Yup boys n E shredders

is it the longest

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    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • yes no

    Votes: 2 66.7%

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yeah i charge mine in full view then unplug right away. they charge pretty quick

hope to race canungra, but ill be going in cold with no practice in the 2 weeks lead up which is shit unless i can get a crew to do some dayboro runs on the saturday or something

Give a hollla if mid week runs and in need of a driver.
Im in whale watch central, Caboolture whilst off work these days and free most week days if you need a driver ;)
Choag lover

Getting the Shrek-kunt rebuilt to blaze again after Buller mishaps.

Wanting a 150-160mm travel fork, QR or 15 golden rod in the ass, not the heavy dooty 160/20mm maxle setup at present.
The wheelset is fucked after Buller, so going for the backup Crack Bros, ex Shanebo... new wheelset or new forks... I chose the latter.

Whos got what laying around to sell to the cripplekunt?

EMF, what spacer things do i need for Crack Bros rear to convert to 142x12mm rod in the japs eye, for Shanebos old wheelset?

Your live walk away


1:20 the art of a selfie was invented
red kok is reborn


  • 10609490_4466184028159_8248948506809367727_n.jpg
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You fool, that IS red kok rebuilt after the fire destroyed the whole track. the local squids have been digging furiously. looks like they have done some good work.

Sweet, see you there for track walk on Sunday....good work squids,at least with the burning you can see where you are going thru that section