so i could realy open it up. cant wait for next years air dh and chainless phat wednesday races


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Yeah he's unreasonably fast on that track, it's ridiculous.

New vid up again... Duff Man to No Duff, with a clip of the Shalemaster at the end. The camera doesn't come close to showing the steepness or sheer size of the Shalemaster, so here's a pic:

From the bottom, looking back up, it looks like you just rode down a cliff face. In reality it's not too difficult however.
shit yeah shalemaster is so out of control!

haha. steve said to take it easy so he could keep up... haha to bad we didnt get a clean run down the lower fire road so i could realy open it up. cant wait for next years air dh and chainless phat wednesday races
Yes Mr Wilson......ur bloody quick!!!!!!