The stupid questions thread.

Likes Bikes and Dirt
Lol hello backwards Vicroads!

Preparing for the Hazard Perception Test
Get as much supervised on-road experience as possible in a broad range of driving situations. Drivers under 21 must complete a minimum 120 hours of supervised experience before they can apply for a probationary licence.

Supervising drivers and driving instructors can help you to fine tune your hazard perception skills by using some of the techniques described in the Learner Kit.

You can also look at Drive Smart, which is a free CD-ROM training product that can help you become a better, safer driver.
Once you click the "Submit" button, please wait for the screen to appear confirming your order has been received. You can expect delivery of your Drive Smart CD-ROM within two weeks of ordering.
So minimum 2 weeks before it arrives there Rock :(

But, the good news is that it looks nearly identical to the Queensland one (which I did 2 days ago) - except that in the QLD one you only click on hazards, and not when you should drive or anything. But if you can drive a car on the road, you'll be fine man.

Check here:
The examples all look pretty straightforward.

The gripe I had with the QLD one, was the video was so ridiculously low quality I couldn't tell if the red car had it's brake lights or indicators on, and it was hard seeing cyclists from grey cars in the background etc.
Lol hello backwards Vicroads!
Yeah, they suck pretty bad. I've read all I could and I've had a go at some W.A. ones, though they were simple animations, and it all seems like a piece of piss. You only need 54% to pass or something stupid and, having played more videogames than I care to admit, I may even have some fun; although I do keep being advised of the horrible quality of the clips.

Likes Bikes and Dirt
There was a mouse skills section before the QLD one. When I did it, you had to click on the 10 randomly sized boxes that would appear and they'd measure your response time and tell you if it was good enough for a pass on the proper test.
Some of the boxes would appear for a nanosecond, then disappear, and others would appear with only a tiny sliver showing on either side of the screen meaning a mouse click wasn't small enough to actually click the box - since there wasn't enough box showing.

As a result, it's impossible for it to measure your average response time. But on the QLD one, you only need to get an average of a 7 second reaction time, and that's basically 7 seconds between the time the car ahead puts the brake lights on and you clicking on it to say you've seen it.

Genius Josh

Likes Dirt
:help: this is not a rhetorical question. i need ideas, guys and gals! :help:

i've found this gorgeous old house, built between 1890 and 1910, devoid now of most of the land it once sat on and being used and abused as a rental. the OH loves it too, but we're $75,000 short on our borrowing capacity.

this house is perfect for running a home business from, i'm struggling to get ordinary work and i'm not prepared to spend $250 to $400 a week renting commercial premises to work from. by the way, that would be for a single workroom, not a whole office.

this house has a floorplan that would work perfectly for me, a second bathroom/toilet that will be fine once spruced up, a spare room for my stepson now we might finally get access visits (his mother has been, shall we say, less than co-operative?) enough room to make an attractive edible garden as i do, and is right in the spot that would make using it as a home office feasible. a lot of what needs doing to is is simply paint and elbow grease, aside from the kitchen which is a bit of a mess. i could have the workroom and entranceway up and running in a fortnight or less.

how do i find $75,000 till i can sell my property in Coffs?

i've pitched a deal to the vendor and will be firming that up this Saturday, that i put up a deposit and we rent the house till mine sells. is there any other way i can swing this deal?
Try using a good broker with access to a broad panel of lenders there can be a huge difference in borrowing capacity between lenders. I could regularly squeeze 75000 or even 100000 difference out between lenders just using the same numbers and then different lenders will look at different parts of your income differently. If you have another property that you are looking to sell but have not yet you could look to include a fair market rental and do your sums based on keeping the property again huge differences between how a lender will treat rental income proposed or otherwise. If you have a shortfall (or were going to be close) only temporarily some lenders will look at this as a mitigating circumstance.

Norco Maniac

Is back!
Vendor finance is always an option on the 75000 with a clause to pay out when the other property sells.
now that i didn't know about. thank you! i've been using a mortgage broker (i'd only just refinanced my Coffs property) and we are using my rental income in the calculations but the problem is i work as a carer for my inlaws and Centrelink carer payment can't be considered as income. so while we can comfortably make the repayments and cover the bills, that's where we've gotten stuck.

i'm very keen to get back to work in my own field but i need a workspace so i really, really need this house. will throw vendor finance into the mix tomorrow and see where it takes us. i can only ask....:love:

Likes Bikes and Dirt
Hey Rock, I was wondering if you had any ideas on where to buy some Geo textbooks on the cheap?
I realise on the cheap is still going to be in the hundreds though. Can't seem to find too many 2nd hand copies floating around and I don't really want to rely on library books.
Hey Rock, I was wondering if you had any ideas on where to buy some Geo textbooks on the cheap?
I realise on the cheap is still going to be in the hundreds though. Can't seem to find too many 2nd hand copies floating around and I don't really want to rely on library books.
Have you checked out Ebay? Sometimes the odd book pops up. Most of the time, though, people hang on ot them as they are still useful in industry. Sometimes you can get away with not having the book at all, I did once, but I wouldn't recommend it. I dunno if you have notice boards around your uni, but have a look on them to see if other students are trying to get rid of theirs. Older editions are also just as good. We used 20 year old Optical Mineralogy books last year because they were just as good as the new ones. The only problem with that is that page numbers don't correlate and some figures can change.

Have you got any idea of what you're after? I may be able to find some down my way and post em up.

And, just FYI, I passed my hazards...

Likes Bikes and Dirt
Good on ya man!

Yeah I'm after:
Manual of Mineral Science (2008), 23rd edition, Klein, C., & Dutrow B., J. Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 675 pp.
Boggs, S. (Jr), 3rd Edition, 2001, Principles of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy, Prentice Hall.
maybe even:
GEOLOGY TODAY: UNDERSTANDING OUR PLANET (2003) Murck, BW, Skinner, BJ, Wiley & Sons, New York, 527 pp.
just for revision (I have found that second hand locally for really cheap, so I have that sorted if I end up getting it).

Which are tree textbooks, then there's a whole heap of other recommended that I'll probably library or buy if they're cheap enough.
There's groups on facebook, but I had figured that Geology books are something that you hang on to (hence me wanting to buy them to start my own reference library).
Good on ya man!

Yeah I'm after:
Manual of Mineral Science (2008), 23rd edition, Klein, C., & Dutrow B., J. Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 675 pp.
Boggs, S. (Jr), 3rd Edition, 2001, Principles of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy, Prentice Hall.
maybe even:
GEOLOGY TODAY: UNDERSTANDING OUR PLANET (2003) Murck, BW, Skinner, BJ, Wiley & Sons, New York, 527 pp.
just for revision (I have found that second hand locally for really cheap, so I have that sorted if I end up getting it).

Which are tree textbooks, then there's a whole heap of other recommended that I'll probably library or buy if they're cheap enough.
There's groups on facebook, but I had figured that Geology books are something that you hang on to (hence me wanting to buy them to start my own reference library).
The Boggs one we use, so I might be able to find one of them. The other one, the Manual, I haven't heard of but you might have some luck in those Facebook groups. If you haven't already, it's worth getting a good rock and mineral guide, just whatever is around usually does the trick. It's one of those books that you will always use. I'm also about to buy an Earth Science dictionary as a couple of others have them and they seem pretty handy.

Edit: Amazon sell 2nd hand books, too:
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Broken Bones89

Likes Bikes and Dirt
What is the Xbox 360 compatable equivalent of the Logitech G25/G27 wheel and pedals? I'm far too good at racing games to still be using a controller and I hear the Logitech group sets are the best bang for buck. Ill probably use it to play Pole Position on PC as well so it must be PC compatable too.