Little Things You Hate

Ultra Lord

Hurts. Requires Money. And is nerdy.
Never used the bar or the liquid. Have always bought 5L pump packs of Fast Orange. Any idea how they compare?
Same same but different.
Solvo has a consistency more like normal soap, orange is more if a paste if I remember correctly?
Maybe not so same same ahaha, orange is good stuff.

Smells better than solvo atleast.


Eats Squid
Cool. I've always just used Fast Orange but a year ago due to Covid our supplier only had some other "orange" stuff. Old mate behind the counter assured me it was pretty much the same but it wasn't. This filthy shit made your hands smell worse than washing them in petrol and it contained nothing in the way of pumice. Can't remember its name (wasn't Solvol though).


Merry fucking Xmas to you assholes
Cool. I've always just used Fast Orange but a year ago due to Covid our supplier only had some other "orange" stuff. Old mate behind the counter assured me it was pretty much the same but it wasn't. This filthy shit made your hands smell worse than washing them in petrol and it contained nothing in the way of pumice. Can't remember its name (wasn't Solvol though).
The Simple Green gel is a good alternative to fast orange.

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Mr Crudley

Glock in your sock
Yes, but don’t forget, people tried to sell that caramel chocolate for $1000 a bar for a few weeks when it was on the news as ‘limited edition’.
It probably sold to morons for that, but that’s not my point.
Going up the value curve already. Full internet FOMO now.

I remember Solvol fondly as my Dad always had it around being a metalworker. Scrub hard enough and it usually worked pretty well. Then the next task was cleaning all of the washed off Solvol greasy goop from your hands and then out of the basin.


Spongeplank Dalepantski
Got sucked into thinking today was going to be a good day.

Wake up in bright, I was there for a 3 day pmbi skills instructor course. Got an email from MTB direct saying I'd won $100 for submitting a review on some RC shoes I got at 50% off. Had a blast riding around the lower part of mystic mtn all morning

Then I got a message from wifey, daughter has covid. I havn't seen her in a day and a bit, but now I have to inform the others and sit at the back like a leper for the rest of the course.

Then I had a silly off trying to climb something silly that I knew I couldn't get up

Then I realised I'd done something fairly nasty to my neck/back while I somersaulted down the hill with all the grace of a sack of potatoes.

Then I had to come to the conclusion that I needed to cut the weekend short and give up on this course that the club has paid good dollars for

Then I had to drive home 4 hours on a couple of neurofen.

Then I figured I'd better go get it checked out because it got worse, not better with time.

Then I got told it'd be 6-8hrs wait in the emergency room with crying babies, a dude pacing up and down, and a bogan lady complaining about her headache.

Bugger this, I'm home. I'll sleep it off and go see someone in the morning.

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk


his flabber is totally gastered
Got sucked into thinking today was going to be a good day.

Wake up in bright, I was there for a 3 day pmbi skills instructor course. Got an email from MTB direct saying I'd won $100 for submitting a review on some RC shoes I got at 50% off. Had a blast riding around the lower part of mystic mtn all morning

Then I got a message from wifey, daughter has covid. I havn't seen her in a day and a bit, but now I have to inform the others and sit at the back like a leper for the rest of the course.

Then I had a silly off trying to climb something silly that I knew I couldn't get up

Then I realised I'd done something fairly nasty to my neck/back while I somersaulted down the hill with all the grace of a sack of potatoes.

Then I had to come to the conclusion that I needed to cut the weekend short and give up on this course that the club has paid good dollars for

Then I had to drive home 4 hours on a couple of neurofen.

Then I figured I'd better go get it checked out because it got worse, not better with time.

Then I got told it'd be 6-8hrs wait in the emergency room with crying babies, a dude pacing up and down, and a bogan lady complaining about her headache.

Bugger this, I'm home. I'll sleep it off and go see someone in the morning.

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
What is the collective noun for mtb shit? I'm not sure, but that sounds like an Atherton of unfun. Wishing you calm seas and blue skies ahead, Plank.


Got sucked into thinking today was going to be a good day.

Wake up in bright, I was there for a 3 day pmbi skills instructor course. Got an email from MTB direct saying I'd won $100 for submitting a review on some RC shoes I got at 50% off. Had a blast riding around the lower part of mystic mtn all morning

Then I got a message from wifey, daughter has covid. I havn't seen her in a day and a bit, but now I have to inform the others and sit at the back like a leper for the rest of the course.

Then I had a silly off trying to climb something silly that I knew I couldn't get up

Then I realised I'd done something fairly nasty to my neck/back while I somersaulted down the hill with all the grace of a sack of potatoes.

Then I had to come to the conclusion that I needed to cut the weekend short and give up on this course that the club has paid good dollars for

Then I had to drive home 4 hours on a couple of neurofen.

Then I figured I'd better go get it checked out because it got worse, not better with time.

Then I got told it'd be 6-8hrs wait in the emergency room with crying babies, a dude pacing up and down, and a bogan lady complaining about her headache.

Bugger this, I'm home. I'll sleep it off and go see someone in the morning.

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
Leaving a possible fall is as mad as riding without a helmet. How dare you judge me ;) but seriously, watch your health or become a cripple


scanxiety is real. here's hoping for the best. kind of scary when you see the size of cancer wards and everyone you know has been touched by it
I lost 12kg in 10 days, worst part is i managed to put it all back on during chemo, thats not how its supposed to work
yeah, dropping the pudding is the worst part, at least you seem to have got it back easily
Pffffft...stole your pubes. @safreek you don't even know what pubes are. I left more pubes on the floor of the shower tonight than your glazed up smooth body has known in all its glorious years.
I was always sooo proud of those 3 little beauties
It's all speculation of course. But what's wrong with a magnificent lion's mane encircling the old fella?
they left a raather pathetic little mane, would of been cool if they would of gone all the way, Hey, how do I know they weren't all perverts and all took turns at me.
Hey mate, top work for smashing it, you have done well.
A mate had the brain one, diagnosis to gone was like 6 weeks, proper fucked.
Another mate had a mouth one, grew from a spot to thumb sized in a few days, he beat it.

You've done well, enjoy stuff.... all of it.
Cheers man, it's all pretty easy to miss the signs and next thing you are in trouble. I feel for your mate, all the brain cancer people I have seen have a terrible end


One of the dead people in the flood was an old compadre, ol Stuart. Known him for years and had our run ins. He was the fella that I threw out the house a few years ago.
Hadn't made friends again but had at least had a couple chats since the dispute.
Been years since I have shed a tear for someone but for some reason I did for him. One minute sandbagging, next minute gone.

pink poodle

Douche bags! And snow resorts seem to be a magnet for them...

People with "backpack" speakers. One guy yesterday was in the bar watching a live DJ and still had his speaker "pumping"! It did not make for a good mash up.

People who go hands free and video calls in crowded places.

Tipping culture can eat a dick. Bar I wasted a bunch of money in last night lost her shit at a table because she felt they didn't tip her enough. I was sitting reasonably close and the level of service she offered was minimal at best.

And (controversial as it may seem to some) after 3 weeks here this (from my favourite Simpsons episode) rings true...



Alice in diaperland
People with "backpack" speakers. One guy yesterday was in the bar watching a live DJ and still had his speaker "pumping"! It did not make for a good mash up.
Fk'ers, for sure.

Get them on mtb trails too especially on weekends (which is probably why I don't ride on weekends).

Tipping culture can eat a dick. Bar I wasted a bunch of money in last night lost her shit at a table because she felt they didn't tip her enough. I was sitting reasonably close and the level of service she offered was minimal at best.
The wife and I were over in Denver a few years ago and had lunch in a cafe in Boulder. Usual tipping bullshit, but the thing that floored me was the hourly rate that they were paying...

In the dunny there was a job flyer looking for waiters. The pay rate offered was only a dollar less than my fitter and turner rate

And they still expected a fucken tip.


Dr. Beebenson, PhD HA, ST, Offset (hons)
It's the "just because" expection that shits me.
Shits me when people create a new word and the expection is that I’ll accept it “just because”.

(Shit stirring, but only because I genuinely wondered if it was one of those American misspelled or misused words - like when sportsball commentators say a player is “pressurising” their opponent, or news anchors say “all the people in the building were evacuated”…)