Your dumbest stack


Likes Bikes
my funniest (not my worst) was riding around a netball court practicing whe;llies while my sister played on another court. i brought my front wheel down after a pretty good one and smashed into a netball pole, fillped over the font and got sandwiched bettween the pole and my bike.


This didn't actually happen to me but it sure is dumb! My friend was racing someone across his school basketball courts and he was losing... Somehow he slammed into a pole!!! He totalled his knee and had it in a brace and was on crutches for months!! :p i laughed:D


Cannon Fodder
Well i just put cleats on my bike. I decided my first ride with them would be a nice xc ride. Fell over quite a few times getting used to having to unclip in a hurry!

Learn quickest through pain!


Likes Dirt
On our way to a cross country ride around flemington (melb) and to get to it theres a section of road riding to get to the dirt. I pop a gutter and kinda manual the nature strip which is all cool until I hit a bit of cardboard I didnt see. The cardboard slips out from under the rear wheel and I promptly hit the footpath in a bloody mess. I managed to skin an elbow, both knees and as I discovered 3 days later cracked 4 ribs. Dumb.


Likes Dirt
.:Easily:. said:
i think i was there that day

my stupidest stack was when me and some friends were talking in a circle sitting on our bikes. i was sitting on my frame and i leant too far back and fell

very embarrasing
i rekon every single one of us has done that at least once!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Eats Squid
was in torquay a few months ago visiting a mate. i had just built up an old beach cruiser for him to ride to teh shops on and i was on my bike. we went down the street to get fish and chips and were just rolling along. he was in front of me, we crossed a road and he took the footpath that you can roll straight up and i decided to manual then bunny hop up the gutter to a little nose manuals. did the manual, bunny hopped went to lean on my front wheel and landed straight into the gutter.
time kinda stopped and i was liek 'alright im going over the bars, may as well laugh about it' so i stick my hands out and am laughing as i roll along the footpath tangled in my bike.
my mate had looked back and saw me flying through the air and thought it was hilarious.
cut my hands up pretty good, but it was hilarious and we had good fish and chips after that.


Likes Bikes
My best effort was about 5 years ago, was just cruising around the place with a mate, we were riding 2 abreast and I was on the inside between the curb and him. He said quite randomly "Go left!" and turned straight into me... We were going quite a pace when it happened and we slid along the road for a good 10 metres or so, then untangled, stood up and discovered that neither of us had any skin left on our knees :D
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Western Sydney MTB Club
Did a beautiful trackstand on a newly constructed wooden plank bridge over a stagnant stinky bog of a creek out at scheyville... trackstand went horribly horribly wrong :eek: :eek: :eek: .

Creek - 1
Kenny - 0



dh skunk

Likes Dirt
Funny shit

A while back i was on a old trail and i was flying then i hit a fallen log then over the handle bars i went into a thorn bush:eek:


Likes Bikes and Dirt
dumbest stack? i thought i could land in an x-up off a small drop (yep, with my arms crossed). Landed with the bars 90 degrees.


Likes Dirt
coming home yesterday i was rolling into my driveway, at a fair old pace but nothing faster than usual. I started to brake only to lose traction unexpectedly and promtply slam into the garage door, buckling my front wheel and looking like a tit to boot.


Trying to do a stoppie (which I am not so good at) on my friends bike at the main street, in front of a gazillion people, hitting the front brake hard, smacking my face on the blactop, earning an applause!


well ok,my dumbest stack was when i was riding home on my mates demo 9 with a carton in my bag:) in the middle of a suburban road whn i noticed a taxi about ten metres behind me so being a total noob to riding i veared straight left into a gutter doing a full flip over the handle bars onto my ass:mad: ...self explanitory to say my mate was more worried about the carton and the bike haha


Likes Dirt
ahh rite, well where im from we call it a case, not a carton. jezus id be devo if i spilt a case, or a carton. im not ten either hahahaha probly ure age


Likes Bikes
haha when i was about 10 and had my BMX i was riding it while mum walked the dog.. we went to cross the highway and i decided to bunnyhop the refuge island in the middle of the highway...ate shit..had to get up quickly so i wouldnt hold up traffic. Mum didnt help either by yelling 'OHH ARE YOU OK!':mad:


GuRhInDiZzLe said:
ahh rite, well where im from we call it a case, not a carton. jezus id be devo if i spilt a case, or a carton. im not ten either hahahaha probly ure age
devo?whats devo