Little Things You Hate

I think they just detect that the call was answered.

If so, then it will either hangup and put on the 'working number to be called later' or send you to an IVR when you can press '1' to chat a CSR where the well worn scam dialogue starts.

I used to get quite a few and they have tapered off lately. I do enjoy leading them on and wasting their time when Bruce from the subcontinent calls.

For a quick hangup, ask how is everything in East Bengal today, or ask them if they mind if I spank the monkey since I really do get aroused during these calls. Works a treat.
I tried "you sound hot, what are you wearing" and 'Brian' hung up. My wife though was unamused.
I tried "you sound hot, what are you wearing" and 'Brian' hung up. My wife though was unamused.
Ha! I told one that his brother is a sleazy and filthy man that takes out his mother for dates while he is at the call centre.

I told him that his Mum doesn't mind since she likes him better than his Uncle and the guy next door.

That got him a bit pissy. Mission accomplished :)
My parents used to get at least a telemarketing call per night and always while they were having dinner. Amazing how it stopped after I answered one and asked the caller what colour underwear they were wearing. Turns out there is more than one 'do not call' list and the unofficial one works better
I used to get quite a few and they have tapered off lately. I do enjoy leading them on and wasting their time when Bruce from the subcontinent calls.

For a quick hangup, ask how is everything in East Bengal today, or ask them if they mind if I spank the monkey since I really do get aroused during these calls. Works a treat.

Someone needs to update Lenny for the modern era :)

Five days in a sorting facility across town. Cmon ffs just pick the box up and put it in the fucking truck
Called today on its 10th day in the sorting warehouse, after raising a query last week to no avail.

"Oh yeah I can see here it says there's a problem with the addressing on the label. I'll update that for you and get it moving."

If it's that easy why didn't it get done last week when I raised the query and provided address etc? Oh yeah, because you're a useless organisation and you weren't even going to look into it until it was still delayed on August 4. Auspost sucks.
Scammers with no sense of humour.

Apparently "OMG let me give you all of my personal details, bank logins and credit card numbers" is not an appropriate response to a scam call that starts with "I am calling from Commonwealth Bank cyber security and your transfer to James Smith had been blocked."

FFS. No fun at all.
My Hate is the evolution of the scam call by legitimate companies -
I got a call that was using my correct name and address and they told me - " We are just calling as your superannuation insurance is at risk and we need to confirm some details - They asked Am I Still Working / Am I still in QLD - Then told me everything should be fine but I will receive a follow up call in a few days and I was eligible for a free superannuation assessment as well.
2 Days later - person calling me from Legitimate superannuation service (something like compare super or some shit) has my name and address etc as expected - I was busy and just said that I have a financial planner and an accountant I will call them if I need them and hung up.
A week later I get a call from a Lady from the same place that tells me she has received my details as someone wanting to look at SUPER options - I explain to her that I may have been interested if not for the shitty tactics the people setting up the call were using and explained the scenario - She seemed genuinely surprised and explained that they just get given lists to call of qualified people (having worked in a call centre selling shit this is legit) She actually seemed ok and not aware of the process but the best scammers all do.
had to say goodbye to my second bestest friend in the whole wide world today
will be a very long time before a dog as good as him crosses my path again.

LTIH getting sick a couple of days out from surgery, couple of people down at work due to Covid, last rat test came back negative fingers crossed it stays that way.
2 freaking days to go after a 6 month wait, feeling a little pissed is an understatement, I’ve even had to take a day off which is rare for me. So currently just laying in bed watching British crime dramas, (we all have our guilty pleasures).