Tinea gone bad


Hath shat hymself
Well,where do I begin........
About a year ago on one of the famous (infamous maybe) Yup Boys trips to COFFS I did the usual ride hard,talk shit,bag my mates, bust out fat moves, drink massive amounts of booze... then the time came to try to have a shower in the dingy scummy filthy shower block that is always infested with urine n sand n other bodily waste on the floor/wall tiles. This time I forgot my choag thongs to wear in the shower and deceided to go "unprotected" in the shower to rinse the filth off my hot well built masculin frame from the famous Coffs track and the famous Coffs ladies. So scrubbing away enjoying the luke warm water and cleansing little Jimmy it seems some filthy crap got into my heel and starting eating away at my skin n epidermis.

I didnt bother doing anything for about 6 months ( because I'm a lazy prick ) till it started to ache bad when I walked on it (like a nail being drivin into my heel), after much deliberation and whining I went off to the local Chemist Whorehouse and purchased a home remedy Wart removal system, thinking it was a plantar wart. Froze the bastard off about 10 times and it worked for a bit but now it's back and caining like a mofo!!!!!!.

After the setbacks from knowing it's back to give me grief I made the decision to bring out the big guns and pick at the hole with a darning needle, needle nose pliers (sharpened point) and mag light substituting as a surgical lamp. I had a few stiff drinks then proceded to pick,dig, tear off a heap of skin. After digging for a while I'm pretty sure I reached the dermis layer, according to the great web site called Wiki. I think I was hoping to pull out a massive root,worm,alien being or something but ...baaaaa bowwwwn, not a damn thing.Together with it fuckin stinging like a mofo blood started to flow like a river over my couch (missus wasn't happy with that part, actually thinking back she wasnt' happy with the whole process) which flipped me out a bit too.

So, here I am now. Trying to decied my next move,I'm guessing the smart thing to do is go to the Doc and show him/her my mess and have them larff at my home surgery practice and tell me what a tool I am.

I guess this whole post is a warning to you all about always wearing thongs in public showers and not to do home surgery. But also a plead to anyone out there that has had this problem, how you dealt with it and what was the outcome/scenerio.

I just wish there was like an AA for this kind of thing and I could stand up in front of the group and tell everyone what an idiot I was for gouging out 1/3rd of my heel skin in the name of home surgery.

mmmmmmmmmmmmm foot spa good.............
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Hmm yeah, home surgery is never the best idea. That being said, last year I had a fucking horrible verruca right on the ball of my foot. I was lazy and didn't do anything about it for a while, until it started spreading. I dug the fuck out of it with tweezers (probably close to 3mm) pulling heaps of horrible looking bits of wart shit out until there was no black shit left. After that I put heaps of wart paint in it and covered it for a few days. Bits grew back about a week later so I repeated the process a couple of times, and since then it's healed up fine with no trace of harm.

In your case however... go see a fucking doctor!
I hate to laugh at your expense, but that was a hilarious post mate.

See a doc, get it sorted and you'll be laughing :)
Well,where do I begin........
About a year ago on one of the famous (infamous maybe) Yup Boys trips to COFFS I did the usual ride hard,talk shit,bag my mates, bust out fat moves, drink massive amounts of booze... then the time came to try to have a shower in the dingy scummy filthy shower block that is always infested with urine n sand n other bodily waste on the floor/wall tiles. This time I forgot my choag thongs to wear in the shower and deceided to go "unprotected" in the shower to rinse the filth off my hot well built masculin frame from the famous Coffs track and the famous Coffs ladies. So scrubbing away enjoying the luke warm water and cleansing little Jimmy it seems some filthy crap got into my heel and starting eating away at my skin n epidermis.

I didnt bother doing anything for about 6 months ( because I'm a lazy prick ) till it started to ache bad when I walked on it (like a nail being drivin into my heel), after much deliberation and whining I went off to the local Chemist Whorehouse and purchased a home remedy Wart removal system, thinking it was a plantar wart. Froze the bastard off about 10 times and it worked for a bit but now it's back and caining like a mofo!!!!!!.

After the setbacks from knowing it's back to give me grief I made the decision to bring out the big guns and pick at the hole with a darning needle, needle nose pliers (sharpened point) and mag light substituting as a surgical lamp. I had a few stiff drinks then proceded to pick,dig, tear off a heap of skin. After digging for a while I'm pretty sure I reached the dermis layer, according to the great web site called Wiki. I think I was hoping to pull out a massive root,worm,alien being or something but ...baaaaa bowwwwn, not a damn thing.Together with it fuckin stinging like a mofo blood started to flow like a river over my couch (missus wasn't happy with that part, actually thinking back she wasnt' happy with the whole process) which flipped me out a bit too.

So, here I am now. Trying to decied my next move,I'm guessing the smart thing to do is go to the Doc and show him/her my mess and have them larff at my home surgery practice and tell me what a tool I am.

I guess this whole post is a warning to you all about always wearing thongs in public showers and not to do home surgery. But also a plead to anyone out there that has had this problem, how you dealt with it and what was the outcome/scenerio.

I just wish there was like an AA for this kind of thing and I could stand up in front of the group and tell everyone what an idiot I was for gouging out 1/3rd of my heel skin in the name of home surgery.

mmmmmmmmmmmmm foot spa good.............

Can't wait to get me some of that shit in Coffs, hell, when's ya next road trip.:p

seriously though go see a quack, you probably need a good dose of antibiotics to sort it out.

P.S. I would've dug for gold myself also, just to find nothing:eek:
If it is tinea go for some canasten duo. Or get the docs to use liquid nitrogen and freeze the cells and they fall off.
Or what my sister did with some little thing that looked like a mountin with brissles on her hand is that she had surgery and they sliced it out.
That's what happens when you try to build a bike drunk whilst being heckled by the rest of us :eek:;)

Hah, blokes are hilarious. Anything but the doctor...anything...

I discovered recently a local medical centre had a blurb about each GP on their website listing their interests/specialties. You can find a doctor that is into this sort of thing, and I'd also go see a good chinese medicine practitioner/acupuncture. They can do some unreal work if you find a good one.

Oh, and PICS!
Dremel. Home Surgery is a breeze. Can find an attachment that can handle anything ffrom a Lamenectomy to Ingrown Toe Nails to a Root Canal Treatment. I removed part of my own Spleen last week using the Flexible Extension and assorted sharp cutting implements for my own version of keyhole surgery. Just remember to have a soldering iron on hand to neutralise the bleeding.
time tunnel

Well,where do I begin........
About a year ago on one of the famous (infamous maybe) Yup Boys trips to COFFS I did the usual ride hard,talk shit,bag my mates, bust out fat moves, drink massive amounts of booze... then the time came to try to have a shower in the dingy scummy filthy shower block that is always infested with urine n sand n other bodily waste on the floor/wall tiles. This time I forgot my choag thongs to wear in the shower and deceided to go "unprotected" in the shower to rinse the filth off my hot well built masculin frame from the famous Coffs track and the famous Coffs ladies. So scrubbing away enjoying the luke warm water and cleansing little Jimmy it seems some filthy crap got into my heel and starting eating away at my skin n epidermis.

I didnt bother doing anything for about 6 months ( because I'm a lazy prick ) till it started to ache bad when I walked on it (like a nail being drivin into my heel), after much deliberation and whining I went off to the local Chemist Whorehouse and purchased a home remedy Wart removal system, thinking it was a plantar wart. Froze the bastard off about 10 times and it worked for a bit but now it's back and caining like a mofo!!!!!!.

After the setbacks from knowing it's back to give me grief I made the decision to bring out the big guns and pick at the hole with a darning needle, needle nose pliers (sharpened point) and mag light substituting as a surgical lamp. I had a few stiff drinks then proceded to pick,dig, tear off a heap of skin. After digging for a while I'm pretty sure I reached the dermis layer, according to the great web site called Wiki. I think I was hoping to pull out a massive root,worm,alien being or something but ...baaaaa bowwwwn, not a damn thing.Together with it fuckin stinging like a mofo blood started to flow like a river over my couch (missus wasn't happy with that part, actually thinking back she wasnt' happy with the whole process) which flipped me out a bit too.

So, here I am now. Trying to decied my next move,I'm guessing the smart thing to do is go to the Doc and show him/her my mess and have them larff at my home surgery practice and tell me what a tool I am.

I guess this whole post is a warning to you all about always wearing thongs in public showers and not to do home surgery. But also a plead to anyone out there that has had this problem, how you dealt with it and what was the outcome/scenerio.

I just wish there was like an AA for this kind of thing and I could stand up in front of the group and tell everyone what an idiot I was for gouging out 1/3rd of my heel skin in the name of home surgery.

mmmmmmmmmmmmm foot spa good.............

forget the doctor - Keep on digging fella , you should hit titanium plate soon:p

and don't forget to sip Wild Turkey Honey on the rocks to sooth the pain process:eek:

Yeah mate - I had the exact same problem except not the Coffs strain :p

Both my heels went to shit, one worse than the other with cracks so deep they didn't stop bleeding day and night. Like you, walking felt like having a nail driven into the heel bone and twisted around in the skin each step - surprisingly debilitating!

I don’t remember seeing a doctor – but went to the chemist and explained the dilemma to them – and I’m 99% sure I ended up with an anti-fungal cream. It took months to get rid of it completely and you can still see the scars on the back of my heels. After it healed up ;) I rubbed a heavy moisturising cream in for yonks – it was like a cream for gardeners hands, but only after it was completely healed.

Good luck – I feel your pain.
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Dremel. Home Surgery is a breeze. Can find an attachment that can handle anything ffrom a Lamenectomy to Ingrown Toe Nails to a Root Canal Treatment. I removed part of my own Spleen last week using the Flexible Extension and assorted sharp cutting implements for my own version of keyhole surgery. Just remember to have a soldering iron on hand to neutralise the bleeding.

Ahhh get a grip hamsta! I nearly had to pick my self up off the floor from laughing. Best thread ever.
pssh, i had swine flu, my parents told me to harden the fuck up and i stayed home for a week whilst i was having weird delusions and falling down stairs...

ive still got a hacking cough every now and then, but if i ever get that sick again im going to a doctor:rolleyes:.
forget the doctor - Keep on digging fella , you should hit titanium plate soon:p

and don't forget to sip Wild Turkey Honey on the rocks to sooth the pain process:eek:

Lol great post ^^ Anyway that does sound so bad made me cringe, but sorry it did make me laugh haha.
But ouch.