COVID-19: who’s going full doomsday prep on this?

Hmmmmm, Shit Gets real .

If people continue to flout the rules - it will be a UK - " Wartime " type situation.
“Private investors from a country with which Australia has a free trade agreement faced no FIRB scrutiny on bids for non-sensitive businesses valued up to $1.192 billion, and on sensitive assets worth up to $275 million.”

Or: you can buy Australia, just not all at once.

If we have to take temporary measures to protect the national interest, we should question whether our FTAs are good for us full stop. Global markets are going to change post coronavirus; all trade agreements should be reviewed and renegotiated to allow us to rebuild our economy. Greater royalties on resources and import tariffs to improve our trade position.

The government should also ban Daigou buying or at least regulate it, otherwise this will remain a backdoor through which the CCP can continue to buy stuff we need here.
We need to be careful that sound very socialist lefty talk. Seems like capitalism is all good when it's good but maybe we are realising we need a centre government with strong checks and balances not far left or right one?
Can anyone ell me what this means in basic English? I find it amazing that I have to resort to to figure out what it means. The DHHS site is a wall of public servant text.
You can blame the public service but the minister is the one approving the text. They won't let the departments publish clear guidance because they don't want responsible if it goes tits up.

And to answer your question, I have no idea and I'm used to deciphering the jargon coming from ministers.
updated 3 mins ago - 9am - Melbs Time

" Premier Daniel Andrews says Victoria has moved to stage three restrictions, which come into effect from midnight tonight.

That involves an on the spot fine of more than $1,600 if you breach the two-person rule.

"If you are outside, or in your backyard, gathering in more than two people, if you are having friends over for dinner or friends over for drinks that are not members of your household, then you are breaking the law," Mr Andrews said.

You face an on the spot fine of more than $1,600 and Victoria Police will not hesitate to take action against you. That is how serious this is."

Mr Andrews hasn't ruled out calling a state of disaster, but says that will be "done on advice". "

From ABC News Live
[mention]johnny [/mention] seems there is more to that medical supplies story.

If you paste that article into you can read it.
Wow, never seen outline before, that's awesome.

Regards the article, I don't see any link between the purchasing of PPE and the new FIRB limits. Not only is that link not made in the report but purchasing retail items is not investment so companies like Risland could continue on buying whatever they want.

In saying that, I wonder where Risland got that PPE from at end of Feb. As far as I know, we were already scrounging for our own then. I wonder if unscrupulous sellers went to a higher bidder rather than keep them in the country and sell to the govt. It also seems funny as we're buying from China at the moment as well, it's like swings and round abouts...., or Chinese buyers purchase quality kit from us and Australian buyers get dodgy kit from Chinese suppliers (in saying that, the stuff we sell to China was probably made in China in the first place)
“Private investors from a country with which Australia has a free trade agreement faced no FIRB scrutiny on bids for non-sensitive businesses valued up to $1.192 billion, and on sensitive assets worth up to $275 million.”

Or: you can buy Australia, just not all at once.

If we have to take temporary measures to protect the national interest, we should question whether our FTAs are good for us full stop. Global markets are going to change post coronavirus; all trade agreements should be reviewed and renegotiated to allow us to rebuild our economy. Greater royalties on resources and import tariffs to improve our trade position.

The government should also ban Daigou buying or at least regulate it, otherwise this will remain a backdoor through which the CCP can continue to buy stuff we need here.

I agree regards the reviewing of trade/manufacturing capabilities, etc. when this is all over, however I think there are some problems with what you've said. Firstly, we want foreign investment, including that from China. Investing in a country is not 'buying it', it's not like they can pick it up and take it back to China/America/Netherlands. (well, mining might be a different story...) They can always buy farms, factories or real estate and if we feel that the balance is in the national interest, we simply nationalise.

I think you might misundertand what Daigou is. It doesn't benefit the CCP, they are actually not the greatest fans of some of it because they want Chinese to buy domestically, not internationally. Daigou is individuals doing grey imports.

Good stuff .
Its no good opposing China militarily when we have have allowed them to take over the country by stealth by immigration , political donations and trade .
I suppose most migrants are anti CCP so its not a rascist rant.
Political donations (and all other forms of interference that are covered by the new laws), yeah, for sure. However, you might want to give evidence for how China is 'invading' Australia by immigration and trade before you settle on opinions like that, Pauline.
To those of you that drive cars and need to are you going about using the pumps? I can't imagine service stations having someone cleaning every pump every time it is used, like supermarkets are doing with their trolleys+baskets

My local is offering disposable gloves prior to filling, or you can wrap the handle in paper that they have. That and then some hand sanitizer after paying left me feeling pretty safe
If you weren't sure that the WHO were a lapdog for China then this has to remove any doubt.
Utterly disgraceful for a organisation with 'World' in their title. Politics over health.

Yep, utterly contemptible, as with the lick-spittle approach they had to China in the opening days of this outbreak. WHO have really damaged themselves over the last few months (given that their head is a political actor rather than a health expert certainly does no help)
Wow, never seen outline before, that's awesome.

Regards the article, I don't see any link between the purchasing of PPE and the new FIRB limits. Not only is that link not made in the report but purchasing retail items is not investment so companies like Risland could continue on buying whatever they want.

In saying that, I wonder where Risland got that PPE from at end of Feb. As far as I know, we were already scrounging for our own then. I wonder if unscrupulous sellers went to a higher bidder rather than keep them in the country and sell to the govt. It also seems funny as we're buying from China at the moment as well, it's like swings and round abouts...., or Chinese buyers purchase quality kit from us and Australian buyers get dodgy kit from Chinese suppliers (in saying that, the stuff we sell to China was probably made in China in the first place)

I don’t actually think PPE is the issue here it’s just been used as an example, it’s the pivot the company made under directive of the ccp while we are all in crisis. Something else must be going on we don’t know about, remember Morrison enacted powers so border force/feds/etc could seize goods from the ports a few weeks back? Might not just be these 2 companies doing it. Maybe there was a lot of ccp infulenced companies taking adavantage and doing shit we have no idea about? To lock down foreign investment is a huge move by a gov who would privatise everything if the could..
I don’t actually think PPE is the issue here it’s just been used as an example, it’s the pivot the company made under directive of the ccp while we are all in crisis. Something else must be going on we don’t know about, remember Morrison enacted powers so border force/feds/etc could seize goods from the ports a few weeks back? Might not just be these 2 companies doing it. Maybe there was a lot of ccp infulenced companies taking adavantage and doing shit we have no idea about? To lock down foreign investment is a huge move by a gov who would privatise everything if the could..
Yeah, that angle makes sense. And Phil Coury is a reputable journo so I agree, there is likely something below the surface and I reckon that you're likely right, that the govt is now faced with stark examples of SOEs working for strategic aims rather than market goals, and that's likely to be a big part of this. I also think that they are genuinely concerned about mass-scale bottom feeding, and not just from China. I didn't know about that power to seize goods from ports.
I thought the messaging was a clearer tonight by both of them. Dr Murphy had one of his better nights..
What still isn’t justified is why you can only have 10 people at a funeral but 200 at bunnings.. Why can no more than 2 people can socialise together but 200 can browse bunnings for shit they don’t need..
This is where it gets messy. I find it brutally cruel the person limit of a funeral but not on people who want to by paint.. It’s a really shit, nearly unforgivable, policy..
Bunnings now doing online sales with home delivery, no reason to go out unless you really really need to
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And to answer your question, I have no idea and I'm used to deciphering the jargon coming from ministers.

Same here on my end. All my FB pages got smashed with punters arguing the definition of 'premesis'. They should give up the whole idea of what businesses open/close numbers gathered etc and just apply universal rules.

  1. Max outdoor gatherings (this only just got done)
  2. Max indoor spacing for all sectors.
  3. Touching rules. Basic rules or commonly touching stuff, like door handles, EFTPOS machines (still gotta put in pin for over $100 purchases) and no picking up shit and putting it back on the shelf!
  4. Clarity on visits and non essential mobility. They have said stay home but clearly it's not currently enforced as it's not a rule requirement.
Bunnings now doing online sales with home delivery, now reason to go out unless you really really need to
But the government seem super reluctant to define "need to"

I need to go to work
I need to go buy toilet paper
I need to take the dogs for a walk
I need to send the kids to school
I need to get some supplies for a project at home
I need to go get a hair cut
I need to stock up on ice cream
I need to go buy some puzzles

It's so ambiguous it's little wonder people have been paying little attention to it.

I personally can't afford to take another few months off work after 6months off last year. I'm currently up on a roof with no-one else around me so that's ok. My wife also can't afford to take time off work, but she works in a germ factory (childcare) so she's stressed out currently.

All this half assed closures sends a mixed message and drags it out longer than it needs to be dragged out. We could both stop work now and isolate but what happens in 3 weeks time when the government decides to show some actual leadership and shut everything down? We're unemployed, we've whittled down the savings, and we're near out of lockdown supplies.

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