The gaming thread


Heavy machinery.
Staff member
Not casino gaming, I'm referring to Playstations, Xbox, PC's etc.
What are we currently playing? Me, I'm trying to 100% Tomb Raider on PS4 and spending tons of time on Battlefield 4 on PS4. I still play a few games on the PS3 and will be gabbing the new Grid game on PS3 in a few months. As for PS4 titles, I'm getting Watch Dogs when it comes out next month but am excited for The Division; the latest Tom Clancy title.
A new game I saw today was this; Project Cars. It looks interesting

Not even, Just finished building my new CAD/Gaming PC. :nerd:

Recommend games to try:
Battlefeild Bad Company 2 - Best game out of the battlefeild Series.
Borderlands 2 - Game filled with stupid randomness and innuendos

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Space Engineers
Baldurs Gate 2 EE
Goat Simulator

Just to name a few. I've got a large collection so I never spend too much time on a particular game. Warframe and Titanfall are my current main ones.
Xbox here. Mostly playing Titanfall on the Xbox one, also working my way through the Mass Effect and Assassins Creed series on 360.
Not even, Just finished building my new CAD/Gaming PC. :nerd:

Recommend games to try:
Battlefeild Bad Company 2 - Best game out of the battlefeild Series.
Borderlands 2 - Game filled with stupid randomness and innuendos

engage turbo nerd mode!

i shall now politely leave you chaps to nerding it up, my wedgie giving muscles are instinctively flexing up making it hard to type.
Try as I might, I just can't seem to get back into gaming. Has the real world become more interesting in the last few years? Or have games started to suck? Or do you just lose interest past 30?

I ha have had a bit of fun with brutal legend recently while recovering from knee surgery. And I had a few rums the other night and was getting a good giggle out of goat simulator.

The kids love octodad and terraria at the moment, and the wife just got a wiiU for her Mario fix...

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Try as I might, I just can't seem to get back into gaming. Has the real world become more interesting in the last few years? Or have games started to suck?

I think with the massive influx of indie developers derived from the mobile gaming market that games have started to suck more commonly. Look at it this way, I buy games to complete them 100% so I'm pretty picky with what I get. No game on a mobile has appealed to me for anything other than a ten minute fix and that has crossed over onto console gaming, most titles are buckets of shit.
That said, we've seen some amazing creations amongst the shit though.
Occasionally game online with all the pimply virgins on PS3 COD whichever latest incarnation, Ghosts at the present. I don't play online games often enough so I avoid the harder games as I just get frustrated losing to all the kiddies and my preteen son can now win.
Kerbal Space Program is awesome, good fun if you haven't played it! Strangely addictive too!Also struggling to finish the latest Bioshock Infinite DLC, not sure why but I haven't got the motivation for it..
Mutil Player:
Borderlands 1+2 on Xbox and BL1 PC

Forza 4 and Horizons on Xbox

The wife and I both play so its gotta be Co-Op or its fisty cuffs. BL and GRAW are pretty good for this
Ghost Recon is an awesome. I never did multiplayer on advanced warfighter but I played through the campaign three times. After that, the games Ghost Recon games have been a bit disappointing.

I haven't played Borderlands but it's coming out on Playstation Vita so I dare say I'll grab it.
Sonic the Hedgehog on Megadrive

If you were so inclined, you could probably sell that console and game and get more than what it was originally. People are buying old machines and software for so much money!
If you were so inclined, you could probably sell that console and game and get more than what it was originally. People are buying old machines and software for so much money!

I have a Sega Master System
Atari 2600
Sega Mega Drive
Super Nintendo
Game Boy somewhere... In a box... Somewhere
Geez mate, you could be looking at a holiday to the Whitsunday's with that cache of history. Does it all work? Do you have the cables and controllers for them all?
Geez mate, you could be looking at a holiday to the Whitsunday's with that cache of history. Does it all work? Do you have the cables and controllers for them all?

And cartridges, gotta have a stack of games. A friend sold his Atari 2600 a few years ago with a box of games to some gimp I Japan, and bought a motorbike with the proceeds.