Recent content by Sam_Fischer

  1. S

    NS Capital [SOLD]

    Hey man, curious what size the frame is. Hard to get a reference from the pictures. Alternatively, if you don't know the size, what is your height, and do you find it comfortable?
  2. S

    NS Capital [SOLD]

    Hey man, before you go breaking it up for postage check with local couriers, you should be able to move a whole bike interstate for a bit over $100.
  3. S

    STOLEN SYD: Iron Horse Sundat Elite 2006/ Neutral Bay

    I don't mean to bump a week old thread, but; Underground lockups are not secure at all. I discovered this myself unfortunately when my new mountain bike was stolen 1 week after I started storing it in my unit's underground lockup after riding. Even though I only shared the lockup with 5 other...
  4. S

    Conflicting advise on frame sizes.

    So much fantastic advise in this thread. I'd love to quote each of you personally to indicate I read your advise, but hopefully my kudo's is enough. As you've all said, body type is important. I run a fair bit since I have a runners body (long legs) so that is definitely a factor. My exact...
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    Conflicting advise on frame sizes.

    Thanks heaps for the advise guys. Mucho appreciado. // And just when I think I've got a grasp on frame sizes I discover there is a huge difference between mountain bike frames and bmx frames. Well played bicycle frames, well played.
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    Conflicting advise on frame sizes.

    Hey guys. I did some rudamentry searching before posting, though didn't find anything really relevant. So sorry if this is a duplicate thread. I'm not too knowledgeable when it comes to bikes, I've been riding for a large part of my life but I've never actually bothered to learn too much...
  7. S

    removing stubbon bolts with no head!

    Is there never a threat of the metal becoming brittle due to the temperature drop and either the allen key, or what's left of the bolt thread, simply sheering off?
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    "How To" Forum

    As a mature scrub looking to not embarrass himself on, or around, a bike this thread is relevant to my interests.
  9. S

    removing stubbon bolts with no head!

    I'd like to recommend a specific one for you, but I actually can't recall what I used last time myself. I think I might have even picked it up for a couple of bucks from Bunnings. Plus if you find yourself wondering how to extract the Allen key from the adhesive and bolt when you're done...
  10. S

    removing stubbon bolts with no head!

    I had a mate who has used both builders foam and just regular industrial adhesive to remove stripped bolts. In this sort of case you could try filling up the bolt head with an adhesive, putting in a loose fitting Allen Key and waiting for it all to set, and then have a crack at it.
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    Does your home and contents insurance (if you have it) cover this sort of thing? Really unlucky man, and hope the cops actually manage to do something.
  12. S

    New? Feel free to say g'day here.

    Hey lads, Sam here. Currently living up in Briscity, as much as I hate the place (I'm a country boy). Was told by a guys yesterday about this site, so here I am. Keeping my eye on the buy/sell forum for that something special I'm hoping pops up :D
  13. S

    The last movie you've last watched last

    Beerfest has its moments. Can't stop thinking about Supertroopers though when I watch it. Can't wait for Cowboys & Aliens to come out though. Only a few more months till it's out :p (