The cheat register


Eats Squid
By that I don't mean you took EPO and rooted your best mates wife, more of a dietary confessional.

So I'm currently trying to eat a bit better and cut a few things out of my diet and thought it might be an idea to have a place where people can list their misdeeds.

Whatever your dietary goals may be, list it here every time you stray from that. For me I'm trying to eat better lunches (I have a habit of getting pizza for lunch) and skipping desert during the week.


If I'm out with a colleague for lunch, try to order a fish & vegetables meal rather than the less healthy burger & chips, or similar options.


Eats Squid
Does a session on the piss count?
If you are trying to stay off the piss then yes. I don't drink much but I've said no beer unless there is an occasion, like my birthday next month. Spirits are okay for me and I enjoy the occasional Scotch.


I however am very normal. Trust me.
My diet is pretty solid, good breaky (steak!), lunch and dinners, then 8pm in the evening rolls around.

Chocolate - usually MM's,generally whole packet unless the Mrs knife fights me for them, ice cream or montecarlo's.

If only the day ended at 745pm, I'd be an Olympian, minus the actual skills.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Peanut butter straight out of the jar with a tea spoon. Its like 50% fat and packed with calories. But it's so feakin yummy. No need to list when I do it, basically every day.


Eats Squid
I gave up iced coffee and try a avoid all caffeine laced products.
Yesterday I cracked a little and had a large chocolate Big M. God it was goooooooood!
I've also tried to stop eating after dinner, which is hard when you have dinner at 6:00 and are still awake at 12.


Lives under a bridge
Bloody kids, it's their fault. We have dinner at 5:30, by the time the kids are in bed I'm up to my elbows in ham and cheese toasties and tin spaghetti.


Likes Dirt
I only found the one loaf...but BY GOD, I used a 600g jar on it....:hungry:

edit: I used to actually purchase my peanutbutter in this quantity, only the crunchy version. It's just peanuts and a bit of salt, really good.
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Likes Dirt
Take a handfull out of the packet, put them in a bowl, and put the packet away. Also works for barby shapes and chips.
Tried that once, ended up creating more dishes as "once you pop, you can't stop"!

......Chocolate - usually MM's,generally whole packet unless the Mrs knife fights me for them, ice cream or montecarlo's.

If only the day ended at 745pm, I'd be an Olympian, minus the actual skills.
I can't get near the chocolate in my house :moony:

Does a session on the piss count?
Yep unless your drinking pure sugarless spirits straight


Eats Squid
Well this is day one of proper dieting for me and I've avoided the pizza for lunch. Lets see what happens come desert time :behindsofa:


Likes Dirt
Eating wise i am pretty good, 2500cals a day, steak and eggs for breakfast, chicken and veg for lunch, etc etc, but damn i love a beer when i get home form work or after a ride, i have tried to change from beer to scotch and dry or Bundy and dry, but its just too easy to over drink those,...