Three things you'd like to see removed from Mountain biking


Eats Squid
yeah basicaly what would be the three things you would get rid of that currently exist to make mountain biking more fun or a better sport.

i'll start i guess.

1, The notion that you 'need' an expensive bike like the pros to have fun riding DH.

2, narrow minded riders who don't respect other areas/aspects of the sport.

3, expecting tracks, parks, dirt jumps, races, club rides to just exist without any contribution on your behalf.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
I think you got my three right there dude!

Yeah basically, less emphasis on bikes and more on riding the gnar.


Likes Dirt
1. little bogan kids like ben brighty, some booner who rides in canberra.
2. pinch flats.
3. the council always knocking down our jumps.


ex offender
1. marketing departments
2. the retardedly high cost of any kind of dh bike (when it's considered extremely cheap to get a pushbike for three and a half thousand dollars, you know you're having your wallet ripped out your arse)
3. the incredibly short lifespans of bikes and components - compare it to cars (haha of the same $ value even!) which have hundreds, if not thousands, of moving parts. Bike/component designers suck in general, and the ones that don't, generally need to be referred to point 2 above.

(and 4. people who change other people's tracks/jumps/whatever. That's just not on.)

Edit: as well as everything Ty said.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
- If youre gonna build something make sure that its not going to cause injury to ppl because of shit building

- walkers that change obstacles into death traps that you cant see until its too late (at least block the track in a safe manner if your gonna do it)


Likes Dirt
remove all humans and riding would be great..

point is that as long as there are humans, there will be problems
1. the idea that race tracks for local and state rounds, or even nationals, don't need to compare to worl cup courses.

2. Whatever it makes insurance and racing so expensive, IE no public liabilty, people who sue clubs and ect should be banned, or deported

3. Nazi clubs, clubs that won't let you race with out handle bar plugs, or get anal about you riding aorund the pits with no helmet. People are out to havefun not be yelled at my 50 year old women.


Likes Dirt
I'm a bit like S.

1. Marketing (in general). I just can't stand it.

2. Components wearing out so quickly. How ever I don't think this is such a simple issue, there are specific factors which relate to bikes, including components having to be built really light, and components becoming technically obsolete (think about how much MTB has advanced over the past 10 years or so). However I reckon companies have jumped on these factors, and used them to their advantage. All products are geared towards short lifespans, and then the marketing takes care of making next years model looking 100% better than this years. Being reasonably new to MTB, I see people referring to stuff from 2000 as being old school, and its seems wierd.

3. Can\t think of one atm


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Re: Three things you'd like to see removed from Mountain bik

Ty said:
1, The notion that you 'need' an expensive bike like the pros to have fun riding .
I totally agree with Ty, I'd love to have a great bike with good parts etc. , but i can't. I think MTBers classify people on what bike they ride as their ability, but if they have fun and enjoy what they are doing, who cares how bad their forks or other parts are..


Yeah, yeah... blah, blah.
And I got so worked up then I forgot to post my 3 things! They're actually things I'd like to see gone from life overall as well as biking.

1/ Bad manners
2/ Lack of responsibility
3/ Lack of consideration


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Equipment "need"

Bogans ruining public land (red hill, canberra) putting up signs saying shit like "scorpios area" in front of their jumps in national park. (His name is Ben Brighty, he has a hot sister)

downhill tracks featuring lots of the uphill


Likes Dirt
-Fags who knock down and ruin jumps.

-Expensive prices.

-The Scorpia's Gang (Ben has a hot sister!).


Likes Bikes and Dirt
I for one am looking forward to seeing what happens when Grip is next online. :D

I could do without trail access issues.
I could do without $2000 airline tickets to Whistler
I could do without 60 hours a week of working instead of riding.


get out of my grill
rich people who cant ride
people who always blame there bike and crashing ect
the lack of riding places

bens sister is hot....... :?:


Likes Bikes and Dirt
S. said:
(and 4. people who change other people's tracks/jumps/whatever. That's just not on.)
AH HA!!! :wink: not mentioning any names...
1.) friken prices...
2.) friken repair prices...
3.) both pirces together!!! :x


Likes Dirt
To hell with just 3...

1) People who think better gear makes them a better rider. I'm not against people having cool stuff, nor am I jealous of rich kids, it just speaks lots about what sort of person you are. I pity your family/friends.

2) Track closures.

3) "Freeriders" and their associated attitudes. If you're too much of a pussy to ride up hill and can't ride technical trails without gobs of suspension, you pretty much suck.

4) Jump sluts who ride all day and never lift a shovel, you are scum.

5) People who only ride one style of mtb and consider all other types inferior. I hate you small minded retards.

6) People who build shite North Shore style structures. It's not natural, it's not safe and it's not extreme. (BTW, all the trials riders are laughing at your crap stunts)

7) People who give the rest of us a bad name. i.e Ride like nutjobs on public tracks and/or ride illegal trails. You're not doing yourself any favors and the rest of us want to break your face.

To anyone who gets offended by #'s 1-7. Take a look at yourself and either a) fix up your act, or b) get the hell out of the sport.


swiss cheese
Ty said:
what would be the three things you would get rid of that currently exist to make mountain biking more fun or a better sport.
1) rock shox.

Sorry, it was getting so tense in here I had to post something funny. If that offends you just say so and i'll edit it.