The stupid questions thread.


I wasn't sure where to put this, conspiracy theories, you laugh you loose? But keeping with the theme this seemed appropriate.

No serious, WTF![video][/video]


Eats Squid
What the hell is with stupid warning labels on shit that should have warning labels?

I kind of get the whole Macca's be careful your coffee might be hot thing. You didn't make the coffee and some cafe's make their coffee at "I need caffeine now" temperature. Okay but why the hell does my packet of 2 minute noodles have a warning telling me the contents will be hot??!!? You put the boiling water in there yourself it shouldn't come as a surprise that the contents are hot. What the hell?

John U

MTB Precision
What the hell is with stupid warning labels on shit that should have warning labels?

I kind of get the whole Macca's be careful your coffee might be hot thing. You didn't make the coffee and some cafe's make their coffee at "I need caffeine now" temperature. Okay but why the hell does my packet of 2 minute noodles have a warning telling me the contents will be hot??!!? You put the boiling water in there yourself it shouldn't come as a surprise that the contents are hot. What the hell?
It's called arse covering in the face of absolute stupidity (technically).


Knows his goats
Is there some sort of air filter thing that you can get that takes some of the dust out of the air in rooms? Surely someone has invented one.

Literally have to dust everything in my room like every 3 days.


call me Mia
Is there some sort of air filter thing that you can get that takes some of the dust out of the air in rooms? Surely someone has invented one.

Literally have to dust everything in my room like every 3 days.
You'll make some lucky bloke very happy one day, theo.


Lives under a bridge
Is there some sort of air filter thing that you can get that takes some of the dust out of the air in rooms? Surely someone has invented one.

Literally have to dust everything in my room like every 3 days.
It's called a vague cleaner.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Is there some sort of air filter thing that you can get that takes some of the dust out of the air in rooms? Surely someone has invented one.

Literally have to dust everything in my room like every 3 days.
Try living on a golf course. And no, I don't play- I fucking hate golf!


Eats Squid
If I am standing 6ft away from a mirror, and looking at the reflection of a something that's 1,000 behind me, are my eyes focussing at 6ft, or 1,000 feet?

Please excuse dodgy pic



Eats Squid
1,000 feet. you are focussing on the object, the mirror just changes the angle as to which you are focussing at it on.
I vote 6 feet. The refraction of light means you'd be focusing on whatever distance the mirror is at. Same deal as watching a TV, if a TV at 6 feet is displaying a photo of something 2000 feet away you'd still only be focused at 6 feet.


Eats Squid
The real question is why don't you just turn around?
A ha!
Because I was shooting a picture in very low light and I wanted to get the foreground and background in focus, and I didn't have a tripod but I needed a small aperture to get everything in focus, which blew out my exposure time so I was getting fuzzy images.
So, I thought rather than trying to select a small aperture (to get everything in focus) and take a pic of the actual landscape, I could use a large aperture instead and a faster shutter speed and just take a picture of a reflected image, and hence my depth of field required to be in focus for the shot would just be a few cms rather than from me to the horizon.

If that makes sense.


Eats Squid
A ha!
Because I was shooting a picture in very low light and I wanted to get the foreground and background in focus, and I didn't have a tripod but I needed a small aperture to get everything in focus, which blew out my exposure time so I was getting fuzzy images.
So, I thought rather than trying to select a small aperture (to get everything in focus) and take a pic of the actual landscape, I could use a large aperture instead and a faster shutter speed and just take a picture of a reflected image, and hence my depth of field required to be in focus for the shot would just be a few cms rather than from me to the horizon.

If that makes sense.
Did it work? I think you've just answered your own question.

Also. Buy a tripod.

Edit: ISO?


Llama calmer
I vote 6 feet. The refraction of light means you'd be focusing on whatever distance the mirror is at. Same deal as watching a TV, if a TV at 6 feet is displaying a photo of something 2000 feet away you'd still only be focused at 6 feet.
TV is light on a screen though, and already focussed by the camera. the same as looking at a photo isn't looking into the actual scene.


Lives under a bridge
TV is light on a screen though, and already focussed by the camera. the same as looking at a photo isn't looking into the actual scene.
A reflection in a mirror is just light on a sheet of silver behind 4 or 6mm of glass. The only real focal difference will be if you focus on the glass or the silver.


Likes Bikes
What the hell is with stupid warning labels on shit that should have warning labels?
Avoiding lawsuits. Have a look at O'Dwyer v Leo Buring Pty Ltd (1966) for a prime example of the overly litigious, void of common sense world we live in.