Back to amputate your legs: The Angry Doctor, 2009

Anyone caught selling entries at an inflated price should have their MTBA licence revoked and never reinstated.

What use would that be? These events aren't run under the auspices of MTBA and typically less than 20% of the entrants are MTBA members.
Moot point anyway - judging from the rush of tickets available here for Dirtworks in the last couple of weeks, and the number of times the threads had to be bumped up, I don't think too many people made a profit out of on-selling tickets!
Anyone caught selling entries at an inflated price should have their MTBA licence revoked and never reinstated.

I really can't see this becoming a problem - the effort needed to go through and do 1 registration at a time and the effort involved in transferring 1 entry at a time for maybe a few extra bucks is not worth it.

I mean there are plenty of other races on who is going to pay 2-3 times the original price for a ticket to inflict maximum pain on themselves??

Concerts where you have thousands of people chasing tix is different to a mtb event where you might have people in the dozens after an entry.

Frustrated swear words steaming from my mouth at the moment.

Did not get my act together in time!!!!

Still fuming..........
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recognising that I am annoyed but

the language on the AROC website gets up my nose. Feel bit rude to me, but can also understand that they are answering lots of calls etc.

Not meaning to bash AROC but am I alone?

"Entries for the 100km and 50km events have sold out.
The waiting list is also full.
A list of all people that have successfully entered will be posted here on Thursday 7 May. Please wait until this list is up and do not contact us for confirmation. We will not be answering any more queries regarding entries. If you are not on the list then unfortunately you didn't make it and we are sorry you missed out. The participant numbers are limited by State Forest and there is nothing we can do regarding this.

If you would still like to pre-enter the Nasty Nurse 11km prologue on the Saturday or purchase a limited edition event jersey CLICK HERE"

AND I know it is my fault. Hell the opening date was in my diary, I just procrastinated and didn't want to spend my limited bickies at the moment.
I thinks your right about the phone calls. The tone of the message reeks of "stop calling me!!!". Sounds like a little frustration creeping into the post.
frustrated? yep

Mont? Sold out
Capital Punishment? Not happening
Next one coming along: Angry Doctor. Set my sights on it, and then it sells out in 4 days. Clearly, I ain't getting my game together and need to commit earlier!!

So tis true that I am frustrated.
the language on the AROC website gets up my nose. Feel bit rude to me, but can also understand that they are answering lots of calls etc.

Not meaning to bash AROC but am I alone?

AND I know it is my fault. Hell the opening date was in my diary, I just procrastinated and didn't want to spend my limited bickies at the moment.

I don't find the language all that problematic. How much more sugar would you like with it? They did announce the entry date some time before it actually opened. Yep it sucks that "only" 1000 poeple get to ride it but thats the limits applied by the powers that be, I'm sure Aroc would love to accommodate every one that wanted to enter.

On a different note its good to see these events selling out it quick time. Can only mean the sport is getting more recognition as a legitimate sport/recreation.
I don't find the language all that problematic. How much more sugar would you like with it? .

More sugar pls. I can't cope with blunt reality.

Seriously, it ain't that big a deal but I don't think it is the best approach to a large bunch of potential (now disappointed) customers. But it ain't my business, and I ain't every going to organise a race.

Good luck to them, but I did also give them some feedback.
On a different note its good to see these events selling out it quick time. Can only mean the sport is getting more recognition as a legitimate sport/recreation.

Agreed. Various events really seem to be gathering momentum, and that is definitely good.
Better be on your toes come Fling time. ;)

I dunno, the fling took 2 weeks to fill up last year..... but judging by the last couple of decent 100k races I'd wouldn't be surprised to see it book out in record time. Set that reminder now people!
Highland Fling Entry Date?

Officially over my sulk.

There does not appear to be an opening date for the fling, but I will be watching carefully!!!
Entries are posted


Here is a provisional list of people entered into either the Angry Doctor 100km or the Irate Intern 50km. A complete list showing which event you are in will be posted shortly. this is to confirm that you at least have an entry.

We are sorry for all those that missed out. A sell out in 4 days is phenomenal and was not expected. The participant numbers are limited by State Forest to 1000 riders and there is nothing we can do regarding this.

Here is a provisional list of people entered into either the Angry Doctor 100km or the Irate Intern 50km. A complete list showing which event you are in will be posted shortly. this is to confirm that you at least have an entry.

We are sorry for all those that missed out. A sell out in 4 days is phenomenal and was not expected. The participant numbers are limited by State Forest to 1000 riders and there is nothing we can do regarding this.

not to sure if it is the provisional list file that is corrupted or some fault on my pc.
all it says is an unexpected error occurred when i try to open the file.
does anyone else have the same issue??
have tried to open it with word and notepad.