Ivanhoe dirt jumps need few seconds of your time

ride days

So did anyone go to the ride days? What was the turnout like? People actually riding the jumps? Photos?

Would have loved to have gone, but was out of town. Hopefully the jumps can stay...
If everyone could please sign this petition it would be great, the owner of the jumps has put 10 months work into them and they are going to get dozed. They are amazing and deserve to stay

Call me an old wowser, but considering where they were built, I'm a little surprised they weren't bulldozed months ago. When I saw them a long time ago, the area had just been flooded and the jumps were very fragile, not a good place to build. Now if the builders had of put that kind of work into the council approved area, he and his friends could be riding every day for the summer on mint trails. Just sayin!

Melbourne needs trails like this....just not there.
I was there on Saturday arvo.
The turnout was great, probably around 25 people when I arrived.

The description was accurate, these trails are definately not for the inexperienced. And they are so much more than just a dirt jump set.
Adam has done soo much work, and made a real work of art with a whole figure 8 run that connects back to itself at the start.
Yes you could say they were used

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Good result?


Council calls off BMX track demolition

UPDATE: Banyule Council has decided to call of the demolition of the BMX track after Neil Mitchell spoke to BMX rider Heath Williams at 8:30AM this morning.

EARLIER: A Boronia BMX enthusiast and his mate have spent the past seven years building a BMX track in Heidelberg, with the local council reportedly never objecting to the construction.

Now that the track is completed, the Banyule City council plans to have it demolished.

Neil Mitchell spoke to the man behind the track, Heath Williams, who said the council suddenly backflipped without warning.

"For seven years, they just said respect the area, clean up your mess and now they want it demolished this weekend," Heath said.

When Heath pressed the council for an explanation, they told him the bushland between the Eastern Freeway and the Yarra River was heritage ground.

"The Council posted a flyer on the track saying they're going to demolish it because it's on aboriginal heritage ground," he said.

Heath said he comes from an aboriginal background and doesn't understand how the track is offensive to anyone.

"We're not planning on building shops or making money from it or turning it into a wasteland."
Wow I actually doubted they would leave them. Are you the guy that posted on the page saying you were going onto 3aw?

No. This just popped up in one of my news feeds and I thought it might be of interest.

I normally detest 3AW, but this is a good example of the non-awful community work they do.
No. This just popped up in one of my news feeds and I thought it might be of interest.

I normally detest 3AW, but this is a good example of the non-awful community work they do.

Thanks for sharing the link, I didn't realise they actually went through with the interview
Hey if you get the go ahead to keep it - perhaps some mere mortal jumps could be added. Happy to assist
Hey if you get the go ahead to keep it - perhaps some mere mortal jumps could be added. Happy to assist

I'm all for that, I'll ask Adam next time I'm there. I haven't ridden them yet (too hard on a slopestlyeish bike and my 24" has been sitting half done for a few months), but I doubt I'll be able to do half of the stuff there. Even Adam (the guy who built them) was having trouble clearing stuff
With a bloke on a Trek? If that was you, I was the guy on the black XTC coming out of there as you were going in.

yes - the guy on the trek was a friendly English git I met up at Bruce's. I didnt mention the cricket.

If i had known it was you I would have stopped for a chat

Video didn't work for me. Good to see them being ridden, but I stand by my remarks in my earlier post: a lot of effort for jumps that don't get used all that much; jumps that replaced previous trails that were getting used by a considerable number of people. I'd wager that these jumps won't get used much in the future either.

The craftsmanship is certainly second to none, but the layout of some of the jumps (including run in vs. gap size), is questionable. It speaks volumes that the builder himself can't get through all of the jumps and there would appear to be jumps that no one is hitting. At the end of the day, as pretty as a jump looks, if it isn't doable, it isn't a jump, it's just mounds of dirt in the bush.

The jumps are supposed to be challenging. When I first heard about them I was told he was inspired to make his own line as there were no decent size jumps anymore, nothing for practicing bigger tricks.

On the saturday Adam along with several others were clearing all 4 gaps in the main line.
His reasoning for not using the last 4 and the elevated berm yet was that they're not in the sunlight, and was still not dry/firm enough to jump safely.
Video didn't work for me. Good to see them being ridden, but I stand by my remarks in my earlier post: a lot of effort for jumps that don't get used all that much; jumps that replaced previous trails that were getting used by a considerable number of people. I'd wager that these jumps won't get used much in the future either.

Previous trails getting used by a considerable number of people? For as long as I can remember, the trails in the that spot have been harder than they are now. While Adam's jumps aren't easy, they're certainly not much more difficult than in previous times.

The craftsmanship is certainly second to none, but the layout of some of the jumps (including run in vs. gap size), is questionable. It speaks volumes that the builder himself can't get through all of the jumps and there would appear to be jumps that no one is hitting. At the end of the day, as pretty as a jump looks, if it isn't doable, it isn't a jump, it's just mounds of dirt in the bush.


Again, you seem to be misinformed. Adam can and did clear all the jumps, so did a couple of other blokes. It can't be helped if on certain days the jumps aren't hard enough due to rain. It's common sense, rain makes all type of trails slower.

terrific - 4 people can clear it

If someone wanted a smaller set well there's nothing stopping them from going and building their own somewhere else. Trail builders don't have to cater to everyone's needs, I know if I worked for months on jumps I'd build them how I liked them, not how everyone else wanted them.

Also, it was a few more than just 4....
Previous trails getting used by a considerable number of people? For as long as I can remember, the trails in the that spot have been harder than they are now. While Adam's jumps aren't easy, they're certainly not much more difficult than in previous times.

Also, it was a few more than just 4....

Well thats not true- they used to be tables and even I could ride em on a 29er SS with the sweet little rollers into the berm before the jumps.

Thats cool and as i mentioned - I am in awe of the work that has been done there. It would be nice if they were more accessible to more people
If they are to be left (and allowed to remain by Parks) and someone injures themselves- who is responsible (other than the rider)? If someone breaks a leg could they possibly sue Council, Parks, the builder.
Just asking!
Previous trails getting used by a considerable number of people? For as long as I can remember, the trails in the that spot have been harder than they are now. While Adam's jumps aren't easy, they're certainly not much more difficult than in previous times.

So are the current jumps harder or easier? You've contradicted yourself in the above quote.

For reference, the previous version of the jumps I'm talking about is this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvbnSowqT6Q They were easier than what is there now and they were used by a considerable number of people.

Again, you seem to be misinformed. Adam can and did clear all the jumps, so did a couple of other blokes. It can't be helped if on certain days the jumps aren't hard enough due to rain. It's common sense, rain makes all type of trails slower.

Well, others have said that the last 4 didn't get hit on the ride days???

If someone wanted a smaller set well there's nothing stopping them from going and building their own somewhere else. Trail builders don't have to cater to everyone's needs, I know if I worked for months on jumps I'd build them how I liked them, not how everyone else wanted them.

Also, it was a few more than just 4....

Thing is, there was a smaller set in that area but it got demolished and the dirt used to build what is there now (and a previous version with tabletops). What has been built caters for a very small number of riders who hardly use the trails. What's more, until recently, the run ups were chained off so unless you were in with 'old mate' you couldn't ride them anyway...

Of course, there are always going to be ownership issues with public trails. I don't have an issue with the jumps that are there per se, I just think that they should have been built in addition to, not instead of the easier jumps.
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