10 inches of goodness!


Likes Dirt
your wife must really love you, did you tell her what you wanted or did she just guess,
because it looks awesome.
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Likes Bikes and Dirt
Hey Taibo, this is possibly the awesomest bike on the planet...are you getting stickers for it (or sigwritten)? Once they go on it will look even more unbelievable, if that's possible!:)


Likes Bikes
Dude, that thing is absolutely awesome. I can't believe your wife did that for you! The second i mention bikes around my wife her eyes just kind of glaze over. With a wife who is a nurse an/d my list of injuries, a bike is probably the last thing she would ever buy me. Stunning bike mate


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Pretty sure ever Foes Lover wants your wife.

:mad: Pretty sure your wife is awesome.
Pretty sure the white looks mad as, I'd just like to see a foes sticker on it to brake the white up.
Besides that it's mad as.


Eats Squid
hahaha! thanks for the comments guys!
i was thinking about stickers...dont want the attention taken away from the BOS :D


Eats Squid
got rid of the old ugly brick of a stem for one of these:

she rides and looks much better now too!


Likes Dirt
I'm curious about the rear swing arm, is there another link in it somewhere, or does the shock mount directly onto the stay ??

either way, very nice


Likes Dirt


You have 80% of my dream build...

i envy you, i hate you. i love you. I WANT YOUR BIKE :D