COVID-19: who’s going full doomsday prep on this?

on what grounds? bikes considered liquid assets now?

I think some members of society consider the ownership of bikes liquid.

I don't recall being given a reason, just that I did no qualify. In the first round (2020) despite being means tested and having no work I received about $50/week. In the 2021 mass lockdown I got a solid payout despite still working at one of the two jobs I had at the time. Then this year when I finally had it...nothing.
Once you’re on a list…..

“The Data Availability and Transparency Act 2022 (DAT Act) establishes a legislative scheme for sharing Australian Government data held regarding the person/entity/criminal organisation hence forth known as pink poodle”

I'm on a few lists.
I think some members of society consider the ownership of bikes liquid.

I don't recall being given a reason, just that I did no qualify. In the first round (2020) despite being means tested and having no work I received about $50/week. In the 2021 mass lockdown I got a solid payout despite still working at one of the two jobs I had at the time. Then this year when I finally had it...nothing.
so the casual sick leave scheeme is set to be a pearler then.
Flu vaxxed? I've been doing it since it became free for me at work, work always does it in April.

It's funny anecdotally hearing people say "I never get the flu so won't bother" but were vehement about getting COVID vaxxed. People are strange.
No, I'm not flu vaxxed; including this recent episode I can count on one hand the number of times in my life I've had flu, with digits to spare. As a borderline recluse, my risk of exposure is very low.

I'm Covid-vaxxed, but only because of the apocalyptic hysteria which would keep me in lockdown indefinitely if I didn't get it; I was going nuts enough as it was under forced lockdown (ironic for a semi-recluse), so wasn't keen on making it any longer than it needed to be.

If allowed the same level of risk assessment as for other things I probably wouldn't have got that shot either....
I don't agree with the analogy, but some interesting words about covid deaths etc.

My Issue is the constant rhetoric that one death is one too many - then we seem to have acceptable numbers when it suited that narrative - I am just tired of being manipulated
My Issue is the constant rhetoric that one death is one too many - then we seem to have acceptable numbers when it suited that narrative - I am just tired of being manipulated

I love that one moment "we" really cared and suddenly it's zero fucks and full steam ahead. I enjoyed the big lockdown of 2021 and would happily go $$$ rolling in and bikes to be ridden and work (1) closed. Ahhhhh the bliss.
My Issue is the constant rhetoric that one death is one too many - then we seem to have acceptable numbers when it suited that narrative - I am just tired of being manipulated
Call me naive, but I never saw it that way.

My understanding is that the whole idea behind lockdowns was to drag things out to a point where vaccines would be able to do a lot of the hard yards, without letting the hospitals get overrun. We have vaccines now, and the chicken had flown the coop, so they decided to stage the easing of restrictions and see how things went. As they raised, hospitals didn't get overrun, and society could go back to functioning more or less like normal.

Early days, when we had no protection, bigger issues were at a much higher rate per infection than they are now. Be it due to new strains being less bad, or vaccines working, the end result is infections running rampant but those needing a lot of help remaining reasonably constant.

I was never under any illusion that governments cared about my welfare, but they definitely care if I get sick and have to spend a month in hospital on taxpayer dollarydoos.

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My understanding is that the whole idea behind lockdowns was to drag things out to a point where vaccines would be able to do a lot of the hard yards, without letting the hospitals get overrun.

Pretty sure we had plenty of vaccines here when it all went to shit at Christmas 2021 and the town+state quickly tumbled into chaos and shortages well into 2022.

Side note - I was in a supermarket that I don't normally go to on Tuesday and they had barely any toilet paper.