
Product Review The Dark Side: Canyon Endurace AL 7.0 Disc

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Road bikes on a Mountain Bike website!! have we lost the plot?? Yes, it seems. As life moves on, circumstances change. When getting up at 4am to get your mountain biking fix still doesn’t leave you enough time to get back to your household zoo for witching hour, an ominous cloud of spandex creeps into view. A word of warning, this review is blended with plenty of notes of my experience as a road rookie. Hopefully helpful to anyone looking at giving it a go.


Today we have my first road bike purchase, the Canyon Endurace AL 7.0 Disc (previously the 6.0 when purchased). The selection process of which was quite drawn out, I’d borrowed a couple road bikes off some friends which helped me decide what I liked and wanted. A 2010 Giant TCR, an 2016 S-Works Tarmac and a brief stint on a Cannondale CAD. Each of these bikes were quite different, all rim brakes, carbon wheels on the TCR and Tarmac, alloy wheels on the Cannondale. I rode these bikes in...

Rotorburn Gets A Refresh

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14 years is a long time in the computer world. The fact that Rotorburn (previously Farkin) has been around that long makes me feel quite old. At the risk of getting all nostalgic it's been a long time for us who are still here *sniff*.

Huge shout out to our advertisers, if it weren't for their support this site would have packed up a long time ago. SuperSports and GripSport in particular have been with us for over 10 years!!! If you ever see Rodney (SS) or John (GS) make sure you shout them a drink...

Another shout out goes to our moderators that have done a fantastic job keeping the place clean for all these years. It takes a great deal of patience and time to be a moderator, always the unsung heroes of the Internet forum. Without them, pandemonium ensues.

This week we've started the daunting task of upgrading the website. It's rather large so we're doing bits at a time. The new forum is now online with the front page to follow. You'll notice little things here and there change...

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