What did you do TO / WITH / FOR your bike today!

That old clunker is slowly turning in to my retirement fund!
Brings back memories of the HJ vacationer we had as kids growing up, is it a 6 or a 8 unfortunately ours was only a lowly 202 I much preferred my uncles 253 HX. And are those the original seats as the upholstery fabric looks the same as the interior of the VH commy I had for my first car.
Brings back memories of the HJ vacationer we had as kids growing up, is it a 6 or a 8 unfortunately ours was only a lowly 202 I much preferred my uncles 253 HX. And are those the original seats as the upholstery fabric looks the same as the interior of the VH commy I had for my first car.
253 HZ Vacationer. With the age correct round cam lobes. Doesn't go fast, but sounds nice.

Dad's average attempt at a GTS dash.

And you nailed the seats. VH Commie, currently set in the moon-gaze position.

Just missing the moon roof to go with it.
42 in Perth today, way too hot to be outside or in the shed but the family went to a pool and left me in peace for a few hours. So made some wooden forms then made the old red press earn it's keep.The unbent one is in front and slightly lower, I think I'll call it done.
Un Uri Geller rack.jpg
Now to find the mega long pop rivets I bought a while back to put the wheel clamp parts back together, but I've put them in a very safe place that currently eludes me :(
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After last week's damper bleed explosion, I was not convinced I'd got all the air out of the shock trying to cycle it by hand, could have bought a fancy hand dyno, but instead raided the scrap bin at work and slapped this monstrosity together in about 30mins...
Same same but different...Great success!

Last night race, lining up at a balmy 34deg with all 5 of us ready to go. We get a smattering of rain 10 mins before - awesome I says, settle the dust. The look of relief on everyone's face was palpable . The rain continues..... Starting to get damp, then wet. It then proceeded to piss down for the entire 1hr race time (A check later indicated that most other places locally only got a little bit of rain). At the end of the race 5 very muddy bikes! FFS I really wasn't expecting to have to clean up and quickly service 5 bikes last night that's for sure. And given we weren't expecting rain 5 muddy people into my ute was a joy, lucky it's a shitbox Ranger