Little Things You Hate

fark, I had this problem when I binned my vtr1000, took forever to get her back from Parry's in penno hills and the next week they were in recievership.

be the ware


Drive train, seat and bars had a bike-ectomy. new frame (warranty), new forks & new wheels (new size). shop had a mechanic change in the middle. pretty much anything that could go wrong has. Will pick her up Friday ready or not.

pink poodle

Drive train, seat and bars had a bike-ectomy. new frame (warranty), new forks & new wheels (new size). shop had a mechanic change in the middle. pretty much anything that could go wrong has. Will pick her up Friday ready or not.
damn! that's a lot of happenings.


Likes Dirt
I need to vent!!!!

I'm an active member of the local mtb club that maintains an extensive network of awesome trails that have been built in recent years.
We maintain the trails under the oversight of QPWS (Queensland parks and wildlife] on whose land and at whose pleasure the trails are built.
QPWS have been nothing but supportive and that support continues to grow. The trail network is now national and internationally renowned for the quality of the 60km of purpose built single track and how they cater to "most" skills sets.
They also host several national and international races each year.

There are two local active social media pages that regularly update users on news, events etc around the park and in the local MTB world .
One of these social media sites is run by an independent middle aged person of, how shall I say it politely, has "Developing skills" This person continually criticises the grading system of the trails, the quality of the trails and the work carried out to maintain them.
Just because they may not have the skills to ride even the very moderately graded green loops they constantly bitch and whine about rocks, narrow tree gaps, drainage, re surfacing works etc etc.
Apparently they feel that because they can't ride the Blue graded trails that allow access to the higher elevations they feel that they need to be dumbed down so they can, rather than manning up and increasing their skill level and/or fitness

This would not be bothering me except for several reasons 1) Their page has quite a large following of around 1400 so they reach a wide audience 2] They have in the past caused considerable grief in regard to various issues as they are the definition of the "Vocal minority" 3] and this is the biggest of all!!!! They refuse to come to any working bee or club meeting where their opinions would get a fair hearing and they could in turn hear real mountain bikers opinions.

I believe the reason being is that past history shows they are just that a "Vocal minority"and have they have lost every battle to try to get their way, including the public forum to discuss a round of trail funding. They wanted the round of funding to go to a bigger green graded network. They lost. They were told by QPWS that the green trail network was as big as it was going to get and blue graded trails was where the money would be spent.
Their reason for wanting a bigger green network was that "Nobody rides those big travel 150mm bikes uphill so why build trails that go downhill for them?, they all use cars to shuttle and can't be bothered climbing"
I took great delight in explaining to them, in front of packed meeting room, just what the sport of MTB enduro racing was all about. They had never heard of it : )

Damn.. It frustrates the hell out of me that they can continue to bitch, whine and criticise in a public forum about the trails but will NOT front a meeting or working bee.
Whats more I just know that after our latest [polite on my part] exchange on social media they will be writing to the council and QPWS as I type to have another whine that the trails are not being maintained to a good standard and that they are endangering riders due to the poor standard or lack or repair work.

But thats democracy I guess
End of rant
As you were
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pink poodle

Fucking noobs. They are everywhere and trying to turn the trails into fire road. Have you considered posting the lead jerk a Shovel?


Likes Dirt
Fucking noobs. They are everywhere and trying to turn the trails into fire road. Have you considered posting the lead jerk a Shovel?
Its not that they are noobs [they aren't] I love noobs, seriously, good on em if they want to have a crack at the sport i have been passionate about for 25 years. They will always get my support
With these guys its that they can't seem to get it that if they can't handle the trails then either find somewhere else to ride or front up at the club or a working bee and "Put up or shut up" or, better yet, try and increase their skill set.
I regularly advocate for and help maintain trail features that I won't or can't ride due to me being old and fragile [or scared : ) but do I try to dumb them down so I can ride that specific section of trail or try and get them closed?
I stay off them and watch others having a great time!

pink poodle

Its not that they are noobs [they aren't] I love noobs, seriously, good on em if they want to have a crack at the sport i have been passionate about for 25 years. They will always get my support
With these guys its that they can't seem to get it that if they can't handle the trails then either find somewhere else to ride or front up at the club or a working bee and "Put up or shut up" or, better yet, try and increase their skill set.
I regularly advocate for and help maintain trail features that I won't or can't ride due to me being old and fragile [or scared : ) but do I try to dumb them down so I can ride that specific section of trail or try and get them closed?
I stay off them and watch others having a great time!
Sounds like you guys need more p-lines. I have built trails jumps and obstacles and seen them destroyed by people that can't ride them. Why not just ride around?


custom titis
All the trails we build have a new get off and walk option built into them. If it's too hard I get off and walk :)

This situation comes about from what I call the "entitled syndrome". People that feel they are missing out but that the world should bend to suit them. Compassion / Tolerance are foreign words to these people. They are the people that rush over to a new checkout that opens when you have waited twice as long and then smugly complain there is never enough checkouts open. They are the people that walk 3 or more abreast down the aisles and then complain they are not wide enough. You get the idea.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Wow. And I thought the vocal minority were the skilled riders complaining that new trails were too easy.


Likes Dirt
Being the elderly gent I am I hate youngsters with flash ass bikes. Not for the usual"you young louts" reason but because I feel like a rockspider because as I lust after the bikes it prob looks like I am lusting for them. Honestly, I want to ride their bikes not them:scared:

pink poodle

Being the elderly gent I am I hate youngsters with flash ass bikes. Not for the usual"you young louts" reason but because I feel like a rockspider because as I lust after the bikes it prob looks like I am lusting for them. Honestly, I want to ride their bikes not them:scared:
Docs are on their way to investigate your claims more thoroughly.


Likes Dirt
Wasn't the 'Chop Shop' was it? :behindsofa:
i'm not sure, but i think he's serious about that....was never a chops hater like a lot of people until he left the forums. He's totally kept up his chuntlike trolling attitude on facebook. But i mean, why wouldn't you go there ?? He dries his loctite on his bolts for 24 hours before installing them.

LTIH, the dog that visits my neighbors from time to time. He barks NON STOP until he leaves. He's got the most annoying small dog sounding yap even tho he's a lab or something.