Atheist's, what got you to your atheism?

And religious people like this guy:


guy should have had his degree or whatever he was getting at the time, revoked on the spot...

He does relise that the pyramids arn't exactly hollow, not real good for storing grain... and quite expensive to make...

I don't mind peopel that are religious, but people that are Religious, they shit me to tears.
Atheist's, what got you to your atheism?

Completely unrealistic and illogical arguments against it.

I find it funny how someone can receive the word of god or whatever, but if you hear other voices then it is a mental illness. How belief in something that is clearly not there cannot be a mental illness is beyond me.
Fake apparently :shocked:

Um, can someone give me the keynotes from that.

All I got out of it that I enjoy her not wearing a supportive bra.

In terms of this subject, I became an atheist because I'm logically minded. And my parents are atheist but they didn't push me either way.

I remember in primary school, having to do to RE. I remember sitting there puzzled how an adult could believe a fairy tail.

I was always under the impression that god and all that goes with the concept, was just a story for kids. Like Santa. And one you grew up you learnt that God isn't real like you do that Santa isn't real.

You can imagine my disappointment through life when I found out adults believe that kids story. Yet people know Santa is a story. Which is weird, because if you compare the stories on Santa vs God, Santa is a much more plausible proposition.

The thing I find is religions most frustrating is how aggressive they are towards people who don't share their beliefs.

If you don't believe what I believe, you're going to hell and spending eternity suffering and in pain

If you don't believe what I believe, I don't really care and nothing bad will happen.
I claim to be an agnostic atheist...and I'm fucked if I know how I got here. I blame old age, life experience and the Internet.

I tried to blame it on logic but that didn't work out when I gave it some thought.
I was brought up in a catholic School both primary and secondary, my folks are both Atheist but both have and had rather stout religious parents, my Kiwi side is religious up to my fathers age group, all further siblings and generations are not religious and although they follow their parents I know the majority are atheist like myself

My partner is Catholic, I have no quarrels with it, I support her and accompany her to church on special occasions, She knows I don't share her beliefs and she doesn't force anything on me, nor do i force any of my logical arguments on her, she is not stout otherwise we wouldn't have gotten to 5 years and a proposal :lol:

My interest in space travel and science in general at a young age was probably what kept me away from believing or even having an interest in religion
My interest in space travel and science in general at a young age was probably what kept me away from believing or even having an interest in religion

Actually yeah thats a fair point, I was the same. Plus I was a big star wars fan, you had the force, but even as a little kind I didn't think that was real (or magic either), it was jsut something in a story... so god and religion fell into the same boat. Cool story bro, don't make it true.
I would describe myself as agnostic. I was bought up in a catholic household and always went to catholic schools. As somebody said once they took away Santa and the Easter Bunny you :spy:

In sixth class had this sanctimonious old bitch as our teacher and she said 'if you don't get baptised you are going to go to hell!' To which I asked 'if I lived in the jungle and never had the opportunity to be baptised would I still go to hell?' She answered 'you would go to hell', personally I think she wished I would go to hell.

I couldn't reconcile that message with the message of love and forgiveness that was supposed to be the cornerstone of christianity, it all sounded like BS from that point onwards. As got older and noticed the hypocrisy and double standards
I find it interesting that its still taught in public schools. My 7 year old daughter came home recently talking about Jesus / GOD etc asking if I believe in it all. She was quite taken back when I told her I thought it was a load of shite and that I only celebrate Festivus. So are you telling me the RE teacher at school just fed me a bunch of crap all morning dad? Ah yeah, I reckon... Nice colouring job on that picture of Jesus on a cross though, stayed in the lines, well done.

I see it as a dying breed as science and technology finally start to catch up with all these beliefs. My parents went to Church/Sunday school because their parents had made them, but my parents had 'seen the light' and not bothered sending me. Even my grandparents who were quite religious in their younger days started to fade out of it the older they got, living through wars, economic depression, moon landings and internet porn probably changed their views somewhat.
Your grandparents did internet porn?


Nah, Nana was still getting out of the chair to change the channel on their 40 year old Rank Arena, didn't quite grasp the interweb thingy.

Mind you I hope when I'm in a nursing home bored off my tits that I will be able to sit there and rip the ears off it occasionally. Fake nana tits, viagra, internet porn and plenty of free time. Going to be happy days when I reach the nursing home, just hope I can remember what to do with it all.

Do you think Jesus will be ok with it?
Completely unrealistic and illogical arguments against it.

I find it funny how someone can receive the word of god or whatever, but if you hear other voices then it is a mental illness. How belief in something that is clearly not there cannot be a mental illness is beyond me.

It's also funny that when people hear "God speaking to them", it's usually a reflection of their own agenda.

I was brought up in a Christian household and had it basically forced down my throat - in hindsight, I'd have thought that given forcing someone to do anything will more often than not yield a negative result, my folks should've changed their approach. I can't pin point a time when I rejected the whole idea, but I guess somewhere around 11 years old I started to notice a lot of hypocrisy and it unraveled pretty quickly from then on.
I see these 2 as mutually exclusive. You either completely reject the notion of a god, or you can say that's it's unknowable.
Interested how you mate two?

Uh oh! Let's not go down the path of a religious argument of what an athiest is and an agnostic then all points between......... Strong atheist, anti theist, theist agnostic blah blah blah

Me " Dad, if Christians believe in the one true God and anyone that doesn't isn't going to heaven, and the Buddhists and the Muslims and the Hindus all think they are right and everyone else is wrong, how do I know that I am on the right and will go to heaven because they can't all be right, right?

Dad " you don't and can't know son"

Me " oh, then religion is just a game of chance then"

Dad " yes son, but if you have no religion, then at least you don't think you're better or more likely to go to a heaven than anyone else"

Me " so a true and just God would only accept atheists anyway. Cool. Want to throw a ball in the backyard?"

Dad "not today , I've got a lot to do"
Uh oh! Let's not go down the path of a religious argument of what an athiest is and an agnostic then all points between......... Strong atheist, anti theist, theist agnostic blah blah blah

Me " Dad, if Christians believe in the one true God and anyone that doesn't isn't going to heaven, and the Buddhists and the Muslims and the Hindus all think they are right and everyone else is wrong, how do I know that I am on the right and will go to heaven because they can't all be right, right?

Dad " you don't and can't know son"

Me " oh, then religion is just a game of chance then"

Dad " yes son, but if you have no religion, then at least you don't think you're better or more likely to go to a heaven than anyone else"

Me " so a true and just God would only accept atheists anyway. Cool. Want to throw a ball in the backyard?"

Dad "not today , I've got a lot to do"
It's not a religious argument. It's more like saying you ride a Specialized Reign.