COVID-19: who’s going full doomsday prep on this?

If the government is going to invest millions in residential construction, they should be doing it in a way that has a net positive effect on the people who most need it.

Yep took a look at the policy in detail and came to the same conclusion.

The other problem is that it is a commonwealth government administered grants scheme. If anyone has ever done a grants scheme with commonwealth then you will know how terrible these things are. Very documentation heavy and lots of red tape. couple this with builders, who are notoriously terrible at paperwork and admin, and it starts to look quite shakey.
"Renovation work will not include structures separate to the main property, such as swimming pools, tennis courts and sheds. "

It's ok though, for $750k I could put a pool/skate bowl inside the main $1.5m property, maybe even a half tennis court.

It really is a poorly conceived, shitty plan isn't it. Anyone setting out on a reno project with a budget of $150k will already know that it's going to blow out by 20 to 30 percent and have that cash in reserve. A $25k cheque isn't going to incentivise many in that bracket, and who's going to be game enough to sink money into their house at the moment when no-one can predict how much the real estate market is going to tank in the short to near term?

The headlines in 12 months will be "HomeBuilder costs less than orginally forecast" and the govt will have delivered on an empty promise with little expenditure. The estimated $688m cost in that ABC article could go a long way to employing a lot of tradies to build a lot of public housing for people with no home at all.
This houseprice keeper package is really just to try and convince people who were about to reno or build before covid to pull the trigger.. Getting plans/permits for 150k renos or new builds in the time frame the gov has outline is going to limit the policies effectiveness..
It’s a pretty shallow political play for the libs voter base.. Of all the industries that need help tradies and builders should be at the bottom of the list. They were able to operate as normal through lockdown and any lose of income was offset with jobkeeper..
Typical to see the arts, hospitality etc get nothing even though they lost 100% of their incomes in a lot of cases..
There would be a 1/2 dozen or more pensioners in my street with houses they bought years ago falling down around their ears. People like this need money spent on their homes to get them up to modern standards and I could do it for under 25k. Once again the people who need the most help get nothing.
It really is a poorly conceived, shitty plan isn't it. Anyone setting out on a reno project with a budget of $150k will already know that it's going to blow out by 20 to 30 percent and have that cash in reserve. A $25k cheque isn't going to incentivise many in that bracket

They have structured it so as not to incentivise people who might be thinking about it, but people who had plans already and might have halted due to covid uncertainty. This will incentivise them to bring forward their projects.

That's how i read it anyway.
Spot on @Nambra and @lietch.

I thought I was middle but have no need to spend $150k on renovations.

We were looking at this scale as a complete energy effiicent overhaul to live in the house our lifetime and have it last well beyone being already near 50 years old and 90% OG, but my wife would need to be permanently employed full time to commit to the extra debt and she's not been able to even get casual or temp work for 6 months.

There would be a 1/2 dozen or more pensioners in my street with houses they bought years ago falling down around their ears. People like this need money spent on their homes to get them up to modern standards and I could do it for under 25k. Once again the people who need the most help get nothing.

ScoMo says you're a cowboy. He'd say that about my dad who has held his builders licence for 50+ years but does small jobs in the community these days.
My whole property only cost $150k
Once I finish lining the gazebo I will sell it to you. Nice VJ with federation ceiling rose. You can double your investment.

I think the govt missed an opportunity with this. Not sure who will qualify for the handout to be honest. Criteria quite tight. If they had it for any home works o er $5k on a sliding scale up to $25k and let owner builders in there would be much more stimulation.
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Once I finish lining the gazebo I will sell it to you. Nice VJ with federation ceiling rose. You can double your investment.

I think the govt missed an opportunity with this. Not sure who will qualify for the handout to be honest. Criteria quite tight. If they had it for any home works o er $5k on a sliding scale up to $25k and let owner builders in there would be much more stimulation.
It'll double our floor plan too!

We're waiting for a small inheritance to arrive so we can re-stump, that would have been a handy bonus to get a few other things sorted at the same time.
Last stimulus I was working for companies installing "pink batts". The company was making upwards of $600 per house sometimes as much as $1k and we could do 3-4 in a day. We didn't touch the black wired places that killed several untrained contractors thankfully. A mate of a mate also did a lot of the schools stimulus building, putting in standard 6x4 sheds for around $25k each. The way that stimulus was designed just allowed companies to rort the schemes for massive pay days and a few people retired off the profits made in just a couple of years.

This time around we are looking at using the $25k + $20k from the state government to build a house so we are the exact targets for this scheme, as it allows us to build instead of buy as its financially so much better.

This assumes though that we can find a builder available to knock up a house in 12 months which given the amount of work currently available is unlikely. The building trade has been flat out for years and this scheme, like the housing boom back in 08/09 I think it was, will only mean poorly built houses will spring up left right and centre from dodgy builders again looking to make a quick buck.

it's the definition of insanity, doing the same thing but expecting a different result.
Bloke up the road qualifies for the instant asset write off, bought his missus a new Prado aka "work vehicle"

Universal problem with stimulus is that people who can make use of the stimulus generally don't need it.

Thus the focus of stimulus measures should be economic multipliers. Prados fail that measure too.

it's the definition of insanity, doing the same thing but expecting a different result.

No, it's the definition of a lobby-capitalist system.
Last stimulus I was working for companies installing "pink batts". The company was making upwards of $600 per house sometimes as much as $1k and we could do 3-4 in a day. We didn't touch the black wired places that killed several untrained contractors thankfully. A mate of a mate also did a lot of the schools stimulus building, putting in standard 6x4 sheds for around $25k each. The way that stimulus was designed just allowed companies to rort the schemes for massive pay days and a few people retired off the profits made in just a couple of years.

This time around we are looking at using the $25k + $20k from the state government to build a house so we are the exact targets for this scheme, as it allows us to build instead of buy as its financially so much better.

This assumes though that we can find a builder available to knock up a house in 12 months which given the amount of work currently available is unlikely. The building trade has been flat out for years and this scheme, like the housing boom back in 08/09 I think it was, will only mean poorly built houses will spring up left right and centre from dodgy builders again looking to make a quick buck.

it's the definition of insanity, doing the same thing but expecting a different result.

Several? Are you sure?

Congrats on having a stimulus win with the house build.

Fucked if I know why the construction/building/handyman industry seems to need the support. All the guys I know working in said industry are doing massive hours and wishing they had less work