Seriously, GET OFF THE F*CKING TRAILS, you idiots.......

I went through that phase. Coffee enema is where it's at now. It can be addictive though, but I think I'm strong enough to manage it appropriately.


I'm not going to get hooked, my friends have been snorting for 15 years and they aren't hooked...
It was my first time at Thredbo at the weekend and the Flow trail was full of numpties standing in the middle of fast berms. Especially between 10am and 11am. (It seems lots of people only do one run, have a nightmare then take their bike back)

Each one I came across someone stopped somewhere daft I tried to communicate politely but firmly that it was not a good place to stop and that the edge of the straights were a much better option for all concerned.

Did I come across as a dick to them?


Do I care?

No not if I communicated that dicks like me (and many many more who are loads faster) could clout them hard if they stood hidden there.

I don't want to come across as a dick but I'd much rather I upset a couple of people but get them to change their behaviour slightly for the benefit of all. Some times folks need to understand the way it is!!

Couple of things. Firstly no, you are not a dick. Secondly who gives a F&*k what idiots think? It's not their safety I'm worried about. As someone else mentioned it's natural selection. As you mentioned, it's the safety of the non dick rider blasting down behind you.
Could be a good idea to have someone in trail sweeping duty. They just ride through flat stick armed with a jousting pole and a filthy dildo on the end of it. I can't imagine many people sitting in the way. If these clear outs are irregular but frequent it will generate enough fear that people aren't game to break.
got told off by some spud walkers in glenrock this afternoon, I rang my bell twice - once when I heard them, and the second time when I saw them. They told me I should have rung my bell earlier, even though they were walking the wring way on a one way mtb only track. muppets. not happy if you have a bell, not happy if you ring a bell, not happy unless they are walking the wrong way on a one way track with ski poles.
I, too, have struck plenty of trail bumps in 15 odd years of riding around my patch. I try to take the view of not just going off my chops at them, because genrally they are not idiots, just ignorant. Plus occasionally we ('real' mtb riders) are in the wrong.... I took my young fella down Yarra trails area the other day - nothing too serious down there so no riding for sheep stations I thought and a great place for him to learn. Despite only being ten, the young fella has fairly good trail etiquette - he pulls across first and let's others past, but I admit we do not set a cracking pace, so the odd hold up has occurred. When it dos I apologise and most seem happy to take it as being a small issue in the scheme of things.

Anyway, some young fella (and by young I mean early twenties) come smashing down towards us on a straight section, so Pat pulls to the left off trail, leaving plenty of room. This guy goes off his nut and starts yelling obscenities at both of us. He was someone I had seen before and is not a noob, but this was not on... I tired to tell him calmly to maybe take it down a notch as what he was saying was not on in front of the young fella and he had plenty of room to get past anyway. His reply was along the lines of 'you fucking arseholes should get off the trails and let real riders use them'. He started really getting in my face and and I had a gut full by this stage - So I belted the snot out of him.. Whoops... What I meant to say was he fell over repeatedly into my fist - it was the weirdest thing (if you happen to be reading this 'Brad' - I hold no grudge for the incident and my knuckles bear you no ill feeling for you dropping your face on them)
Yes, I know this is bad (in front of my son and all), but it goes to show kids, you never know who it is you yell at - it could be a grumpy bugger like me with a short temper a 25 years of unarmed combat training:fish:
I, too, have struck plenty of trail bumps in 15 odd years of riding around my patch. I try to take the view of not just going off my chops at them, because genrally they are not idiots, just ignorant. Plus occasionally we ('real' mtb riders) are in the wrong.... I took my young fella down Yarra trails area the other day - nothing too serious down there so no riding for sheep stations I thought and a great place for him to learn. Despite only being ten, the young fella has fairly good trail etiquette - he pulls across first and let's others past, but I admit we do not set a cracking pace, so the odd hold up has occurred. When it dos I apologise and most seem happy to take it as being a small issue in the scheme of things.

Anyway, some young fella (and by young I mean early twenties) come smashing down towards us on a straight section, so Pat pulls to the left off trail, leaving plenty of room. This guy goes off his nut and starts yelling obscenities at both of us. He was someone I had seen before and is not a noob, but this was not on... I tired to tell him calmly to maybe take it down a notch as what he was saying was not on in front of the young fella and he had plenty of room to get past anyway. His reply was along the lines of 'you fucking arseholes should get off the trails and let real riders use them'. He started really getting in my face and and I had a gut full by this stage - So I belted the snot out of him.. Whoops... What I meant to say was he fell over repeatedly into my fist - it was the weirdest thing (if you happen to be reading this 'Brad' - I hold no grudge for the incident and my knuckles bear you no ill feeling for you dropping your face on them)
Yes, I know this is bad (in front of my son and all), but it goes to show kids, you never know who it is you yell at - it could be a grumpy bugger like me with a short temper a 25 years of unarmed combat training:fish:

Well done ! You just ruined someones Strava run !

No seriously well done . People like that are not needed or wanted on the trails . But with that he SHOULD have been aware of the situation in front of him and acted accordingly by slowing down saying g`day and even offer words of encouragement to your young fella . I`m not fast but also not slow and yeah there are some peculiar stops people do but I too have done that , on trails no one else rides / seldom rides and this thread has re educated me in paying more attention . I won`t yell or belittle someone who has stopped on the trail or get annoyed when I have to ride into the scrub to avoid someone . I check to make sure they are OK as you never know , then make some small talk and then continue on my way . At the end of the day we are out there for enjoyment , so enjoy it and leave your road rage attitude behind as it has no place on the trail .
I, too, have struck plenty of trail bumps in 15 odd years of riding around my patch. I try to take the view of not just going off my chops at them, because genrally they are not idiots, just ignorant. Plus occasionally we ('real' mtb riders) are in the wrong.... I took my young fella down Yarra trails area the other day - nothing too serious down there so no riding for sheep stations I thought and a great place for him to learn. Despite only being ten, the young fella has fairly good trail etiquette - he pulls across first and let's others past, but I admit we do not set a cracking pace, so the odd hold up has occurred. When it dos I apologise and most seem happy to take it as being a small issue in the scheme of things.

Anyway, some young fella (and by young I mean early twenties) come smashing down towards us on a straight section, so Pat pulls to the left off trail, leaving plenty of room. This guy goes off his nut and starts yelling obscenities at both of us. He was someone I had seen before and is not a noob, but this was not on... I tired to tell him calmly to maybe take it down a notch as what he was saying was not on in front of the young fella and he had plenty of room to get past anyway. His reply was along the lines of 'you fucking arseholes should get off the trails and let real riders use them'. He started really getting in my face and and I had a gut full by this stage - So I belted the snot out of him.. Whoops... What I meant to say was he fell over repeatedly into my fist - it was the weirdest thing (if you happen to be reading this 'Brad' - I hold no grudge for the incident and my knuckles bear you no ill feeling for you dropping your face on them)
Yes, I know this is bad (in front of my son and all), but it goes to show kids, you never know who it is you yell at - it could be a grumpy bugger like me with a short temper a 25 years of unarmed combat training:fish:

Did Brad have lyrca or baggies on and wheel size? I know it's stereotypical but I think I know the answer.

Ice addicts on strava now...
Good on ya GD, there's absolutely no call for that carry on in front of kids. If it had just been me and my mates I would have laughed it off, but with kids involved I think I would have offered the same "counterpoint" that you did. Hopefully it gives him some food for thought on how he conducts himself on the trails in the future.

In other news, I swear my initial reply to this thread was a jinx on me. Since I replied, I've had a heap more riders parking in the middle of the trail. I just don't get how they don't think that given they've traversed the trails to that point, that someone won't be coming by. The guys going the wrong way without any acknowledgement (even when I move for them) are also shitting me.

Am I the only one who feels that the pacification of our society has encouraged these agro, raging, yelling screamers? Once upon a time such a person either needed to be a good fighter or learnt to shut the fuck up. Well done on shushing this prick. I was recently abused by an old guy, he must have been 65/70 years old! Lots of words I'm sure my grandparents wouldn't have even known! Of course I knew I was unable to beat him into submission, so I elected for encouraging his rage "I can't hear you" and so on. But..there was no need in the first place.

Today I discovered one of my friends is the type of rider this thread is about. Repeatedly he blocked sections on trail! Even after being politely reminded by myself that he was in other people's way! At one point leaving his bike across a blind corner, and a shovel in a similar place! Unbelievable lack of common sense was all it came down to. Well that and laziness.
I, too, have struck plenty of trail bumps in 15 odd years of riding around my patch. I try to take the view of not just going off my chops at them, because genrally they are not idiots, just ignorant. Plus occasionally we ('real' mtb riders) are in the wrong.... I took my young fella down Yarra trails area the other day - nothing too serious down there so no riding for sheep stations I thought and a great place for him to learn. Despite only being ten, the young fella has fairly good trail etiquette - he pulls across first and let's others past, but I admit we do not set a cracking pace, so the odd hold up has occurred. When it dos I apologise and most seem happy to take it as being a small issue in the scheme of things.

Anyway, some young fella (and by young I mean early twenties) come smashing down towards us on a straight section, so Pat pulls to the left off trail, leaving plenty of room. This guy goes off his nut and starts yelling obscenities at both of us. He was someone I had seen before and is not a noob, but this was not on... I tired to tell him calmly to maybe take it down a notch as what he was saying was not on in front of the young fella and he had plenty of room to get past anyway. His reply was along the lines of 'you fucking arseholes should get off the trails and let real riders use them'. He started really getting in my face and and I had a gut full by this stage - So I belted the snot out of him.. Whoops... What I meant to say was he fell over repeatedly into my fist - it was the weirdest thing (if you happen to be reading this 'Brad' - I hold no grudge for the incident and my knuckles bear you no ill feeling for you dropping your face on them)
Yes, I know this is bad (in front of my son and all), but it goes to show kids, you never know who it is you yell at - it could be a grumpy bugger like me with a short temper a 25 years of unarmed combat training:fish:

Curious to know how this ended.

Multiple blows to the face, then he came to his senses, apologised and rode away? Crawled away whimpering, but with no signs of remorse?

What was your young fellas take on the situation?

Happy with your physical retaliation?
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Am I the only one who feels that the pacification of our society has encouraged these agro, raging, yelling screamers? Once upon a time such a person either needed to be a good fighter or learnt to shut the fuck up. Well done on shushing this prick. I was recently abused by an old guy, he must have been 65/70 years old! Lots of words I'm sure my grandparents wouldn't have even known! Of course I knew I was unable to beat him into submission, so I elected for encouraging his rage "I can't hear you" and so on. But..there was no need in the first place.

Today I discovered one of my friends is the type of rider this thread is about. Repeatedly he blocked sections on trail! Even after being politely reminded by myself that he was in other people's way! At one point leaving his bike across a blind corner, and a shovel in a similar place! Unbelievable lack of common sense was all it came down to. Well that and laziness.

This is no different to the supermarket take a wander around there and see the people in the way..
I don't think it's one thing alone I really believe that as a society we are feeling more and more entitled and people are becoming less self aware. I am entitled to be here so I will be I don't even think it is a conscious thought at all any more.
Am I the only one who feels that the pacification of our society has encouraged these agro, raging, yelling screamers? Once upon a time such a person either needed to be a good fighter or learnt to shut the fuck up. Well done on shushing this prick. I was recently abused by an old guy, he must have been 65/70 years old! Lots of words I'm sure my grandparents wouldn't have even known! Of course I knew I was unable to beat him into submission, so I elected for encouraging his rage "I can't hear you" and so on. But..there was no need in the first place.

We used to flush their heads down the dunny or in the piss trough at primary school in my days and the teachers were cool with this because the kids were f@#kwits. Now it's called bullying, it can't happen anymore so by the ripe age of their early twenties, they end up with a bit of a big mouth ego problem until someone snots them.
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I, too, have struck plenty of trail bumps in 15 odd years of riding around my patch. I try to take the view of not just going off my chops at them, because genrally they are not idiots, just ignorant. Plus occasionally we ('real' mtb riders) are in the wrong.... I took my young fella down Yarra trails area the other day - nothing too serious down there so no riding for sheep stations I thought and a great place for him to learn. Despite only being ten, the young fella has fairly good trail etiquette - he pulls across first and let's others past, but I admit we do not set a cracking pace, so the odd hold up has occurred. When it dos I apologise and most seem happy to take it as being a small issue in the scheme of things.

Anyway, some young fella (and by young I mean early twenties) come smashing down towards us on a straight section, so Pat pulls to the left off trail, leaving plenty of room. This guy goes off his nut and starts yelling obscenities at both of us. He was someone I had seen before and is not a noob, but this was not on... I tired to tell him calmly to maybe take it down a notch as what he was saying was not on in front of the young fella and he had plenty of room to get past anyway. His reply was along the lines of 'you fucking arseholes should get off the trails and let real riders use them'. He started really getting in my face and and I had a gut full by this stage - So I belted the snot out of him.. Whoops... What I meant to say was he fell over repeatedly into my fist - it was the weirdest thing (if you happen to be reading this 'Brad' - I hold no grudge for the incident and my knuckles bear you no ill feeling for you dropping your face on them)
Yes, I know this is bad (in front of my son and all), but it goes to show kids, you never know who it is you yell at - it could be a grumpy bugger like me with a short temper a 25 years of unarmed combat training:fish:

The other guy may have been a fuckwit but I reckon you were a bigger one for resorting to violence. That is a shit example for a kid and someone who has 25 years of training under their belt should be more disciplined.
You should have been charged with assault and gone down twice as hard because of your training.
The other guy may have been a fuckwit but I reckon you were a bigger one for resorting to violence. That is a shit example for a kid and someone who has 25 years of training under their belt should be more disciplined.
You should have been charged with assault and gone down twice as hard because of your training.

Brad? Is that you?
Pro tip. When someone gets in your face give em a big cuddly bear hug! Itll confuse the living shit out of them ( might only work if the hugger is a hairy giant, cant objectively test other scenarios)

But srsly. Now there's a young bloke with a chip on the shoulder, an old bloke with a raging ego ( to be fair, this is the way we're generally raised to deal with confrontation, is it any surprise?), and a 9 yo who will probably go try some moves on his schoolmates now.

Because of mountain biking? Three way facepalm. Brad if you're reading, you're a fucking dick. Come n have a hug! Gdonohue, you need a hug too. I might be slightly more wary for yours... Maybe go for a 3 hr ride and put whisky in your waterbottle first. Your little bloke needs a hug to, but not from me, from you.

Its not even rocket science. Play nice, respect yourselves and other people. But get that first one right, because you can't do the second without it...
The other guy may have been a fuckwit but I reckon you were a bigger one for resorting to violence. That is a shit example for a kid and someone who has 25 years of training under their belt should be more disciplined.
You should have been charged with assault and gone down twice as hard because of your training.

I'm no expert on examples, but it seems this example showed you shouldn't be aggressive and abusive without reason, and if you need to get an abusive person out of your personal space, it's good to have some training and a family member to support your statement in court. I think kids everywhere could learn a valuable lesson from this.
Well done ! You just ruined someones Strava run !

No seriously well done . People like that are not needed or wanted on the trails . But with that he SHOULD have been aware of the situation in front of him and acted accordingly by slowing down saying g`day and even offer words of encouragement to your young fella . I`m not fast but also not slow and yeah there are some peculiar stops people do but I too have done that , on trails no one else rides / seldom rides and this thread has re educated me in paying more attention . I won`t yell or belittle someone who has stopped on the trail or get annoyed when I have to ride into the scrub to avoid someone . I check to make sure they are OK as you never know , then make some small talk and then continue on my way . At the end of the day we are out there for enjoyment , so enjoy it and leave your road rage attitude behind as it has no place on the trail .

YEah, sorry but people acting selfishly and endangering other people's safety is a legitimate reason to get upset. Secondly, "road rage" is not a reasonable catergoraisation of yelling "holy shit, look out" as you come screaming in to some one camped out on a fast section of one-way track. Neither is it road rage to tell some one, without yelling, that where they've stopped is a really bad idea.

I agree that we're all out there for enjoyment and I want to enjoy it without people putting my health and property in danger through mindless and lazy behaviour.

* Of course I'm not referring to the behaviour of 'Brad' up there, that's clearly well overboard
This is no different to the supermarket take a wander around there and see the people in the way..
I don't think it's one thing alone I really believe that as a society we are feeling more and more entitled and people are becoming less self aware. I am entitled to be here so I will be I don't even think it is a conscious thought at all any more.

Don't start me on the supermarket! Or shopping centres! Or Ikea! Fuck me people, when the escalator unloads your fat arse don't just stop! Keep moving! Surely you don't need a rest from the ride..?

Oh and trains...1 particular train station I use is really busy in the mornings. I try to alight from the train and can't because the whole town is standing there staring at the city boy and his bike...then rather than move out of my way they try and rush on. What the Fuck!???! I try...I really try, but sometimes those hillbilly deadshits get a lesson along the lines of "nobody gets on until I get off...who is going to get me off?" an old lady complained about my language once. I replied thanks for the offer but she was too ugly for the task...truth be told I would've gone there in a heart beat. Looked like the kind of lass that knew what a good time was.

Butt fuck me...people are just so devoid of spacial awareness. Mobile phone bang in a the exit, side by side on the escalator, not walking on the moving walkway, blocking the exit, farting in elevator, loud mobile phone music or conversations...the list is endless and exhausting. I think a viral you tube channel is the answer. Staring Russell Coight.

We used to flush their heads down the dunny or in the piss trough at primary school in my days and the teachers were cool with this because the kids were f@#kwits. Now it's called bullying, it can't happen anymore so by the ripe age of their early twenties, they end up with a bit of a big mouth ego problem until someone snots them.

I once pushed my (then) bestest mate into the trough...while he was him a wedgie...then pushing the flush button. It was an awesome moment in my schooling. The teachers demanded of him why his clothes were wet, and he wouldn't say! Just said he had accidentally splashed himself in the toilets. Nobody likes a dobber.

I'm no expert on examples, but it seems this example showed you shouldn't be aggressive and abusive without reason, and if you need to get an abusive person out of your personal space, it's good to have some training and a family member to support your statement in court. I think kids everywhere could learn a valuable lesson from this.

Corroborate...always corroborate with a trusted partner.
YEah, sorry but people acting selfishly and endangering other people's safety is a legitimate reason to get upset. Secondly, "road rage" is not a reasonable catergoraisation of yelling "holy shit, look out" as you come screaming in to some one camped out on a fast section of one-way track. Neither is it road rage to tell some one, without yelling, that where they've stopped is a really bad idea.

I agree that we're all out there for enjoyment and I want to enjoy it without people putting my health and property in danger through mindless and lazy behaviour.

* Of course I'm not referring to the behaviour of 'Brad' up there, that's clearly well overboard

I agree with you . As all people are different they may take your reaction the wrong way and you just don`t know what could happen with some people these days . Look at "Brad " . What happens on two way trails ? After riding the national park at Loftus and Majura ( the only two way trails I`ve ridden ) it certainly opened my eyes on just what could happen at speed as well as peoples reactions . Most people did not slow down at all and I must admit that I was starting to get annoyed that it seemed we were constantly stopping to let people past with no thanks , smile or otherwise even though we always make a point of saying Hi . But i guess thats just etiquette ?
When I raced BMX I once took out a little kid who had wandered onto the track with his bike , during practice , and I could not stop as he was at the bottom of a down ramp . The parents were outraged and yelling at me as I lay in a heap with two bikes . When I was able to I picked myself up checked the kid was OK , looked at my broken bike and asked them how they could let him wander out and who was going to pay for my bike . They disappeared quick after that .
There are dicks in all forms and if they can`t get into their heads that what they do is wrong then whats the point of saying something .
Some dirt bike riders once said to me when we had a discussion on riding MTB trails , be polite cause the next person you`re a dick to will likely kill you . And I agree with them .