Get the girls with our special weight-loss dieting techniques


Likes Bikes and Dirt
It has to happen! So I thought I'd create a thread about it for a place to post useless crap about my petty pastimes - and I'm sure there's many others out there feeling the lethargy winter brings on so it could be a group/challenge sort of thing if you want.

My story is, I'm overweight. 10kg over what I'd consider "ideal", and 5kg over my upper limit that I'd sat at for a while. Blergh. Have been lardy for a while, since riding dropped down the list of fun things to do, then having an injury plague me for 6 months didn't help either.
Next thing I know I'm unemployed and terribly inactive, living a nocturnal life with a very poor diet... think noodles and frozen food as regular meals, combined with the usual party silliness which brought on heavy drinking every weekend. Sounds pretty bad, but thankfully it's not out of control and I am aware of the damage such habits do (but it's oh so fun!).

So now I know what my injury is and how to deal with it, I can start riding again. Not only that, I've started study and will be working again pretty soon so it's all good. Except I'm feeling pretty shithouse due to lack of fitness - which then makes my asthma worse. The plan is to get back in the commuting routine - half hour each way at least 3 days a week, get the diet back to sensible eating then start tackling longer rides over the weekend.
Nothing drastic, hence an achievable target, just wanting to ease back in to the place I should be.
This story must sound familiar to many of you, and I'd like to have a few join in to get active again in time for summer. This isn't for you bastards that ride 300km a week yet sleep in through one training ride and whinge "oh I'm oh so unfit now", it's for the tubby bastards who are truly unfit and lethargic. My approach is to gradually change and make that change permanent, not to just drop 5kg in a month through dieting then revert back to old ways once that's done.

First up: start commuting from next week (it's been 9 months since I've had to travel on peak hour trains and this morning's hell was enough inspiration to start riding again).
It will take a few weeks to get used to the "normal" eating and sleeping thing but I also plan on cutting out unnecessary fried foods straight away. No more chips to snack on, no more more crappy takeaway. Easy enough to do I guess, a big sacrifice to make but a worthy one.
So from the first of August this plan kicks in, and if I can lose a couple of kg's every month I'll be a happy man - 'cause I know the way I plan to lose them means they'll stay off.

Who else is in?
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LOL, there's a pic of a friend and I pushing our manboobs together being used as someone's sig on another forum right now. I opt to not post any more incriminating pictures of myself online for fear of their use against me ;)
LOL, there's a pic of a friend and I pushing our manboobs together being used as someone's sig on another forum right now. I opt to not post any more incriminating pictures of myself online for fear of their use against me ;)

Come on.. do it... whats the forum then?
Im keen on this thread. I was 120kgs 3months ago Im now 105kgs now I have my DH bike on the road the rest should shed pretty quick. I want to hit 90 or work out lots and stay at 100.
Hell yeah I'm in... Similar situation to you bs, gotten about 12kgs over the weight I would rather be. I ride every now and then with mates who are way fitter than me, but I like your slower approach, riding with whippets just makes ya feel shite about yourself sometimes. I have recently built up a single speed commuting bike, and have a 20min each way run to work.

So is the idea? a weekly report on plans and progress etc?
Starting to commute to work will make the biggest difference atm I think. On the diet note, learn to combine thick noodles with tuna and those stay fresh microwave ready vegetables. Small steps! I use mi goreng, REAL cheap with those and its like $3 a meal IF that and its so god damn healthy, compared to most other things for $3. On days where noodles are starting to get boring, have some turkish bread in the freezer, thaw out in the microwave and toast that combination, that also rules and works out real cheap. Good, easy and healthy option at work for sure.

Eat breakfast as well. Breakfast rules.
I have dropped 11kg in the last 6 months.

Only need to lose about another 20kg to be back into double figures
Wow I was thinking about making the same style of thread a couple of weeks ago.

Anyways I am in but for me it is mainly for muscling up and losing fat at the same time. I have been doing it for two months now. Maybe we should have a template of some sort as well, if you don't find that type of information to personal maybe we could have something like this:

Start Weight:
Current Weight:
Desired Weight:
Current Workout Plan:

If you are up for it I am. Would like to see a couple more people interested before I go posting my tubby tummy on the internet though.
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LOL, there's a pic of a friend and I pushing our manboobs together being used as someone's sig on another forum right now. I opt to not post any more incriminating pictures of myself online for fear of their use against me ;)

please dont tell me that its this... or this....


you have been warned.
Maybe use BMI aswell?


Ok so I will go first so here it is.

Name: Drew
Age: 16
Height: 188
Start Weight: 92 Kg
Current Weight: 87 Kg
Desired Weight: Around 95 Kg but muscle not fat
BMI: 19.6 %
Current Workout Plan: Going to gym 3 times a week. Not eating until I am full anymore just eating until I have had eloquent amount of food, which some times turn out to be half of what I would normally eat. Going to start riding to school and getting out more on my bikes during the week. Ohhh and I dont drink a litre of Coca-Cola a day anymore I only have a couple of cans on the weekend.

Although I am not overweight according to the BMI there is still fat to be lost. I think the max is about 22, but I would like to get nearer to the other end of the scale at 12. Are we going to do the pictures thing?
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Ok so I will go first so here it is.

Name: Drew
Age: 16
Height: 188
Start Weight: 92 Kg
Current Weight: 87 Kg
Desired Weight: Around 95 Kg but muscle not fat
BMI: 19.6 %
Current Workout Plan: Going to gym 3 times a week. Not eating until I am full anymore just eating until I have had eloquent amount of food, which some times turn out to be half of what I would normally eat. Going to start riding to school and getting out more on my bikes during the week.

Although I am not overweight according to the BMI there is still fat to be lost. I think the max is about 22, but I would like to get nearer to the other end of the scale at 12. Are we going to do the pictures thing?

epp isnt the max 25% for a male? 18-25% was healthy range? i know im right on 25% but im comfortable- im not overly fat and ive got reasonable msucle definition n strength- just not a showing 6 pack constantly. wouldnt 12% be a athelete level?
Name: Jon
Age: 44
Height: 170
Start Weight: 93 Kg
Current Weight: 93 Kg
Desired Weight: Around 80 Kg pre non smoking weight
BMI: 19.6 %
Current Workout Plan: Knocked off the Beer, eat brekkie, not eating as much in general, need to ride 4-5 times per week.

Thats the plan anyway
epp isnt the max 25% for a male? 18-25% was healthy range? i know im right on 25% but im comfortable- im not overly fat and ive got reasonable msucle definition n strength- just not a showing 6 pack constantly. wouldnt 12% be a athelete level?

You might be right for the top one but it definately isnt 18 for the bottom. It is around 9-11 I am pretty sure that it is what my trainer told me. If 12 were elite level my Dad would be Ano because he is currently around 8%

Edit: Ok we must have done some other test because we got told different
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Just wanna comment on the BMI thing. I am in the military, and we use BMI all the time. BMI has some limitations... First of all it should not be expressed as a percentage. It is not a direct measurement of body fat. If you have a BMI in the region of 18-25 or so, you fall nicely in the healthy weight range. Above 25 is over weight (my category) and below 18 underweight. A BMI of 12 would put you in the OMFG you are underweight category. BMI is fine if every body is of a medium build with a medium lifestyle etc... I have had gym junky mates who were ripped and massive, not an ounce of fat on them, and they couldn't attempt their annual fitness test without a medical exam because their BMI had them as ...obese... The best way of determining you body fat percentage is the pinch test. If you are like me the pinch test needs to be called a large grab/handful test.

I am fine with using BMI, just as long as we all understand what it is and how we can use it. For instance some of the BMI's shown so far appear to be body fat percentages , not BMI's. Check out wikipedia (body Mass Index), I had a look and whats there fits with what I know about it from the ADF.

Anyway heres my info:

Name: Andrew
Age: 32
Height: 179
Start Weight: 95 Kg
Current Weight: 95 Kg
Desired Weight: 83 or better (83 would put me in a healthy weight BMI)
BMI: 29.6 (overweight but way too close to obese)
Current Workout Plan: Will start with commute 20 min eachway to work 4 days per week, Saturday morning ride with mates appro 1-2 hrs, and would like to do home gym weights 3 days a week (30 min sessions???) I have the gear, just needed some motivation, like this thread.
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Age: 18
Height: 185
Start Weight: 120
Current Weight: 105
Desired Weight: 85
BMI: 31(obease :eek:)
Current Workout Plan: Ride my bike as much as I can, Ill join the gym once I am out of debt(4weeks time) No more cheap tuesday pizza's or friday night fish and chips. No more chocies at work drinking more water to feel fuller at meal times. Smaller portions of healthier food
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I'm not too keen on the younger guys joining in, if you're 16-20 you should be focusing on general healthy living not just losing weight. Also please do comment on what areas you feel will give you the most gains in loss, because as I said you don't really count if you're already fit and active :p

Might as well go with this for the sake of the thread:
Age:25 - feel much older than that due to recurring injuries and lack of fitness :eek:
Start Weight:90
Current Weight:90
Desired Weight:80 ideally, 83 would be nice
BMI:29.4 :eek: and yeah, fat test involves grabbing handfuls. Mind you BMI is a bit out for my build (stocky), I know I'll be superfit to reach 80kg but that still puts me in the band of overweight with 26, so I'm not going to pay much attention to that.
Current Workout Plan:Right now it's fucken laziness plus, internet for most of my waking hours, eating easily preparable fatty foods and drinking too much, with no exercise at all.
Future plan is to cut meals down to 3-4 well rounded meals a day, ride an hour a day and tame my weekends. Should see some improvements within a month if I stick to the plan.

woo yeah, one more day to indulge in KFC's hot+spicy fillets and then the hard work starts :D
ps. no more pics of me are needed online, the titty shots are for the privileged few only.
Oh man, this is embarrassing.

Name: Sam Davies
Age: 18
Height: 185cm-ish
Start Weight: lots
Current Weight: lots (too much)
Desired Weight: 90kgs up to a muscle-based 95kgs.
BMI: No idea
Current Workout Plan: Just started back at gym, first time in 9 months. Stopped doing regular exercise when I started filming for TIA. Stopped doing almost any exercise when I started to edit TIA (endless hours sitting in front of a computer). Before then I was strong and fit, 10kgs-ish, and was eating to suit 2 hour gym sessions 5 times a week (sometimes more), and then when I stopped I maintained a similar food intake and got to my current weight. Only found out my weight when I started back at gym - was very surprised and to be honest quite ashamed.

I started back at gym this week - I've started with pure Cardio. Doing a 5min warm up on the rower, 20mins on a bike (fat burner), 20mins on a treadmill (fat burner again), back on the bike for 15mins, and then 10 mins on the rower finishing as fucked as possible. Then 5mins cool-down on a bike. I'm doing this 4-5 times a week, but I will hopefully get there more often (ideally like 6-8 times a week, or 5 times a week plus riding on the weekends).

So far it hasn't been too bad - I'll be upping the resistance/level on all of the machines as I progress, and when I get a bit fitter start doing some strength stuff again (start with basic core strength stuff, and get more specific as I get closer to starting work at a job where I will need some extra grunt).

Intake is important - I'm cutting down and re-organising, eating earlier in the day, eating less, and eating better. Will cut down on the drinking a bit too - that shit is aweful on the old beer gut!

I'm confident - I'm an 'easy gainer' so they tell me, so I gain/lose muscle and fat really quickly. I'll loose 5kgs in the first 2 weeks, and then 1-2kgs per week after that for a while. Then I'll put some back on in muscle, and then slowly shed off the rest. That's what I predict anyway.

The aim is to be in double figures by the time I'm wearing t-shirts again (i.e. spring/summer).

Wish me luck eh :)
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