Am I a dickhead? Damaged Nomad 4 frame butchering

I'ma not worried about the Nomad (although I do like the determination on the finiish ) I still want my crack at trying the effectiveness of the tracker and if it makes sounds ...hopefully Sandstorm x Darude

(insert chimp riding gif)
Yeah. This is some extra motivation sand the paint off :)
And if what you find isn't super desirable.

You know the answer...

So, some progress. Picked up a 180mm 27.5 Zeb, a set of Zipp Moto wheels (2 fronts, so need a 350hub to put in the rear) and the rear triangle has started it’s paint removal process. Found the repair job on the rear triangle chainstay, non drive side. If it held up for the previous owner I assume it won’t be a problem….


Is the damage, where there was the graffiti writing in one of your first pics? Seems pretty minor.
  • 99.9999% of paint is removed
  • 350 Hub for the rear wheel has arrived
  • Bought a Zeb Ultimate in 38 offset 180mm travel, grey
  • Got LG1R carbon cranks
  • Cut 30mm off the seat tube length

Getting some decals in negative made up so we can spray some logos on and have decided on a 'colour', should look pretty good if we dont fuck it up!
Is the damage, where there was the graffiti writing in one of your first pics? Seems pretty minor.
The damage is about 40mm in front of the rear axle, looks fine, only gripe is that some clear has gone over the existing tan paint, so ill need to cover that up somehow.
So, small update, this got to the point where we just had to get it done. A bit silly to rush the last most important finishing stage where we could have just taken our time to get it just right, but fuck it, this thing needed to get finished, built and ridden. And that the end of the day it’s a bike for a beginner that’s gunna front flip down rock gardens. Pretty rough from up close in a few spots, but from a meter way looks just fine, and any inperfetions wont be that noticeable when built up and covered in mud.
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Needs a final sand back, and maybe some touching up, but we are pretty stocked with out it turned out.
from some angles the paint disappears completely and you can see the carbon weave :)