Watch your accessory plates!!


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Had mine flogged in the car park at the top of Frenzy today ... the scumbag kindly replaced the allen-keyed bolt, but thought they needed the plate more than me! If you see anyone getting around with accessory plate 349-HZS, let 'em know I'd like to talk with them.
Why would your accessory plate be useful to anyone else? There's some scum out there.
Aren't accessory plates about the same size as a Motorbike plate?

So long as you let the police know it's been nicked, you're covered if someone uses it in a smash and grab on a motorbike.
The amount of people coming and going from the car parks at the moment you would think that someone might have seen something suspicious going on, anyway mate hope you find them.
Hey Perry I had a plate nicked a few years ago - I end up screwing the new one to a suitable sized piece of timber and used bungy cord in a loop at each end so I could easliy remove it and throw it into the car when out riding.
will keep an eye out - have written the number down and have it in the car so can easily refer to it if I see anyone with a plate on.
Thanks heaps fellas ... I have ordered a new one and let the police know. I take your point about an easy removal system Lloyd ... won't be leaving it on again. Cheers