The election thread - Two middle-late aged white men trying to be blokey and convincing..., same old shit, FFS.

Who will you vote for?

  • Liberals

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Labor

    Votes: 21 31.8%
  • Nationals

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Greens

    Votes: 21 31.8%
  • Independant

    Votes: 15 22.7%
  • The Clive Palmer shit show

    Votes: 4 6.1%
  • Shooters and Fishers Party

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • One Nation

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Donkey/Invalid vote

    Votes: 3 4.5%

  • Total voters
I see you’ve played this game before ;)

I swear one day first generation Australians are going to rise up and slap some perspective on the broader masses.

Australia in the early 1960’s welcomed my parents when they each arrived as young adults fleeing a pretty bleak post-war Europe. They got jobs, they travelled, eventually they met, got married and raised a family here. Along the way the country helped them and in my mothers last few years provided outstanding medical care, it loaned (and also provided) my sister and I enough money to move away and undertake tertiary studies.

Now I sit back and watch the rhetoric around immigration, about “user pays” and the ever increasing meanness of welfare cutbacks and wonder where the country I was raised to love and respect went.

They came in a era when bipartisan politics was commonplace to ensure many basic ideals were above party lines - something successive governments tried to do until the later terms of John Howard became mired in conservative politics when his ego refused to allow more dynamic leaders to step up and continue along those lines. Since those days the ideals of Australia have been displaced by a culture of “what’s in it for me”.

It’s only at moments of true disaster where we see it dragged back into light, even though our increasing right-aligned media likes to always bring a tinge of incumbent bigotry “look at these Muslim migrant builders giving up their time to feed a town” instead of “here’s another story showing how all Australians are coming together at a time of crisis”.

The politics of Climate Change will be dirty and hard fought, because of blame is assigned then liability can be attached.

Maybe the wake up call is these fires, but perhaps the resounding message needs to be “stop being shit to the planet”.
Our fuckwit leader is at it again:

The prime minister, Scott Morrison, at a reception for the Australian and New Zealand cricket sides at Kirribilli House, acknowledged the fires were “a time of great challenge for Australia”. Morrison reiterated comments from a New Year comment piece that focused on the resilience of communities and deflected debate about the underlying cause of the fires.

“Whether they’re started by lightning storms or whatever the cause may be, our firefighters and all of those who have come behind them to support them, whether they’re volunteering in the front line or behind the scenes in a great volunteer effort, it is something that will happen against the backdrop of this Test match.

“But at the same time, Australians will be gathering, whether it’s at the SCG [Sydney cricket ground] or around television sets all around the country, and they’ll be inspired by the great feats of our cricketers from both sides of the Tasman and I think they’ll be encouraged by the spirit shown by Australians and the way that people have gone about remembering the terrible things that other Australians are dealing with at the moment.”

Good luck on Saturday...
Our fuckwit leader is at it again:

Good luck on Saturday...
#scottyfrommarketing at it again.
I honestly thought the onion eating monk was the worst PM Australia had ever had. But Scomo makes Abbot appear almost normal in comparison.
it can stop the relentless march of apocalyptic bush fires we are lead to believe!...What would Jesus do?

Hang on to the memory and maintain a vocal rage until the next election and vote in a manner that reflects those feelings. If the public remain vocal a platform and candidates will come...

The key thing is use your vote to support the leadership you think the country needs.

How good is ScoMo? Well apparently the majority of voters thought he’s a good bet.
Hang on to the memory and maintain a vocal rage until the next election and vote in a manner that reflects those feelings. If the public remain vocal a platform and candidates will come...

The key thing is use your vote to support the leadership you think the country needs.

How good is ScoMo? Well apparently the majority of voters thought he’s a good bet.
... but only in relation to Shorten, who was a shifty cunt with the personality of a toaster,
How good is ScoMo? Well apparently the majority of voters thought he’s a good bet.
Not that he is good, just his competition is even worse. I'm sure Bill Shorten would be nice guy to have a beer with at a pub but he just has that aura of being even more useless IMHO. The rest are all also rans and background noise unfortunately.

A good ol' fashioned party coup is the best chance of getting a new leader but I remember hearing that ScoMo plugged that hole. He can stand in the company Xi Jinping and Putin that guarantee their own rule.
Not that he is good, just his competition is even worse. I'm sure Bill Shorten would be nice guy to have a beer with at a pub but he just has that aura of being even more useless IMHO. The rest are all also rans and background noise unfortunately.

A good ol' fashioned party coup is the best chance of getting a new leader but I remember hearing that ScoMo plugged that hole. He can stand in the company Xi Jinping and Putin that guarantee their own rule.
after the election fuckup, the labor party finally got to ditch him.
At least Albo has the power of speech and doesn't make limp 'zingers' like shorten did,
... but only in relation to Shorten, who was a shifty cunt with the personality of a toaster,
A bit derogatory to the interesting toasters of the the world.

Err, I can't tell them apart either...........


A bit derogatory to the interesting toasters of the the world.

Err, I can't tell them apart either...........

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View attachment 358516

Clearly I’m doing Westminster democracy wrong - I was voting for a party and a suite of policies based on what the net best outcome across the board.

I didn’t realise it was a popularity contest. Silly me...
Clearly I’m doing Westminster democracy wrong - I was voting for a party and a suite of policies based on what the net best outcome across the board.

I didn’t realise it was a popularity contest. Silly me...
you aren't doing it wrong, it's just the realization that image and perception play far more of a role in any political campaign than they should.
As opposed to scomo...?
#ScrotuMo and his slimy minions were better at amping peoples' fears than shorten and labor were of selling their policies.
The amount of fear mongering and the number of straight-out lies told by the LNP was frikken staggering.

Also consider the alleged election fraud that took place in the seat of Chisholm, where LNP made 'how to vote' notices that had the same colour scheme as official electoral commission notices. These dodgy LNP notices told chinese speaking voters , apparently, that the "correct way to vote" was to put 1 by the Liberal candidate

see also this article about electoral fraud.

Australia’s much-vaunted democracy, based on compulsory enrolment and compulsory voting, is entirely dependent on the honesty of individual declarations. At enrolment, and on voting. In fact the system is wide open to deceit at almost every level. And especially in tight elections in marginal electorates, there is every incentive for unscrupulous operatives – or even pranksters – to rort the system. (In one South Australian election a family voted 159 times as a joke).
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you aren't doing it wrong, it's just the realization that image and perception play far more of a role in any political campaign than they should.

And the only way it will change is if people start at the grassroots backing candidates of their choosing, participate in their party at a local level, be vocal, be heard, change it from the inside. Step up and take part in more than just the final popularity contest that is the election.

It doesn’t matter what party you back at your core, be part of making that party represent you and your community in the manner you want.
The article was shitting on politics which has been actively transferring money away from services for people (like fire authorities) towards tax cuts so we the people use our own money to support those services through donations.

In short the Government can cease funding agencies that respond to these emergencies while Australians are prepared to pay out of their own pocket.

Milo? Is that you?

I agree with that.

What I don't agree with is laying the blame on the current government, or any one thing. This summer was inevitable. All the money in the world could not have prevented these fires.

It was not inevitable, but we have ignored warnings and squandered opportunity to prevent/reduce it for a long time. Many parts of NSW have been in a state of drought for most of this century. When are we going to look at the evidence that exists?

They came in a era when bipartisan politics was commonplace to ensure many basic ideals were above party lines - something successive governments tried to do until the later terms of John Howard became mired in conservative politics when his ego refused to allow more dynamic leaders to step up and continue along those lines. Since those days the ideals of Australia have been displaced by a culture of “what’s in it for me”.

We must be thinking of different John Howards. The one that was PM came to power on a huge back lash to "taking one for the team". The Hawke/Keating era of utalitsrianism had featured some big economic challenges for the individual. In the end people wanted to know what's in it for me? Howard ruled through selfish stimulus from the get go, the king of the pork barrels!

Liberal voters are now reaping what they sow. You can justifiy your decision all you want with Shorten was this and that, but at the end of the day the Prime Minister is little more than the socially acceptable puppet, paraded in front of the camera when good or bad things happen.

The parties are lead by just a few people who sit in the background pulling the strings. The Libs are doing what they said they would, putting oil and gas and money above everything else and this is the outcome you get from that. They seem to be so intent on delivering this surplus they wont even properly fund the fire fighting or evacuation efforts, instead relying on donations from the public to fund what they will not. Talk about a sneaky tax hike.

Defunding vital services to the point where public donations are the only way firies have the vital equipment, including personal protection is so utterly disgusting.

Even after our Dunalley fires a few years back its still hard to comprehend the utter devastation of our current mainland fires, which look to be getting worse. I fear what the fallout will truly be once the fires are brought under control with the enormous loss of wildlife and vegetation just the beginning of the problems.

For everyone directly impacted stay safe, get out early and don't take any risks it is simply not worth it.