Canberra rides and beers

Got a fast response, not looking good for a pump track this time around but could be in the future, I'll keep up the communication, and maybe I can get onto the consultative committee representing skateboarding.

SFP said:
Thanks for getting in contact – we appreciate feedback!

The Village Green is a part of future plans for the park and it has been endorsed by SSCC (Stromlo Forest Park Strategic Consultative Committee), so it needs to be included. It’s intended to provide a community space as well as an events space to be used by all. In peak visitation all of the carparks are absolutely necessary, however there are other plans in place for other facilities in the masterplan that may work for your group.

The carpark spaces are bigger than standard to accommodate for bikes on racks etc. The aisles are also wider to allow extra room and visibility.

For this particular project, the major elements are at the final stages of the development application.

We appreciate the time you’ve taken and the comments you’ve contributed. If you have any more questions or concerns, please let me know.
Did a quick lap this morning, more people on E-bikes who have no business being on those trails than I've ever seen before. Also heaps of families with slow young kids on trails that really aren't appropriate for them.

What trails were the ebikes on?
I just received an email from a member of The Greens who's a supporter of mountain biking and questioning the car park development.

I know I've asked you all to send emails before, and looks like it's that time again. Even just a quick one to let her know about your feelings regarding the car park vs new trails.

This is her email:

and what she sent:

Dear Tubbsy,

I am writing to update you on work that I’m doing regarding mountain biking at Stromlo Forest Park.

I have heard from regular users of the park that they don’t feel like they’ve had the chance to have their say on the proposed $2.88M car park and events space at Stromlo. I’ve also heard from many in the mountain biking community that they feel maintenance and investment into new trails is a significantly more important way to invest in the park than the carpark and events space.

I am now planning to bring a motion to the ACT Legislative Assembly calling on the Government to do the following –

  • Provide a timeline for delivery of the $1.2m Stromlo to Cotter flow trail and the $700,000 for delivering priority Canberra Mountain Biking Report recommendations as committed to at the 2020 election.
  • Establish a single point of contact in ACT Government to coordinate the ACT Government’s work on mountain biking.
  • Improve processes for direct consultation with regular Stromlo Forest Park users on proposed changes at the park, including direct consultation on the proposed $2.88M carpark and event space proposal.
But I’d like to hear from you! If you’re a mountain biker, regular user of Stromlo or just have an interest in the future development of Stromlo Forest Park feel free to send me an email with what you’d like to see the Government commit to in this space.

Kind regards,


Jo Clay MLA
ACT Greens MLA

Would be great if as many of you as possible could write in and support her on this. Squeakiest wheel gets the loctite and grease, as the proverb goes...
I will write, I've talked to my Stromlo contact about this as there is a Libs MLA who has started a petition against the carpark.

I don't have a problem with it. The trails are built and maintained pretty well already, more money won't stop the rain, and a number of new trails have appeared in recent times. The whinge from the Lib MLA seems to be around paid parking which is not actually part of the proposal, just something another MLA siad could be on the table and works well at the Arbo.

The current car park is shite, especially in a normal (non SUV) vehicle. The event space is usually part of the car park or the middle and surrounds of the crit track and is not a great space as an event village, and takes out use of the crit track when big events MTB are happening. The car park is not just about mountain biking.

As far as I am aware the car park, and the crit track extensions (why aren't people whinging about the consultation or spend there?) were on the master plan well before any trail link to Cotter.

I asked the contact as a rep of slalom skateboarding about a pump track instead of the green event space, and was told the carpark/event space was already a fair way down into the process but there were discussions about other things on the cards that would be of interest to skateboarders.

I am gathering some stats and so forth to put forward for representation of the broader skateboard community on the Stromlo planning committee as the committee doesn't currently have any input from skateboarding. From a skateboarding perspective a selaed carpark would be a good thing, not to skate on though it would make it possible, but we park there for our events and casual riding, and it's nice to not have mud on your skateboard from your shoes.
The current car park is shite, especially in a normal (non SUV) vehicle. The event space is usually part of the car park or the middle and surrounds of the crit track and is not a great space as an event village, and takes out use of the crit track when big events MTB are happening. The car park is not just about mountain biking.
Fair enough, although I drive a station wagon in and haven't noticed a problem. One of my kids is a competitive runner and when the cross country is on the parking is certainly oversubscribed.

Ultimately I have no problem either way with the car park's refurbishment, but the Stromlo to Cotter flow trail was an election commitment from both Labor and Greens, and I think it's the bare minimum that should be invested in.
Fair enough, although I drive a station wagon in and haven't noticed a problem. One of my kids is a competitive runner and when the cross country is on the parking is certainly oversubscribed.

Ultimately I have no problem either way with the car park's refurbishment, but the Stromlo to Cotter flow trail was an election commitment from both Labor and Greens, and I think it's the bare minimum that should be invested in.

There's been ditches in that carpark I could skate in ;)

I will ask Stromlo about the promised trail and maybe a clarification of funding sources and timelines pointing out it might help them to mention if this has no bearing on the new trail and it's still going ahead.
Jo Clay has posted this, looking good for Stromlo:

Jo Clay said:
Today I was really pleased that the Assembly passed my motion to deliver on commitments for mountain biking.
Mountain biking is so much fun! It makes so much sense for health, social connection and as a fun way to enjoy the outdoors. But I’ve heard frustration from some of Canberra's thousands of mountain bikers, particularly those at Stromlo, that there’s a real sense that we are falling behind other destinations, like Derby and Rotorua.

I’m delighted that today we secured ACT Government commitment to deliver the Stromlo to Cotter flow trail and to prioritise new trails and maintenance. We also got commitment for better consultation with mountain bikers, a broader consultation group and a single point of contact for the community, which will really help. If you want to find out about mountain biking in Canberra, you can now email
Minister Steel also announced development of a 5 year trails masterplan to guide infrastructure delivery. I'm really pleased he weighed in with new announcements today. It is great to see the Minister personally backing mountain biking.

Recently I was out riding with Mic Longhurst, owner and founder of Stromlo mountain biking business Dynamic Motivation MTB, former racer and stalwart of the mountain biking community. Mic has also welcomed today’s announcements. He says "mountain biking is an amazing sport that can be enjoyed by a diverse demographic. It provides great experiences for local riders and the many juniors that are gaining so much from the sport as well as bringing substantial tourism dollars into the ACT. It's awesome to see an increased focus from the ACT Government and I can’t wait to see more investment and clearer commitments at Stromlo and the community benefits it will bring.”
Jo Clay has posted this, looking good for Stromlo:

yeww excellent!!!
I'm heading to Canberra this coming Monday 12/12 until Thursday with extended family. I'm planning to purchase a second hand single speed bike locally while I'm there.

We are staying at Alivio Tourist Park and from reading here the two main places to ride are at Stromlo and Majura.

Would anyone be up for a ride?

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Cheers, Bruce Ridge looks to be the go to squeeze in an early morning ride :)

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Majura are a great set of trails! Looking at the map I thought they would be quite spaced out but wasn't really the case.

Started the blue loop and did Larry/Barry and Point Brake and Rock Lobster, then pushed up the fire road to do a couple of the red double diamond tracks, was a bit sketchy with the hardtail with worn ikons and no dropper. Had to walk down the rock gardens. Spent too much time on those tracks and started to cramp so couldn't really enjoy Planet Claire.

Went back to the carpark to fill up water then did Auto Alley which would have been a fun challenge if I had better fitness and newer tyres. Did Pinot Grigio and Bombora and pushed up Rock Block and rode back down the track.

If I go to Canberra again would definitely go back to Majura Pines! Would try Stromlo too

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I'm 50 this Saturday and will head out to Stromlo for a ride in the arvo and beers after. Handlebar might not be open so might need to do a bottle shop run. I'd say riding at 4 for an hour, I'm extremely slow and sketchy recently so it will be very mellow pace, probs just up and down the front.
I'm 50 this Saturday and will head out to Stromlo for a ride in the arvo and beers after. Handlebar might not be open so might need to do a bottle shop run. I'd say riding at 4 for an hour, I'm extremely slow and sketchy recently so it will be very mellow pace, probs just up and down the front.
Happy birthday mate.

Not back in Canberra until next year, but have a good one!
I'm 50 this Saturday and will head out to Stromlo for a ride in the arvo and beers after. Handlebar might not be open so might need to do a bottle shop run. I'd say riding at 4 for an hour, I'm extremely slow and sketchy recently so it will be very mellow pace, probs just up and down the front.
Happy birthday mate I'm away so will have to catch up and shout you a beer in the New Year.
She was genuinely interested when I approached her a year or so ago. I know it's easy to be cynical about what a bit of agitation and writing to your local member can achieve, but this looks promising.
The government has finally ponied up $1.8m for the flow trail, with UC contributing $1m and taking over naming rights to the park in exchange for the coin.
Construction of the new paid parking is pending with completion late this year.
And for locals consultation on the new trails masterplan is open as per the below:
