Little Things You Love


Likes Bikes and Dirt
hitting that once too scary creekgap for the first time, then being able to clear it on every run. goooood feeling


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Grinspoon at Gold Coast BDO...

They went off! as did Rise Against.
Was truly epic! Rise Against was pretty fucking good but I reckon Grinspoon smashed it! Moshpit was mental, spent the rest of the night sitting on the hill recovering.

I'd say the highlight of my day would have to have been walking out of the tent after Grinspoon and wringing the litres of sweat out of my shirt. I must have got some on the girls feet behind me, and it must have been that time of the month because she blew up, yelling "You're spilling your drink everywhere you fuckhead, you've had enough, it's time to go home" I then took great pleasure in casually saying "This isn't going to make you any happier but that was sweat from my shirt..."
The look on her face was worth the $150 for the ticket.


Max Pfaff
I've been getting the email report for about 6 years now, and never grow tired of it. Uge is a top bloke, and his photography is inspirational.
Awesome photographer. There are a few other guys copying is daily updates now, but they are pretty lame in comparison. Uge just has that special quality. I look forward to the udates every morning.

This one is amazing. It's in the Best of '09 link on the right of the home page.



Likes Dirt
The Back To The Future trilogy.

Thankfully it hasn't suffered the same fate as my other favourite 80s/90s movie trilogies, Die Hard & Indiana Jones, and had a god-awful fourth installment made.