The cooking thread

It's a painting! I love the old women's weekly cookbooks. I've got one here somewhere called meals men love...fuck me there isn't many veggies in there!

Allow me to indulge you sir.

When you are worthy to level up then this must be the Bible for the serious home professional.


A quick roast before work, chicken this time. Just salt and a little olive oil on the outside, galric and dry herbs on the inside.

Well mostly on the inside. The chook didn't shit itself in the oven! I spilt about half a teaspoon of dry green herbs on the entry. It looks pretty grim!
Looks like it shat itself

Wouldn't you if someone was jamming garlic into your butt hole, running you down with oil, and pushing you into an oven? I'd do anything to scare them off!

Even without brining? I find chicken can be quite dry without it.

I'm too lazy/disorganised for that. I decided to cook the chook at 4 after discovering I started at 6 not 5. I always steam bake poultry for the about 3/4 of the cook time, then foil off and chase the crispness.
Noodles! With carrot, Chinese broccoli, and Ming beans...and the last of the golden roast chicken. Garlic coriander soy sesame oil chili and toasted sesame seeds on top. That was a pretty tasty lunch.

Pizza night at our place too tonight. Premade dough but I suspect high hydration from a little bakery we had lunch at today and was selling bulk dough for $10kg.
Caramelised onion relish, pear, mozzarella and blue cheese, prosciutto and weeds (rocket) to finish. Pear and blue cheese is the wife's favourite not mine but the onion and prosciutto made it really enjoyable.


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