Forrest Festival 2011


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Looks like great fun Norm.:cool:

I find it interesting that this is the same time that the Jeep 24hr race was run in Forrest last year. Not happening this year?


Eats Squid
The Jeep 24 hour is definitely running, which will return to it's original location of Redesdale and will run on the same final weekend of November it traditionally has every other year. Forrest have made an informed, deliberate decision to run this up against the Jeep 24 hour in competition with it.


Likes Bikes
Can't wait for the Forrest fest! If you haven't been to this awesome town, get over for this... The town just has such great potential to have its own fat tyre fest around this race (or another time) in the future too!


Likes Bikes and Dirt
yes interesting that they would schedule event in competition with Full Gas at Redesdale - of course having organised athletic events it's difficult to not have clashes.

I'm glad it's moved however - I'm over riding in the wet & mud that we encountered each year, yes I know it's a rain Forrest, but never happy when you think about all the damage done post event and the fact that it would take months to recover.

Redesdale on the other hand was approaching drought & dust - but now since the wetter weather and post fires it's recovering. Great tracks out there, technical rock gardens, some nice rocky climbs and descents and just some good old single track.
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Likes Bikes and Dirt
It is a shame that the two events will compete against each other, because the Forrest Festival needs a good chance to establish itself. I believe it will be a great event, having read though all the info regarding the stages, and it's clearly better planned than the Jeep 24 was to support the local businesses.

However, I had already mentally committed myself to attempting my first 24hr solo this year, so it's Redesdale for me.


Eats Squid
yes interesting that they would schedule event in competition with Full Gas at Redesdale - of course having organised athletic events it's difficult to not have clashes.
I do not know of any events being held the week before the Jeep, or the three weeks after. Not saying there aren't any, but I certainly can't think of any, and anyone who knows me knows I can usually rattle a pretty comprehensive calendar off the top of my head at call.

Many have asked me why it could not have been held on any of these weeks, of course I don't have the answer to this, as I don't speak for Forrest MTB Club - but I do think it's a question worth asking - why clash with a major event during a five week period which is mostly free of events statewide?

As for Redesdale, it's coming along fine, it's in the hands of very competent trail-builders to handle its redevelopment.


Likes Dirt
The reasons for this unfortunate clash are as follows.

The date has been on the Forrest calendar for sometime now and many people rely upon it.
We wanted a date as late in the year as possible, to get better weather. Stats will show that the later in the year the more likely you are to have better weather. The rainfall decreases steadily over the calendar year.
So, we looked at December but the following week is already taken up with the Lorne Anaconda Race, which is barely 50k from our event and attracts many of the same types as our events do.

I feel that Redesdale is far enough away from Western Victoria (which is where many of the entrants to the Forrest 6 hour come from) to be able to be on the same weekend.

So, yes it's unfortunate. But what is, is.


Likes Dirt
Horses for courses...

If I can get an entry I plan to do the Forrest Festival rather than the Jeep.
I've done the Jeep for the last two years making a total of six 24+ hour events for me in the last two and a half years and I can't bring myself to endure another graveyard shift.
Having been introduced to stage racing at Bike Buller it's tonnes of fun with a great social atmosphere between events. I think that in the end, some will still want to push themselves for 24 hrs, like my mates who will be at Redesdale and other will want to smash it up, have some fun off the bike and then smash it up again etc, like I hope to do at Forrest.
Full Gas do a great job but unfortunately you can't really call 'dibs' on a weekend to run an event.


Likes Dirt
Sounds like a great concept for an event, but clashing with an event that has been on the same weekend for the past 8 years? I know where I'll be!


Likes Dirt
Mona/Jeep 24 hr and the Forrest Festival in my opinion are being aimed at two completely different markets in the mtb community as far as I'm concerned so not really competing against each other.


Likes Dirt
Not a competition...just an offer of something different.

Mona/Jeep 24 hr and the Forrest Festival in my opinion are being aimed at two completely different markets in the mtb community as far as I'm concerned so not really competing against each other.
Agree here.
Clashing dates & competing with the market of racing participants is not the aim of the Forrest Festival.

From my understanding it stems from such deeper reasons:
- Providing an opportunity for the local community to create income and show off their businesses to those visiting the town of Forrest.
- Building on the relationship with DSE (land managers of the trails) as well as the local council to further encourage time and financial investment in the upkeep & growth of the trails. Reasons to do so by running successful events.
- Finally providing an event that attracts a totally different market to a MTB event that may not otherwise do so. In Forrest often a large proportion of entrants come from the Western Victoria region and many are new to MTB racing. This region is an area that is under utilised with MTB events.

It is indeed providing controversy within the MTB community, people need to look beyond this and realise that what is being offered is actually a valuable addition to the MTB event calender.
FGP will continue to provide an awesome event in what has become an ICONIC 24hr race, taking it back to its original location is indeed a step in a positive direction and may indeed grow beyond its original numbers due to the flexibility and freedom it will have at Redesdale.

I know that I personally send my best wishes to those in FGP working on these awesome projects. Go for it and we look forward to seeing it grow huge and even better than previous.

Forrest Festival will also grow in its own right. Now lets move on from politics and enjoy the sport of Mountain biking.


Likes Dirt
Mona/Jeep 24 hr and the Forrest Festival in my opinion are being aimed at two completely different markets in the mtb community as far as I'm concerned so not really competing against each other.
Yep, totally. I have no interest whatsoever in ever participating in a 24hr race. But a two day stage race? yeeehaaa! :D


Likes Dirt
Yep, totally. I have no interest whatsoever in ever participating in a 24hr race. But a two day stage race? yeeehaaa! :D
I'm in a similar position. 24hr events don't attract me, but a stage race at Forrest sounds totally excellent. I will most certainly be there with my best bells, brass knobs, and party dress on.


Likes Dirt
I'm in a similar position. 24hr events don't attract me, but a stage race at Forrest sounds totally excellent. I will most certainly be there with my best bells, brass knobs, and party dress on.
There is a party dress as well?????? well this will be one to see! haha!