Currently trying (succeeding) to lose weight.
185.5cm tall
finished the university exam period at 88kg (bmi 25.6 :mmph: yet I could still smash out a 4hr enduro in 38 degrees {obviously not going as well as I would when fit} - go figure)
Immediately set about on a weight loss regieme featuring lots of brown rice, tuna, 50% reduced fat cheese (normal light cheese is 25% reduced), vegtables, lean meat plus massive doses of cardio (road cycling and xc for 3-6 hours a day, weeks were 2 days on, 1 off, 3 on, 1 off - repeat for 4 weeks) doing this I dropped 4.5kgs - of which 3 were in the first week (not the first time I've shed 3kgs in a week - I guess my body responds to shock therapy :whip
i.e. 83.5
After spending a couple of days up on a farm with no access to a bike (I jogged for about 1.5hrs a day for 3 days + a two hour hike up and down a bloody steep mountain) I came back to find myself down to 82. Colour me confused. I put it down to a further reduced food intake (kitchen was poorly stocked health snack wise, so I abstained) plus a switch to a diet that was much higher in protein and lower in carbs (the only other health nut on the trip was a body builder, so out of curiosity I mimiced his diet for the 3 days - hard boiled eggs in the morning, tuna salad for lunch, kangaroo steak and veg for dinner)
As a result I've adopted a new diet since getting home. I'm now down to 81.3kg
100g cornflakes (a very healthy brand) + 60g fresh blueberries + skim milk + metamucil (psyllium husk) + mug of orange juice
either Navy+Kidney bean + vegtable salad
Tuna, Rocket, Light Cheese, Tomato, Lettuce sandwhiches on a very healthy multigrain bread
kangaroo steak + asparagus + capsicum + carrots + green beans + zuchini/rocket/brocolli
probably 3 additional serves of fruit spread about as morning tea, afternoon tea, desert (typically a green apple)
time constraints/ weather have clamped me down to 1 day on 1 day off with 3-3.5 hours of cycling/mtbing but the weight is still falling off! yay - down to a bmi of 23.6 now!
Targetting 78kg (bmi 22.7) because that is the lowest I have been since I was 16 (21 now) (i got down to 78 to race solo 24hr worlds in canberra in october 2010)
Once I hit 78 I'll hit the gym hard and stabilise the weight with some increased cycling applicable muscle bang on 80kgs:
I was given this as a list of cycling oriented exercises:
• Upright rowing - strengthen deltoid and shoulder for extra protection in a fall.
• Pull up - reproduces the pulling up you use on a steep uphill.
• Squats - upper thigh parallel to the ground-for that quad strength for steep climbs.
• Bent over rowing - to stabilize the handlebars when pedaling hard.
• Step ups on a platform with weight on shoulders - one leg at a time-for quad strength.
• Push ups - mimics the push on the handlebars used during technical rides through dips and on uneven terrain.
• Leg Curls
• Dips
• Dead Lifts
• Lunges
• Back Extensions
• Sit Ups
• Seated Calf Raise
• Standing Calf Raise
... although the temptation may be there to screw muscle mass and see how low I can push the weight - for no other reason than to see how far I can push it and my self control (I swear I'm not an anorexic! well I was 88 kgs about 8 weeks ago, so you already know that)
Also, I haven't had an alcoholic beverage since October 29! (not that I was ever a big drinker, but my 21st birthday party left me with a 2 day hangover and I haven't had a drink since!)
Don't really have any pressing questions - I just felt like putting words to paper.
Although I have noticed little bottles at my LBS of this and this - the label makes pretty impressive claims, any thoughts/experiances/observations/comments?